Saturday, March 06, 2010

[News] Kim Hyungjun to man..?

Wanted to do this translation for quite some time ever since I saw it few days ago.
This is very brief, omiting most information except for the part mentioning "Kim Hyung Jun", though they did not mention SS501's Kim Hyung Jun.
We'll see... But don't rely on this news totally, it may be a false alarm. >_<;;

Just incase you want to know more, refer to HERE
It was what reminded me to do this translation... -____-


Singer Park Sangmin's wedding best man will be Kim Hyung Jun...?

credit: JBTimes Korea +

-all non-related omitted-

This wedding carol will be scheduled to be sung by Yuri Sangja and Jang Yoon-jung, while Hong Gyung-min as well as Brian and Kim Hyung Jun have been selected as the best man for Park Sangmin's wedding.

Park Sangmin will be having his wedding ceremony along with wife Kim Mo on March 7 at the Seoul Yeoui-do 63 Building Convention Center.