Friday, June 08, 2012

7th Anniversary's members tweets (7주년 관련된 멤버들의 트윗)

7주년 기념으로 모은 한 멤버들의 트윗이구요. 애정이 가득만발~ 좋네요!!

Collation of tweets for 7th Anniversary on June 8 (Fri).

kim kyu jong (2kjdream)
7 주년이다아아아 우와아아^^ ㅎㅎ 잊지못할 6월8일..!!♥♥♥ 만세~^^ 고마워요 ^^..!! 고마워~~!!

eng: It's 7th anniversary waaaa^^ haha.. the unforgettable June 8..!!♥♥♥ Manse~^^ Thank you ya ^^..!! Thank you~~!!

12.31am (GMT+9), June 8 (Fri)

HyungJunKim (hyungjun87)

우리가 데뷔한지 7년이되었네...시간 참 빠르다. 다같이 함께해서 이자리에 올수있었지요. 너무너무 고맙고 더 좋은일이 있을거에요.다섯명은 영원히 하나..SS501 만세! 만세! 만세! 트리플S 만세!

eng: It's been 7 years since we debuted ne... Time is too fast. We're here at this spot right now because of everybody's together. Thank you so so much, there'll be more awesome matters to come. 5 forever as 1.. SS501 manse! manse! manse! TripleS manse!

7.47am (GMT+9), June 8 (Fri)

ys (mystyle1103)

7년전 이날 첫무대를 가졌었는데.. 어느덧 방송국 가면 인사를 받는 날이 오게 되다니ㅋㅋ 나도 어리고 이쁨받는 동생이었는데~~ㅋㅋ SS501 7주년!! 와우!! 후배들에게 멋진 선배가 되자!!!

eng: 7 years ago we held our first debut stage.. and soon in the blink of an eye, we start to get greetings (from juniors) when we go to TV stations already kk.. I was too a junior who was so young and well-loved ne~~kk. SS501 7th anniversary!! wow!! let us become amazing seniors to our juniors!!!

12.29pm (GMT+9), June 8 (Fri)

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