Tuesday, January 08, 2013

현중 :: 2013.01.08 | 23번째 이야기 .....................

23rd Story has arrived today in the early afternoon! This is really funny piece of diary. ^^

23번째 이야기 .....................  | 2013.01.08

첫번째 2013년일정을마치고 숙소에돌아와서 간단히밥을먹고 씻고 누웠다
첫일정에 긴장도하고 힘을써서그런지 스르륵 잠이들어버려
정신을차려보니 새벽2시반..시간이 많이지났음을 뒤늦게 알아차리고
다시누워잠을청하고..십분정도 지났나??콘서트에서 덥고 목소리를많이써서
많이 마셔댓던 물들이 다시 세상으로돌아가려는듯한신호에 서둘러서 화장실에가서 세수??ㅋㅋ를했다..가벼운 발걸름으로 돌아왔다침대쪽으로......
난 사실어두운걸좋아하기때문에 실내는 한치도한보이는 어둠모드로 조명을끄고 다니기때문에 그날도 더듬더듬침대쪽으로 향하고 침대에도착했다
침대에도착해서 이온씨에프처럼 점프를하여 사뿐이 착지를해서 얼굴은 베게에묻고 다시잠을청하고싶었다...
그것은 나만의 희망사항 이였다.......평소에 회사측에서 배려한 더블침대가아닌
투배드룸이였기때문이다...난침대와침대사이로 점핑을했던것이였다.........
새벽에 중간에있는 조명설치대에 머리를박고 몸그대로 땅바닥에 낙하한것이다
너무아퍼서 소리도나오질않았다.........혼자 컴컴한데 소리질르고 굴르고있었는데
생각해보니너무웃겨서 웃음이났다....그렇게 팔에 또하나의상처가나고 ㅋㅋ
다시잤다  덕분에 머리에 혹이났다....머리카락사이라서티는안나지만..
새해에얼마나웃기지아니한가 생각해본다 ..
적외선카메라가 설치되있었다면 다시보기로 보고싶다....
오늘아침에는 스타일리스트누나가준 스킨을얼굴에뿌리는데 분사형이아니라
직사형이라서 눈에다가 스킨을쐇다...........진짜이번년도가기대가되는구나..

I finished my first schedule of 2013 and returned to my hotel, ate something lightly and then washed up and then lied down
It was the first schedule of the year so I was feeling nervous and had put in alot of efforts, maybe that's why I feel asleep in mere moments
When I came to my senses (woke up) it was 2.30am.. I then realized I had slept for so long already, then I went back to sleep again.. After about 10 minutes?? Because it was hot at the concert and that I used alot of my voice and so I drank alot of water, a signal that felt like it was calling for return onto Earth made me get up and go to the toilet quickly where I followed to relive myself??ㅋㅋ (note: apparent meaning; he used the word 'washed up') And then after that I wobbled back with light steps back to my bed side.......
To be honest I'm fond of darkness (dark things), and that I usually move around in darkness mode where lights are off and you cannot see an inch kinda, and so that day too, I wobbled slowly back towards my bed and arrived at it
As I reached it I wanted to jump like I did in AEON CF and then hit the bed softly with a thud with my face buried into the pillow and then return to sleep...
Who knows it was only but my wishful thinking....... Because it was not the double bed that our agency usually arranges for, but a two-bedroom one (note: two beds) instead... It turned out that I jumped into in between a bed and a bed............
This happening in the dawn, I hit my head onto the lamp table that was in between the beds and fell flat onto the floor
It was so painful that I couldn't even made any sound......... I was groaning and moaning alone, but upon thinking about it I found it so funny that I laughed out loud instead.... And there appeared another injury on my arm ㅋㅋ
Then I went to sleep again. Thanks to it, a blue-black (bump) appeared on my head now.... It's in between my hair so it doesn't look amiss though..
It made me think how funny this new year is given it happened at its start
If there was a infrared CCTV camera installed I'd like to watch the footage again....
This morning, I was doing mist spraying which my stylist noona gave, but because it was not the evenly spray but the direct spray instead, thus, it ended up spraying straight into my eyes.......... Indeed it made me so anticipating the year already..

Link: Hyun Joong Korean Official Homepage 


lichiii said...

Dear Sis:

I anticipated on the way home so much reading ur translation of HJ's 23rd message, hahahahaha, and u made my day, thx a lot :-D always love it, and cant help but laugh out loud, what a guy he is, kekeke


ode said...

to Lichi sis:

Yes it was so funny upon reading at first sight. When it gets translated into Eng, it can sometimes bring the funniness down. Reading it in Korean is the best. What a guy he is! ^^