Monday, September 13, 2010

[Twitter] Kyu Jong

Yataaa!!!! 대환영~!!!

first created: September 13, 2010 (Monday)

1. 안녕하세요 김규종입니다아
@2010-09-13, 5:09 PM
English: Hello, I'm KimKyuJong ah

2. @realslow1982 선배님 안녕하세요^^
@2010-09-13, 11:24 PM
English: @realslow1982 Sunbaenim, Hello^^

3. @HyungJun87 쭌 이렇게하면 가는거?!!
@2010-09-13, 11:24 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Jjun, will it do just like that ar?!!

4. @JungMin0403 말 나도 이거했음 완전 어려움 .. 와우 ㅠ ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-13, 11:25 PM
English: @JungMin0403 Horse, now I'm playing this too and I find it so totally difficult .. Wow ㅠ hh

5. @mystyle1103 우잉?? ㅎㅎ 형 나도했어 근데 진짜 어렵다 ㅠ 현중이형은 어려워서 못하겠데 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-13, 11:25 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Wink?? hh, Hyung I'm also playing this now, but it's really so difficult ㅠ Hyunjoong-hyung finds it too hard that's why he don't play hh

6. 공홈에 영생이라고한건 오타였어요오.. 죄송합니다 ㅠ 물의를일으켜서 흑
@2010-09-13, 11:32 PM
English: A typo occurred when I wrote something with 'YoungSaeng' on the homepage.. Sorry ㅠ, I caused much unwanted trouble like that heuk

@jayfrombuttaluv 아이고 형 ㅎㅎ 저도 이거하게되었어요 ㅎㅎ 어렵지만 신기하군요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-13, 11:33 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Aigoo Hyung hh, I'm now playing this already hh, though it's difficult, it's kinda interesting hh

8. @HyungJun87 도망다닐테야 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-13, 11:41 PM
English: @HyungJun87 I've gotta run away from it then hh

9. @mystyle1103 노력하는중인데 내가 잘몰라서그런지 글 하나 보내는데 참 오랜시간이걸려 ㅎㅎㅎ

@2010-09-13, 11:45 PM
English: @mystyle1103 I'm working hard, but because I still don't know it well I'm only sending one entry at a time, taking up alot of my time hhh

10. @HyungJun87 ㅎㅎ 그러게 말이야 라디오 잘하고 오세용 ㅎㅎ

@2010-09-13, 11:46 PM
English: @HyungJun87 hh, That's why, Do well for your radio later hh

11. @mystyle1103 어떻게 두명한테보내?? ㅎㅎ 울집은 스타안되 ㅠ 흑 조만간 만들어야지 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-13, 11:47 PM
English: @mystyle1103 How to talk to two person at one go?? hh, I can't play Starcraft in my house ㅠ, heuk, but have gotta go buy/download soon hhh

12. @jayfrombuttaluv yo 형~~ ㅎㅎ 아직어렵지만 재미있어요 바잌사서 꼭 같이해요 ㅎㅎ 조만간 한번 뭉쳐요 ㅎㅎ 태완이형이랑다같이 상우형이랑~~ ㅎㅎ

@2010-09-14, 12:25 AM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv yo hyung~~ hh, Though it's still difficult it's interesting ne, we must buy a bike and then go riding together hh, let's meet up soon hh, with Taewan-hyung, and with Sangwoo hyung together~~ hh

13. @realslow1982 전 더블에스오공일 규종이라고합니다!!^^ 조만간 인사드리러가겠습니다!!..^^멋진음악 항상 감사드립니다.^^
@2010-09-14, 12:27 AM
English: @realslow1982 I'm SS501 Kyujong!!^^ I'll greet you soon!!..^^ Thank you always for your amazing music.^^

14. @Steven_Lee_ 태완이형꺼를 못찾겠어요 ㅠ 아유 ㅎㅎ 내일 만나면 다시배워야겠어요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-14, 12:28 AM
English: @Steven_Lee_ I couldn't find Taewan hyung's ㅠ Aiwoo hh, if I meet him tomorrow I'll learn from him again hh (?? bike?)

15. @Steven_Lee_ 하하 ㅎ 형 더 빨리배워나갈게요 ^^ 녹음잘하시구요!! 끼니거르지마시구요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-14, 12:40 AM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Haha h, Hyung, I'll learn more and faster then^^ Good luck for recording!! Don't skip meals oh hh

16. @realslow1982 솔직히 ㅎㅎ 아직 너무 힘들어요 ㅠ 막 속이 뒤집어져요 ㅎ선배님시간나시면 빨리 운동같이가요^^ ㅎ

@2010-09-14, 11:58 AM
English: @realslow1982 To be frank hh, it's still very tough for me ㅠ Just now I almost threw up from inside h, Sunbaenim, you have time let's go exercising together soon^^ h

17. @realslow1982 네 ㅎㅎ 다같이 한번 가요 ㅎ 빨리적응해야하는데 ㅜ 죽겠어요 ㅎㅎ

@2010-09-14, 2:22 PM
English: @realslow1982 Ne hh, We must go together at least once h, I have gotta adapt to this quickly ㅜ, dying already hh

18. @zakkykim 잭 형!! ^^ 오랜만이에요~ 이 프로그램은 정말 신기한프로그램같아요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-14, 2:24 PM
English: @zakkykim Zak hyung!! ^^ It's been awhile~ This programme really looks like an incredible programme ne hh

19. @Actor_ParkJiBin 지빈아아 형도 한다 하하하 메롱 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-15, 5:30 PM

English: @Actor_ParkJiBin Jibin ah, Hyung is also playing (twitter) now, hahaha, merong (act-cute expression) hh

20. @Actor_ParkJiBin ㅎㅎ 영생이형 재밋게하길래 나도 배웠지롱 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-15, 6:48 PM

English: @Actor_ParkJiBin hh, Youngsaeng hyung told me it was very fun, so I also had to learn it ya, hh (pink panther!! jackpot!)

it's real 넘쳐나는 감동받았습니다. 휘성감독님 만세!!! 다들 고고싱할 준비!!! ㅎ
@2010-09-15, 10:23 PM
English: it's real, I was so touched with overflowing emotions. Wheesung PD manseh!!! Everybody prepare to go watch!!! h

22. @realslow1982 아이고 형님 ㅜ부끄러워요 ㅎ 정말 멋졌어요 태완이형과만두형과 오늘의멋짐애대해 이야기했어요 ㅎ
@2010-09-16, 12:46 AM
English: @realslow1982 Aigoo Hyungnim ㅜ, made me so shy h, really was very handsome, I was talking to Taewan hyung and Mandu hyung about your amazingness today h (because @realslow1982 wheesung praised back KJ by saying he's really beautiful inside out)

23. @HyungJun87 닭 맛있뇽
@2010-09-16, 11:03 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Was the chicken was delicious

24. @mystyle1103 형 나도 영어 ㅠ 흑흑 알려줘
@2010-09-16, 11:27 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Hyung me too, English ㅠ, heuk heuk, teach me

25. @HyungJun87 너가 쏘면 !! ㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-09-16, 11:49 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Yeah if you treat me !! kkk

26. @realslow1982 형님도 굉장하신분으로 정평이나있어요 ㅎㅎ 저도 빨리 빨리 달릴게요!!!
@2010-09-17, 12:21 AM

English: @realslow1982 Hyung-nim you're one who is well-known to be an amazing person hh, I will run (aim) quickly quickly towards it too!

27. @mastadoo 요 두두두만두형 ㅎㅎ 집왔죠 ! 내일 방송잘하시구용 ㅎㅎ 아 ㅠ 저는 더열심히해야겠어요 ㅎ
@2010-09-17, 12:22 AM
English: @mastadoo Yo, du-du-du-mandu-hyung hh, returned home already right! Do well for your show tomorrow hh, ah ㅠ, I've gotta work harder now too h

28. @mastadoo 와우 ㅠ 형 제 몸은 근육을싫어해요 ㅎㅎ 다같이 클래스 모여서 달려요 설레네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-17, 12:30 AM

English: @mastadoo Wow ㅠ, Hyung my body doesn't like muscles hh, so excited because we could gather in the same class and run hhh
(@mastadoo was saying KJ will soon turn into muscle man because he runs. So KJ says the above)

29. @realslow1982 네.^^ 할수있는만큼 하는동안만은최선을다해서 ~ 천천히 노력할게요 ..^^
@2010-09-17, 1:11 AM
English: @realslow1982 Ne.^^ I will give all my best while I'm doing and as far as to what I'm able to do ~ Will work hard slowly ..^^

30. @realslow1982 네^^ 잘 기억하겠습니다 좋은 꿈 꾸세요^^
@2010-09-17, 1:16 AM
English: @realslow1982 Ne^^ I'll remember it hard, have a nice dream^^

31. 아자아자!!!! 오늘 하루도 화이팅 합시다^^ 날씨 좋은 오늘하루 스타트!!
@2010-09-17, 8:25 AM
English: AjaAja!!!! Let's fighting for today too^^ A great day like today now starts!!

32. @Steven_Lee_ 형 ^^ 로드트립 하는 날이 정말 기대되요 ㅎ 한국은 아침이밝았어요 형과미국에있을때처럼 날씨가 정말 좋은 아침이예요^^
@2010-09-17, 8:29 AM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Hyung ^^ I'm really anticipating the day to go for road trip h, mornings in Korea is so bright, just like when we were with Hyung in US back then, it's a really nice morning with very good weather ^^

33. @mastadoo 날씨 좋죠 ㅎㅎ전 태완이형만나러가는길이에요 ㅎ
@2010-09-17, 11:52 AM
English: @mastadoo Weather is good ain't it hh, I'm on my way to go meet Taewan hyung ne h

34. @TaewanakaCLuv 와니와니태와니형 ㅎㅎ 오늘 완전 감사했어요!!!!^^ 벌써신나는걸요 ㅎ

@2010-09-17, 11:24 PM
English: @TaewanakaCLuv You came already came already, Taewan hyung hh, very totally thankful for today!!!!^^ Was already so excited ne h

35. good morning!!!!^^
@2010-09-18, 6:34 AM

36. 가장 늦었다고 생각할때가 진짜 늦은거다 지금당장시작해라..!!

@2010-09-18, 7:10 PM
English: When you think it's really very late, really really very late already, then get on the spot and start doing it immediately..!!

37. @realslow1982 ㅎㅎ 책 찾아보겠습니다! ^^ 세로토닌이라... 음 ㅎ
@2010-09-18, 8:18 PM
English: @realslow1982 hh I'll go look up on the book! ^^ Serotonin... (name of book) hmm h

38. RT @realslow1982: @2kjdream 그책읽고 형 성격이 바뀌기 시작했다 내 운명이 변했어 꼭 봐~^^
@2010-09-18, 8:24 PM
English: RT @realslow1982: @2kjdream After reading that book, your hyung (me)'s personality began to change and my destiny began to change too, you must read it up~^^ (wow~~)

39. @realslow1982 네^^ 형~오늘 공연도 화이팅하세요!!!! 아자아자!!^^
@2010-09-18, 8:26 PM
English: @realslow1982 Ne^^ Hyung~ Fighting for today's concert too!!!! Aja aja!!^^

40. @realslow1982 아유 형 ..부끄럽게 ㅠ ㅎㅎ감사합니다아아~~
@2010-09-18, 8:39 PM
English: @realslow1982 Aiwoo Hyung .. So shy already ㅠ hh, Thank you ah ah~~

41. @mastadoo 요 doo doo doo doo babybaby ㅎㅎ 형님 !! ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-18, 9:30 PM
English: @mastadoo Yo doo doo doo doo babybaby hh Hyung-nim !! hh

42. @mastadoo 요 두두두두 만듀 형 ㅎㅎ 휘성이형과 저 사이를 질투하시는건가요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-18, 10:53 PM
English: @mastadoo Yo dudududu mandyu hyung hh, Are you now jealous of my relationship with Wheesung hyung already hh
(@mastadoo tweeted Wheesung to say that Kyujong is his, dont vye with him)

43. "아무리 열심히하는사람이라도 좋아서즐기는사람은 이기지못해~" 멋진 태완형이 해주신 내 머리에 꽉 박혀있는 말..^^
@2010-09-18, 10:57 PM
"No matter how hardworking a person may be will never be able to win people who love to have fun in what they do~" the moment the cool Taewan hyung told me this, it at once etched itself in my mind already..^^
(yet people who love to have fun in what they do might not also win)

44. @realslow1982 와우 .. 음음 참 부정하고싶으면서도 맞는말이면서도..아이러니하네요 저는 좋은 형님들에게 많이배웁니다 ^^

@2010-09-18, 11:20 PM
English: @realslow1982 Wow .. eum eum, how contradicting yet true words.. What an irony ne, I've gotta learn much from my lovely hyungs ^^
(contradicting because why does people who are so hardworking not win over people who enjoy what they're doing when they're hardworking yet they enjoy what they do?)

45. @mastadoo ㅎㅎ 형 저는 내일을 위하여 잠에 빠지렵니다^^ 내일 연락드릴게용~~ ㅎ
@2010-09-19, 12:22 AM
English: @mastadoo hh Hyung, I'm going to sleep now for the sake of tomorrow^^ will contact you tomorrow~~ h

46. @realslow1982 와우.. 형의 감성에 놀라며 잠이듭니다^^ 오늘도 정말 수고하셨습니다~
@2010-09-19, 12:41 AM
English: @realslow1982 Wow.. My sleep has surprised the feeling of you hyung's^^ You've worked hard for today again~
(@realslow1982 brought up sentimental lyrics of a song with regards to KJ's mentioning of going for a sleep)

47. 옙!!!!^^
@2010-09-19, 12:41 AM
English: Yep!!!!^^
(@realslow1982 asks him to sleep tight and have sweet dreams)

48. @jayfrombuttaluv 군이형! 비 맞으셨군요 .. ㅠ 감기안드셨어요?~
@2010-09-19, 11:10 AM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Guni hyung! Indeed it rained .. ㅠ Didn't catch flu did you?~

49. !^^ 비오늘 오늘도 스타트 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-19, 11:42 AM
English: !^^ Rain has started falling today too hh

50. @HyungJun87 잘다녀오게나 ㅎㅎ 슝슝
@2010-09-19, 1:16 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Can you be sure to be back safe and sound hh Syung Syung (sound of flying)

51. @mastadoo ㅎㅎ 전군이형 젖으셨군 ㅎ 낚시잘다녀오세용 ㅎ
@2010-09-19, 1:17 PM
English: @mastadoo hh, Jungun hyung is been wet h, have a good fishing nyo h

52. @seanalexander23 hi!! sean !!~ i'm kyujong!!
@2010-09-19, 2:08 PM
English: @seanalexander23 hi!! sean !!~ i'm kyujong!!
(a good way for him to show his english skills would thus talk to the following mentioned person..^^..)

53. @seanalexander23 i'm good!!!! Went to the L.A !~ i met steven . How are you?^^
@2010-09-19, 2:52 PM
English: @seanalexander23 i'm good!!!! Went to the L.A!~ i met steven . How are you?^^

54. @seanalexander23 that's OK ^^ i want to see you and friends!! sean i can't speak english well .. sorry !! but i'll try english!!!^^
@2010-09-19, 3:28 PM
English: @seanalexander23 that's OK ^^ i want to see you and friends!! sean i can't speak english well .. sorry !! but i'll try english!!!^^

55. @jayfrombuttaluv 역시 느낌있는 군이형 멋쟁이 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-19, 3:30 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Indeed the very sensational Guni hyung is such a cool dude hhh

56. @Steven_Lee_ haha steven english is so hard to me ㅠㅠ 형 여긴 비가 많이내려요~

@2010-09-19, 3:42 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ haha steven english is so hard to me ㅠㅠ Hyung it's raining heavily here ne~

57. @Steven_Lee_ 네 ^^ ㅎㅎ 형 집에서 보던 맑은 하늘이 생각나요 ~~ 열심히공부할게요 ㅎ 재미있어요~
@2010-09-19, 3:47 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Ne ^^ hh, Hyung, a thought came to me as I look up at the bright sky from my house here ~~ I'll study hard (English) h, it's interesting~
(@Steven_Lee_ told him to get help from online dictionaries and slowly his english will definitely improve)

58. @seanalexander23 thank you ^^ I'll send pictures (steven kyujong youngsaeng in vegas ~)

@2010-09-19, 5:12 PM
English: @seanalexander23 thank you ^^ I'll send pictures (steven kyujong youngsaeng in vegas ~)

59. 비오는 날인데.. 태완 a.k.a C-Luv 의 선인장 이란 노래 어떨까요..^^ 매력에 푹 빠질텐데 추천해요..^^

@2010-09-19, 8:24 PM

English: It's a rainy day today.. So how about a song called Seo-in-jang by Taewan aka C-Luv..^^ It'll mesmerize you at once with its charm ne, I recommend..^^
(if you were to recommend I think most people will go to listen at once, so you have succeeded)

60. good morning !! 새로운 한 주의 시작 ㅎ아자아자 !!
@2010-09-20, 7:56 AM
English: good morning !! The start of a new week h Aja aja !!

61. @HyungJun87 공연잘했뇽? ㅎㅎ 난 농구하러왔다 친구들이랑 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-20, 4:46 PM
English: @HyungJun87 So was your performance successful mm? hh I've returned after playing basketball with my friends hh

62. @HyungJun87 비오는구나 ㅎㅎ 느낌있어 아무튼 비 좀 몰고다니지마 ㅎㅎ 한국오면 농구하자구 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-20, 5:16 PM
English: @HyungJun87 So it rained huh hh, kinda felt it, anyway don't go driving out in the rain hh, when you return to Korea let's go for some basketball hh

63. @jayfrombuttaluv 나란사람 ..! 완전 난리나죠 하하! 오늘 저도 감상했답니다 ㅎㅎ 군이형 형 목소리에 저는 푹빠집니다 !!-
@2010-09-20, 8:27 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv A person like me ..! (song) Totally caused an uproar right haha! I appreciated and listened to the song today too hh. Guni hyung, I fell straight for Hyung's voice at once!!-

64. @mystyle1103 농구하자하자 ㅎㅎ 좋아좋아
@2010-09-20, 8:27 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Yeah let's play basketball hh, great great

65. @mystyle1103 ㅎㅎ 그래 명절보내구 만납세요 ^^
@2010-09-20, 8:34 PM
English: @mystyle1103 hh, yeah have a good festival and then we'll meet up ^^

66. @jayfrombuttaluv 제 친구보구 미니홈피노래를 어쩌다로 하라며 강요한기억이나네요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-20, 8:45 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv I met up with my friend and he asked me how to deal with the song in mini-homepage which thus stirred some strong recollections in me hh

67. @mystyle1103 놀아줘..
@2010-09-20, 9:16 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Come and play please..
(@mystyle1103 says he needs to consider to go and play basketball or not)

68. @jayfrombuttaluv 형 ~! 이야기꽃피우기위해 찾아갈게요 조금만 기다려주세요!! ^^
@2010-09-20, 9:17 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Hyung ~! In order for our conversation to be more on-the-track & lively, I'll go look for it now, gimme some time!! ^^

69. @mystyle1103 베벵~ 야구구경도가야지 베베~
@2010-09-20, 9:57 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Bebeng~ Gotta go down to watch a baseball match right, bebe~

70. @woosangil 네네네 ㅎㅎ 알겠습니다아아^^ㅎ
@2010-09-20, 10:01 PM
English: @woosangil Ne ne ne hh, understood-ed ah ah ^^ h

71. ID : SSkyujong is not me !!!!
@2010-09-20, 10:32 PM
English: ID : SSkyujong is not me !!!!

72. @lastsweep yo 형!!!!!
@2010-09-21, 12:00 AM
English: @lastsweep yo Hyung!!!!!

73. @mastadoo ㅎㅎ 형 저는 시골이에요ㅎ 아 더워요 ㅠ ㅎㅎ감기드셨어요??!
@2010-09-21, 2:50 PM
English: @mastadoo hh Hyung, my home is in the rural side ne h, Ahh so hot ㅠ hh, You caught flu already??!

74. @kkangjii 깡지!! 내꺼 동그랑땡은!!?!
@2010-09-21, 2:51 PM
English: @kkangjii Kkang ji!! Where's my beef meatball!!?!

75. 중부지방에 비가 많이와 보이는 사진이네요..ㅠ 다들 우산잘챙기세요오^^ 비와도 웃음가득한 명절보내세요~
@2010-09-21, 3:13 PM
English: I saw this photograph of really heavy rain in the central regions..ㅠ Everyone do remember to bring along your umbrella oh^^ Despite the rain do still have a laughter-inductive festival~

76. @mastadoo 비가 정말 많이오나보네요 ㅠ .. 아이구 .. 형 선인장 좋죠^^
@2010-09-21, 5:37 PM
English: @mastadoo It seems like it's really raining so heavily nyo ㅠ .. Aigoo .. Hyung SeonInJang is very nice right^^

77. @HyungJun87 비 많이 온다는데 잘 도착했다니 다행이다~ 잘 쉬구 명절지내구 보자~^^
@2010-09-21, 5:38 PM
English: @HyungJun87 I'm glad you arrived safely since it's really so heavy~ Rest well and have a good festival and I'll see you soon~^^

78. @zakkykim 형 ㅠ 정말 비가 많이오나봐요 .. 아유 저는 고향에내려와있어요~ 서울가서 뵈요^^
@2010-09-21, 5:40 PM
English: @zakkykim Hyung ㅠ It really looks such a heavy rain .. Aiwoo I've came down to my hometown~ See you in Seoul^^

79. @kkangjii 하하 트윗하는 신세대야!! ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-21, 6:13 PM
English: @kkangjii Haha, the new Tweeting generation!! hh

80. @kkangjii mystyle1103 영생이형이 팔로우해달래 ㅎ 아저씨 팔로우해주세용 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-21, 6:20 PM
English: @kkangjii mystyle1103 Do follow Youngsaeng hyung h, Please follow an uncle hh

81. @mystyle1103 옹옹옹 ㅎㅎ 베벵
@2010-09-21, 6:22 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Wong wong wong hh, bebeng

82. @mystyle1103 아저씨 신세대들 사이에 끼는거아니에요 ... ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-21, 7:17 PM
English: @mystyle1103 You're kinda messed up between the ahjussi (uncle) world and the new generation world isn't it ... hhh

83. @TaewanakaCLuv 요 ma bro 형 ㅎㅎ 시골잘도착했어요~~^^ 멋쟁이형님 언능 올라가서 뵈요 !! 운전조심하시구요~~
@2010-09-21, 7:18 PM
English: @TaewanakaCLuv Yo ma bro Hyung hh, yeah I've arrived safely in my hometown already~~^^ My cool dude Hyung nim, I'll see you soon back in Seoul!! Be careful in driving~~

84. @kkangjii 나는 신세대 영생형아는 아저씨야 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-21, 7:19 PM
English: @kkangjii I'm the new generation but Youngsaeng-hyung is an uncle hhh

85. 시골에서 모여서 저녁먹었어요..^^친척들 다함께모였네요.. 자주보면 좋을텐데 다들 바쁜일상에..하지만 오늘만큼은 웃음꽃이 피네요..^^
@2010-09-21, 7:50 PM
English: We all gathered in our hometown and took dinner together..^^ All of our relatives together.. If we could see one another often despite our busy daily lives, that'd be really nice
though... But today was a truly happy day with many laughters induced..^^

86. 시골 근처 바닷가에왔어요..^^ 갈매기들이 다 같이 쉬고있네요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-22, 5:23 PM
English: Arrived at the seaside nearby to my home..^^ The seagulls are resting together ne hh

87. @woosangil いいですよ〜〜韓国きってよ〜〜 うさんあいたいです!!!!!!!
@2010-09-22, 6:21 PM
English: @woosangil It's beautiful (seaside)~~ Come to Korea oh~~ Have with you an umbrella!!!!!!!

88. @lastsweep 살짝쿵 ㅎㅎㅎ 고기구워먹고있어요 막걸리 한잔 살짝.. ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-22, 6:58 PM
English: @lastsweep A little hhh, eating grilled meat now and a little bit of a cup of rice wine.. hh
(@lastsweep asked him didn't he want to have some drink)

89. @mastadoo 형ㅎㅎ 푹쉬세요 금요일을 기약하며 ㅎㅎ!!!!!!
@2010-09-22, 6:59 PM
English: @mastadoo Hyung hh, do take a thorough rest ne, don't forget our date on Friday nyo hh!!!!!!

90. @mastadoo 형 ㅠ 저도 완전 상태메롱이에요 ㅎㅎ 뭐하세요!!?^^
@2010-09-22, 8:18 PM
English: @mastadoo Hyung ㅠ Me too I'm totally moping around now hh, what are ya doing!!? ^^

91. @drewryanscott hi!! drew ^^ i'm kyujong !! how are you~~
@2010-09-23, 10:41 AM
English: @drewryanscott hi!! drew ^^ i'm kyujong !! how are you~~

92. @Steven_Lee_ 형^^ 빨리만나요!!~보고싶군요 ㅠ ㅎ 영생이형은 야구신동이에요!!
@2010-09-23, 10:47 AM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Hyung^^ Let's meet up soon!!~ Missing you naㅠ, h Youngsaeng hyung is a baseball wonder-boy ne!!

93. @woongcha1 주야구?!! 주야식 베벵~
@2010-09-23, 11:47 AM
English: @woongcha1 Jooyagu?!! Should be Juyasik bebeng~
(@woongcha1 mentions that YS nickname should be Jooyagu=baseball master instead of baseball wonderboy)
(KJ plays around with the words)

94. @Steven_Lee_ 하하 수영이야기가 쏙 들어갔군요 그러고보니 ㅎ 영생이형 야구신동이랍니다!!!!! ㅎ
@2010-09-24, 2:06 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Haha our swimming plan, yeah we immediately went down at once h, Youngsaeng hyung is really a baseball wonder-boy!!!!! he
(@Steven_lee_ asks if they went for swimming since they were planning to)

95. 주말이네요!! 날씨도 좋고!! 좋은 주말보내세요^^ 영생이형은 어제 농구도 대활약 ㅎㅎㅎ!!!!
@2010-09-25, 12:34 PM
English: It's weekend!! Nice weather!! Have a good weekend^^ Youngsaeng hyung even played basketball really vigorously yesterday hhh!!!!

96. 즐거운일요일 아침 ^^ 아유 이제 이불없인 춥네요.. 다들 감기조심하세요~
@2010-09-26, 10:18 AM
English: A happy Sunday morning ^^ Aiwoo feels so cold without my blanket on now.. Everybody be careful of flu~

97. @mystyle1103 야구 어땠어용?~운동맨 으로 변신이군 ㅎㅎㅎ베벵~
@2010-09-26, 10:18 AM
English: @mystyle1103 How was baseball?~ You have since transformed into an athlete eh hhh, bebeng~

98. @kkangjii 춥지용 감기조심하세요~~!!!! ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-26, 2:53 PM
English: @kkangjii Cold isn't it, be careful of flu~~!!!! hh

99. @mastadoo ㅎㅎ 상우형 눈가를 적셨군요 ㅠ 형 저는 지금 출바알~ 이따뵈요^^
@2010-09-26, 2:54 PM
English: @mastadoo hh Sangwoo hyung, who are you talking about ㅠ, Hyung I'm on my way now~ See you later^^

100. @mystyle1103 ㅎㅎ 오르막길도내려막길도있고 ㅎㅎ 내가응원가줘야 홈런한방쏘나요~~ ㅎㅎ전화기는?!!!
@2010-09-26, 4:18 PM
English: @mystyle1103 hh had both uphills and downhills hh, I've gotta go give support, did you actually trip the home run~~hh, your phone?!!!!
(with regards @mystyle1103 phone is gone-game state, and @mystyle1103 saying he's got 3 strikes yesterday)

101. @kkangjii 아이고 ㅎ 약잘챙겨먹고~!! 몸관리잘해~~ ^^
@2010-09-26, 4:33 PM
English: @kkangjii Aigoo h, take your medicine regularly~!! Take care of your body~~ ^^

102. @HyungJun87 에이 요 넌 밥을 안사지 밥을 안사지 요 맨~~~ ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-26, 5:19 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Eyei, you won't buy meals right, you won't buy meals right, yo man~~~ hhh

103. @woosangil 쌀쌀해지네요^^ ㅎ 금방 더 추워질듯해요~ 일본은 어때요?~
@2010-09-26, 5:46 PM
English: @woosangil Feeling kinda cold already (Korea)^^ h, it will seem to get colder and colder soon~ How's Japan?~
(@woosangil asks him if Korea's cold, yeah Korea's getting colder these days, change in earth axis)

104. @HyungJun87 ㅎㅎ 역시 넌 멋쟁이쥐 맨~~~~
@2010-09-26, 5:47 PM
English: @HyungJun87 hh Indeed you're the so-ever-cool dude man~~~~

105. @HyungJun87 녹화잘해!!!!!!!^^
@2010-09-26, 7:50 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Do well for your recording!!!!!!!^^
(sweet melody)

106. @woosangil 형형 빨리 봐요 ㅎ^^ 감기조심하시구요!!!!!!~~~~~
@2010-09-26, 8:59 PM
English: @woosangil Hyung Hyung faster see you h^^ Be careful of flu!!!!!!~~~~~
(sweet melody no2)

107. @sek0505 아시아투어!!!!
@2010-09-26, 9:07 PM
English: @sek0505 Asia Tour!!!!

108. 자!! 오늘은 월요일^^ 감사하는마음으로 이번주도 시작해요~~ 아자아자아자!! 즐거운시간이네요~~^^
@2010-09-27, 10:13 AM
English: Ja!! Today is Monday^^ Another start of a new week again with a gratified heart~~ Aja aja aja!! A happy time~~^^

109. @kkangjii 으아.. 시험이구나.. ㅠ ㅎㅎ 잘보고와용~~ ㅎ 졸지말구! 화이팅^^
@2010-09-27, 10:20 AM
English: @kkangjii Ahh.. Exam time huh..ㅠ hh do well for it~~ h, don't fall asleep! Hwaiting^^
(@kkangjii says it's a Japanese language test kkk)

110. @hyeongjin2 요 형 ㅎㅎㅎ 이거군요!!!!!!!^^
@2010-09-27, 10:06 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 Yo hyung hhh, Yes like that!!!!!!!^^
(@hyeongjin2 asks if it will do just like that as he complains Twitter is difficult = =. They have a meeting tomorrow,too)

111. @hyeongjin2 네 형^^ ㅎㅎ 내일뵈요~~ 좋은 꿈 꾸세요오^^
@2010-09-27, 12:15 AM
English: @hyeongjin2 Ne hyung^^ hh see you tomorrow~~ Have a nice dream o^^

112. 갑작스레 오늘 정말 춥네요 ㅠ 아이구 다들 감기조심하시구요^^ 웃는하루되세요~ 아자아자^^ 하하
@2010-09-28, 12:06 PM
English: Suddenly turned really cold ne ㅠ Aigoo everybody be careful of flu^^ Have a happy day~ Aja aja^^ haha

113. 형진형아 머리자르시네요오 !!!! ^^ 이히
@2010-09-28, 3:09 PM
English: Hyungjin hyung is cutting his hair !!!! ^^ hehe

114. @woosangil 열심히 잘지냅니다아 ㅎ 많이배우고 살려구요 좋은분들께 많이배우고있어용 히히 형 한국안오시나요~~
@2010-09-28, 3:39 PM
English: @woosangil I'm living well and hard h, been living with much knowledge gained from many great people around me, hehe, hyung will you come to Korea~~

115. @Actor_ParkJiBin ㅎㅎ 맞아맞아 지빈아 형진이형한테이제 아저씨라불러 히히
@2010-09-28, 3:41 PM
English: @Actor_ParkJiBin hh yeah yeah, Jibin ah, let's just call Hyungjin hyung an Uncle from now on hehe

116. @mystyle1103 아저씨 뭐하세요 베벵 ㅎㅎ 나와라아아아~~~
@2010-09-28, 3:49 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Ahjussi what are you doing bebeng hh, come if you dare ah ah ah~~~

117. 자기에게 이로울 때만 남에게 친절하고 어질게 대하지 말라. 지혜로운 사람은 이해관계를 떠나 누구에게나 친절하고 어질게 대한다. 어진 마음 자체가 나에게 따스한 체온이 되기 때문이다.
@2010-09-28, 3:58 PM
English: Don't treat people well just when they could benefit you. Intelligent people will rather choose to treat anybody at all with kindness and goodness, casting aside any beneficiary relationships on the whole. Only with such a pure heart will it warm up the inner self of me.
(ouch! could not agree more)

118. @mystyle1103 베벵 누구랑갔어?~ 하라주쿠가는거야? 또 베벵~~ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-28, 4:05 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Bebeng who did you go with?~ You went to Harajuku? Went again ah, bebeng~~ hh

119. @HyungJun87 히히 공부하는중이야 ㅎ 같이하자 ! 오밤아 응원하마 ㅎ 형아는 열심히 시청자로 볼테니 잘하란말이야아아 ㅎㅎ예고봤어!ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-28, 4:06 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Hehe am in midst of studying h, let's do it together ! Will cheer on for Oh bam ah h, your hyung me will tune in to it studiously, so you have better do well for it hh, I saw the preview already!hh

120. @HyungJun87 메롱 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-09-28, 4:22 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Merong hhh
(he does not want to..........?? kkkk)

121. @HyungJun87 미투다 ㅎㅎㅎ 고생해 잘 볼테니까용~~^^ 화이팅!! 난 떡볶이먹어 맨 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-28, 4:32 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Me too okay hhh, I thought I'll see myself suffering if I do so~~^^ Hwaiting!! I'm eating Ddeok-boki man, hh

122. @mystyle1103 멋쟁이 상은베벵~ ㅎㅎ 나도델구가지 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-28, 5:07 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Cool dude ah that Sang-eun bebeng~ hh, I wanna tag along too hh

123. @mystyle1103 ㅎㅎ 그를까아^^ ~~ ㅎ 여행은 참 좋지이이이
@2010-09-28, 5:57 PM
English: @mystyle1103 hh sure^^ ~~ h, travelling is so wonderful rightttt

124. @realslow1982 ^^ 형 형준이요놈이 말을안들어요 혼내켜주세용 ㅎㅎ 감기조심하세요 정말 쌀쌀하네요~~^^
@2010-09-28, 7:17 PM
English: @realslow1982 ^^ Hyung, that HyungJun fella doesn't listen to (me) at all, do tick him off a bit hh, be careful of flu ne, it's really getting cold~~^^

125. @HyungJun87 우띠 맨~ 정말춥다 운동화신고다니삼 발시려우니까 ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-28, 7:30 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Wooddi man~ It's really cold, but since I've put on my sneakers I feel just kinda comfy as it is hh

126. 오늘도 잠들기전에 웃으며 잠들려고 좋은아침을 맞이하고 출발합니다아^^ 이히 다들 즐거운 수요일보내요오오~~
@2010-09-29, 10:44 AM
English: Before I went to sleep for the night I brought with me a smile and tucked into bed, and with that I woke up with this good morning as I get ready to set off^^ ehehe, have a nice Wednesday everybody o o~~

127. @Steven_Lee_ 형 ^^ 저 axiom25 라는 친구가 생겼어요 ㅎ 정말신나요 ㅎㅎ 귀여워요 ㅎ
@2010-09-29, 12:08 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Hyung ^^ I've made a friend called axiom25 ne h, really excited hh, so cute h

128. @Steven_Lee_ 네 ㅎ 처음이라서 일단 많이 친해져놓으려구요오^^ 형 여기는 정말 추워요 ㅜ
@2010-09-29, 1:09 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Ne h, because it's my first time so I've gotta first familiarize with it ya ^^ Hyung it's really cold here ㅜ

129. @Steven_Lee_ 제가 지진못나게 꽉 붙잡고있을게요 ㅎ 정말덥겠다아 ㅠ 한국으로오세요~~~
@2010-09-29, 1:50 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ I can guarantee there won't be an earthquake h, it's really hot ah ㅠ Then come to Korea~~~

130. @hyeongjin2 저도 델고가요오오!!!아저씨이이 베벵~
@2010-09-29, 7:56 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 I wanna tag along too o o!!! Ajussiii bebeng~

131. @mystyle1103 베벵 대하 먹을겨?~ ㅎㅎ
@2010-09-29, 9:28 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Bebeng did you eat lobster today?~ hh

132. @Steven_Lee_ 그러게요 형 이놈들이 다 혼날라고 말을안듣네요 ㅎ 수리해야지이 ㅠ 잉 ㅎ
@2010-09-30, 4:37 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Yeah thats why, hyung these fellas are so stubborn and doesn't listen at all h, gotta go fix them up ya ㅠ yeeng h
(he means his computer, @Steven_Lee_ commented computers these days are so much of a problem)

133. @mastadoo 형 ! 서울엔 비가 떨어지네요 전 강민이와 토킹중이에요^^ 공연잘하구오세요오오!!!!!^^
@2010-10-02, 7:32 PM
English: @mastadoo Hyung ! Rain has poured in Seoul already ne, and I'm talking with Kangmin now^^ Perform well for your performance later!!!!!!^^

134. 오늘들으면 참 좋을거같은 노래예요..^^어디선가 나의 노랠 듣고있을 너에게 - 공일오비(015b)
@2010-10-02, 7:39 PM
English: This feels like a really wonderful song to listen to today..^^ To you who is listening to my songs no matter where you may be - 015b

135. @jayfrombuttaluv 휴게소에서 저는 핫바와 고춧가루듬뿍넣어 우동을 먹어요!!!
@2010-10-02, 7:43 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv I'm eating quite some bit of udon added with lots and lots of red pepper along with hotbar in the resting room!!!

136. 힘이들면 쉬어요 지친날개를 잠시 접어두고 이젠 웃어봐요 보이나요 작은 촛불같은 그 세상.... 형 기억나?! 오늘 눈떳는데 자꾸 생각난다 하하하!! ^^
@2010-10-03, 2:59 PM
English: If you are tired, rest if you need be, lay down your tired wings for a moment, and just laugh now, do you see it, that small tiny candlelight-like world.... Hyung do you remember?! When I opened my eyes for today, this thought kept coming onto mind hahaha!! ^^
(who are you talking to...?)

137. @mystyle1103 베벵 맛난거먹어 난 미역국이다 베벵~
@2010-10-03, 3:16 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Bebeng eat those palatable stuff, I'm that bowl of seaweed soup bebeng~
(suggesting to @mystyle1103 in a joking manner)

138. @mystyle1103 KJ 샵 베벵 j.dream 샵 은 어때 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-10-03, 7:49 PM
English: @mystyle1103 KJ shop ah bebeng, j.dream shop - how about that hhh

139. @mystyle1103 나도갈래 ㅠㅠ
@2010-10-04, 12:23 PM
English: @mystyle1103 I wanna go along too ㅠㅠ
(go for tribe together might as well!!!!!!!!)

140. @hyeongjin2 베벵 나두고갈거에용?~ ㅎㅎ 태완이형지금만나러가는중이에요 형 감기조심하세요오오~~
@2010-10-04, 2:40 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 bebeng you're gonna leave me behind and just leave?~ hh I'm on my way to go meet Taewan hyung now, hyung be careful of flu okay o o~~
(oh....@hyeongjin2 wants to leave him behind to go to US with @mystyle1103)

141. @parkggang37 강민아 이거맞지 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-04, 11:17 PM
English: @parkggang37 Kangmin ah, correct right hh

142. 고뇌에 지는 것은 수치가 아니다. 쾌락에 지는 것이야말로 수치다 - 파스칼 - 오늘느낀 좋은 말.. 다들 잘자요 ^^
@2010-10-05, 12:43 AM
English: It isn't shame that lies within agony and distress. What that lies in happiness is exactly what shame is - Pascal - The words that I feel good upon hearing it today.. Everyone sleep tight ^^

143. @parkggang37 잘자아아아~~~~~~
@2010-10-05, 1:02 AM
English: @parkggang37 Sleep tight a a a~~~~~~

144. @woosangil ㅎㅎ 네 형^^ 저는 오늘도 영차영차 하루를보내는중입니다아아~
@2010-10-05, 5:26 PM
English: @woosangil hh ne hyung^^ I'm basically leading a random day today a a~
(@woosangil says twitter is very quiet today)
(That's good^^)

145. @Soie2e ㅋㅋㅋㅋ자주오니깐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-10-05, 9:14 PM
English: @Soie2e kkkk Because (he) comes onto here often kkkk
(he might be replying to why @Soie2e asks how did someone else know her twitter)

146. @Soie2e 잘못보냈어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ자즈오니깐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-10-05, 9:17 PM
English: @Soie2e I sent the wrong thing (msg) kkkk, because (he) (comes) onto here often kkkk
(@Soie2e replied him by correcting his typo error=자주 - often)

147. @Steven_Lee_ 형^^ 강민이랑 같이 미국가야겠어요오~ ㅎ 요즘 날들은 어떠세요?~ 보고싶어요~
@2010-10-06, 11:36 AM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Hyung ^^ I'll be making a trip to US with Kangmin~h, how's the days these days?~ Missin' you~
(because he cannot stand the weather in Seoul)

148. @mastadoo 형^^ 오늘 아자아자화이팅!!^^
@2010-10-06, 11:37 AM
English: @mastadoo Hyung^^ Aja aja Hwaiting for today!!^^

149. @jayfrombuttaluv 형 ㅜ 요즘감기 굉장한거같아요 감기에게 지지마요우리 저는 요몇일 '아유 죽겠다'반복한거같아요 지금은 쌩쌩 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-06, 11:39 AM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Hyungㅜ The flu these days seem really lethal ne, don't contract any flu ya, these few days I've been repeatedly saying 'aiwoo can die', I think, and just like now, exactly hh

150. @kkangjii 깡지주먹짱크다 우와아 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-06, 11:39 AM
English: @kkangjii Kkangji's fists are jjang, so huge, woaa hh

151. @mystyle1103 우잉?~ 진철이형에게 오잉이 대세야 ㅎㅎ 베벵 ~
@2010-10-06, 11:41 AM
English: @mystyle1103 Wink?~ To Jinchul hyung this wink-ing thing is his current trendy phrase hh bebeng~
(@우잉 means to say hello to someone in an affectionate, casual manner;
or if not sometimes to express Eh?)

152. @lastsweep 요 브로 화이팅!!!^^
@2010-10-06, 11:42 AM
English: Yo bro, hwaiting!!!^^

153. @sek0505 ㅎㅎ 연습은 잘마치셨나요?^^ 바쁜모습보기좋더군요 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-10-06, 2:44 PM
English: @sek0505 hh Have you finished your rehearsal well?^^ It's nice to see you being busy hhh

154. @sek0505 ..... 언제나 화이팅 ㅎㅎㅎ!! 만두형에게물어본다면 .. ㅎ^^ 연습실가서뵈요~ 놀러갈게요~~
@2010-10-06, 2:55 PM
English: @sek0505 ..... Fighting as always hhh!! So what if I pose this to Mandu hyung .. h^^ See you later at the rehearsal room~ Will drop by down to play~~

155. @mystyle1103 데드볼안아퍼?!! 와우!
@2010-10-06, 6:58 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Wasn't the hit pitched ball painful?!! Wow!

156. @mastadoo 강민군과 커피한잔의여유중이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ형은어떠세요~~
@2010-10-06, 7:16 PM
English: @mastadoo I'm enjoying in relaxation as I drink coffee with Kangmin gun now hhh, How's it for hyung you~~

157. @mystyle1103 ㅎㅎ 등짝넓다고자랑하는거지!! 어깨넓은건인정 ㅎㅎㅎ 조심히맞아 다치지말고!!~~~~~~~
@2010-10-06, 8:04 PM
English: @mystyle1103 hh You're proud of it since your back is wide right!! Your shoulders are broad is an acknowledged fact hhh, aim it well and carefully, don't get hurt!!~~~~~~~
(yeahhhhh baby)

158. @Steven_Lee_ 우와 좋겠다 ㅠ 바베큐 파티 가고싶어요오오오오!!! 흑흑 ㅠ ^^ 형 건강 잘챙시시구 멋진모습으로만나요!!^^ ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-07, 4:54 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Woa so good ㅠ I wanna go to that barbeque party o o o o!!! heuk heuk ㅠ ^^ Hyung take care of your health and I'll see you with your awesome looks!!^^ hh

159. @mystyle1103 우잉?~ 나 강민이랑 진철아저씨랑밥먹었다~~~~베벵
@2010-10-07, 6:20 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Wuing?~ I ate dinner with Kangmin and Jinchul ahjussi already~~~~ bebeng

160. 우와아아 귀여운 녀석 을 길에서만났어요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-07, 6:23 PM
English: Woaaa I met this cute dude on the roads hh

161. @mystyle1103 ㅎㅎㅎ 우잉과와 왕우잉? 바베큐? 베벵~ 우히히히히
@2010-10-07, 7:43 PM
English: @mystyle1103 hhh Wuing and wa(ng) Wuing? Barbeque? bebeng~ woohehehehe
(he's playing around with the fun words)

162. @HyungJun87 우와아아 뮤지컬~~
@2010-10-07, 7:44 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Woaaa musical~~
(how come you guys didnt know?????????^^)

163. @jayfrombuttaluv 버러보고싶군요오 소개시켜주십시오오오오 ㅎ^^
@2010-10-07, 8:38 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv I wanna see Burer o, you must introduce him to me o o o o h^^
(Burer is a trainee from what I see in the @jayfrombuttaluv twitter)

164. @HyungJun87 우와아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아 요정도면 성의있지?! ㅎㅎ 젤바쁘네 ~~~
@2010-10-07, 8:39 PM
English: @HyungJun87 Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah so is it sincere enough like that?! hh you're like so ever busy ~~~
(.........@HyungJun87 says @2kjdream 's 'Woah' is not sincere enough. don't get so jealous la, ok???)

165. 강민이랑 나랑 우하하하 오늘도 즐거운하루였어용 !!! 사진투척!!!!^^
@2010-10-07, 10:21 PM
English: Kangmin and me woohahaha, it was an enjoyable day today too !!! Here's a picture!!!!^^

166. 얍!!
@2010-10-07, 10:22 PM
English: Yap!!

167. 내친구 강민이 사진투척!!! 멋진놈 !
@2010-10-07, 11:39 PM
English: My friend Kangmin, here's his picture!!! Handsome dude !

168. @jayfrombuttaluv 형님 티브이에서 무한도전재방송보는데 형의 녹는음성을 들을수있네요 ㅎㅎ !!!
@2010-10-08, 7:33 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Hyung nim, I just saw the rerun of Infinite Challenge on tv ne, I can even hear hyung's voice that could melt me hh !!!

169. @jayfrombuttaluv 만두형에게 형 강의살짝빌렸는데 잘보겠습니다아아 ^^
@2010-10-08, 7:35 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Seems like hyung you've borrowed a little of that temperament from Mandu hyung, I will enjoy watching a a ^^

170. 굿 모닝!!!^^ 오늘도 하루시자악~~ 너와 나의 미래는 짱짱^^
충실히 일하고 즐기면 간단해 탄탄대로 보다 단단해!!!!! 유후! 즐거운마음으로~~ 출바알~^^
@2010-10-12, 9:01 AM
English: Good morning!!!^^ It's now the start of a new day~~ Your future and my future is jjang jjang^^ (absolute good) So long as you continue to faithfully persevere doing what you should do and enjoy it, you will easily end up firmly in your spot rather than only smooth sailng!!!!! Yoohoo! And so with this happy heart~~ I now set off~^^
(where to..^^)

171. 두렵지만 설레고 무섭지만 기대되네요..요즘들어 가슴이 꽉 막히는것 같았는데 늘 응원해주는 분들과 좋은조언해주시는 고마운분들게 정말로 감사하단말전하도싶어요!!^^ 아자아자 언제나그랬듯 웃고 즐길게요~ 퐈이야~~~~^^
@2010-10-14, 1:25 AM
English: Though afraid, I'm excited, though scared, I'm awaiting.. These days my heart's been feeling so tight and suffocated; to all of those who have always been supporting me and those who have given me good advices, truthfully - I really want to express my thanks to you all!!^^ Aja aja, for all the time in the world, let's just keep laughing as it is and enjoy~ Fight~~~~^^

172. @zakkykim 형님 워썹~~~ ㅎㅎ 감사합니다아 ㅜ 이유 ㅎ
@2010-10-14, 1:45 AM
English: @zakkykim Hyung nim wuss up~~~ hh Thank you ah ㅜ Eww h
(zakkykim says he's also rooting for KJ^^)

173. @woosangil 네 형!! がんばります!! ㅎ ^^ 오늘도 멋진하루보내세요~~
@2010-10-14, 1:43 PM
English: @woosangil Ne hyung!! Fighting!! h ^^ Have a great day today as well~~

174. @HyungJun87 화이팅 맨!!!!! 유후..^^
@2010-10-15, 12:04 AM
English: @HyungJun87 Fighting man!!!!! Yoohoo..^^

175. Be the change that you want to see in the world. 이 세상을 향한 그대의 소망대로 그대 자신이 먼저 그렇게 변하라 -마하트마 간디- 오늘도 다들 좋은 밤 되세요^^ 내일을 맞이할 준비해야죠 굿나잇~
@2010-10-15, 12:13 AM
English: Be the change that you want to see in the world. In the exact way that you want of this world, remember to first change yourself in that manner -Mahatma Kandi- Everyone have a good night today as well^^ Gotta prepare for tomorrow as well ya. Goodnight~

176. @JungMin0403 유후 땡큐맨!!^^ 언제나 화이팅하구!!~~ 시간날때보자 ㅎ 선물아직나에게있다구우~^^
@2010-10-15, 6:49 PM
English: @JungMin0403 Yoohoo thank-you man!!^^ Fighting always!!~~ See you when you're free h, I still have a gift for you~^^
(what what?^^)

177. @JungMin0403 미쿡으로부터 전달받은것!! you know?! ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-15, 7:00 PM
English: @Jungmin0403 Should have been delivered from the US back then!! you know?! hh

178. @HyungJun87 뭐야 ~~ 너는 !! 뮤지컬연습 열심히하란말야~~~!!!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-10-15, 7:00 PM
English: @HyungJun87 What~~ You !! Work hard for your musical rehearsals~~~!!!! hhhh
(wow......kiss kiss.. after it gets translated meaning gets lost. originality ought to be preserved)

179. 유후 일요일밤이네요^^ 강민이랑 계속듣는 태완이 형님의 나란사람 추천드립니다 들으시며! 좋은밤보내세요~~
@2010-10-17, 10:53 PM
English: Yoohoo it's Sunday night ne^^ I'm now recommending you guys to listen to "A person like me" by Taewan hyung-nim which I'm continuously listening to with Kangmin! And whilst, have a good night~~

180. @realslow1982 형 멋진공연 정말감사드립니다^^ !!! 유후!! ㅎㅎ 좋은시간보내세요~~
@2010-10-17, 11:02 PM
English: @realslow1982 Hyung really thank you for your awesome stage^^ !!! Yoohoo!! hh Have a great time~~

181. @realslow1982 악악!! 형 그런 말씀을해주시면 오늘 제 생일할까요?! ㅎㅎ 정말 멋졌어요 ㅎ 예압!
@2010-10-17, 11:23 PM
English: @realslow1982 Hiak hiak!! Hyung If you put it across in that manner, it looks like my birthday today?! hh, it was really awesome ne hh, Yeap!
(one with a beautiful heart is the most awesome - KimKyuJong, that is)
(@realslow1982 replied to his no 180 with: You look handsome just by standing on the spot doing nothing at all)

182. find 무대 다시봐도 정말 좋네요 완두콩 짱...^^ 우잉?! 잘한다아~
@2010-10-18, 4:29 PM
English: Even if when I rewatch our FIND stage, it's really so good ne, Wandukong (green peas) jjang...^^ Whee-ing?! Superb (did great)~

183. 꿈 .. 항상 기억해야할 단어..^^ 즐거운 단어 꿈..^^
@2010-10-23, 1:13 AM
English: Dream .. A word we have to always bear in mind..^^ Pleasant word - Dream..^^
(yeah baby thats right!!!)

184. @woosangil あいたいです!! 韓国きってよ~~~ 형 ㅎㅎ고마워요 늘 힘주셔서 ㅎ ^^ 오야스미나사이~~~~~
@2010-10-23, 2:17 AM
English: @woosangil Wanna see you!! Come to Korea yo~~~ Hyung hh, thank you ne, for always supporting me h ^^ Good night~~~~~

185. @parkggang37 맛있겠다.... ㅠ 내꺼 남겨놓아!!! ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-24, 6:22 PM
English: @parkggang37 Looks delicious.... ㅠ Leave my share for me!!! hh

186. @mastadoo ㅎㅎ 그러니까요 하지만 자제중입니다아!!!~ 으악 살빼야지 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-24, 8:36 PM
English: @mastadoo hh That's why ah, but I'm attempting for self control!!!~ Uugh gotta diet to lose weight ya hh

187. @jayfrombuttaluv 우와 벌써 2년이에요 형?! ㅜ 어이쿠 ㅎ 제가 좋은곡에감사드렸죠 ㅎㅎ 형이해주신 리믹스버전 솔로음반에꼭수록하고싶어요 ㅎㅎ예압!!
@2010-10-25, 11:18 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Whoa it's already 2 years ah hyung?! ㅜ Aigoo h, I wish to express my gratitude to great songs hh, I will definitely want to include the remix version song that Hyung you gave into my solo album hh, yeap!!
(wow.....wait ^-^)

188. @Steven_Lee_ 맞아요 형 ㅎㅎ 영화재미있었는데!!!!^^ 한국은 많이 추워졌어요 ㅠ 형 우리빨리만나요오~~
@2010-10-27, 1:45 AM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Thats right hyung hh, the movie was really exciting!!!!^^ Korea has turned really very cold ne ㅠ Hyung let's meet up soon o~~
(@Steven_Lee_ mentioned something about wanting to watch 4D movie)

189. 무엇이든지 풍부하다고 반드시 좋은 것은 아니다. 더 바랄 것 없이 풍족하다고 해서 그만큼 기쁨이 큰 것은 아니다. 모자라는 듯한 여백. 그 여백이 오히려 기쁨의 샘이다. -파스칼- 굿 나잇!!^^
@2010-10-27, 1:49 AM
English: For anything at all, to be abundant in it may not exactly be a good thing. They don't wish for any thing else more since they already hold a plentiful of it, yet - that may not bring one great happiness. It's just like the empty cave-in of one (shallowness). Rather, this empty cave-in can, in fact, be the spring of happiness. -Pascal- Good Night!!^^

190. [한] 형님의 디지털싱글The complete Opposite의 타이틀곡 [못보내] 많이 사랑해주세요 !! 멋쟁이 한이형 화이팅!!!!!!!!!
@2010-10-27, 8:15 PM
English: [Han] Hyung nim's digital single The complete Opposite's title track [Can't Send U Away], please give much love for it !! Awesome dude Hanyee hyung hwaiting!!!!!!!!!

191. @Steven_Lee_ 한국많이추워요 ㅠ 형 한국빨리와주세요~~ 영화도보구맛난것도먹고여행도가요 !!!! ^^ 기대기대기대중입니다아~~~
@2010-10-27, 8:36 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Korea's very cold ㅠ Hyung please come to Korea faster~~ We'll go watch movies together, eat delicious food and go on a holiday together !!!! ^^ Anticipating anticipating anticipating ah~~~

192. @parkggang37 이제 집에왔다~^^ 푹자라~~ 늘반복되는일상이즐겁기도하지만 오늘은 고단한하루다..! 좀 더 힘내자!!^^ ㅎ
@2010-10-28, 1:43 AM
English: @parkggang37 Have now returned back home~^^ Gonna go straight to sleep~~ Though I enjoy every day's repeated kind of lifestyle, today was a really tiring day..! Let's fight even more!!^^ h

193. @kkangjii 숙면 해야지! 좋은꿈꿔!!^^ 웃으며 일어납시다아아아 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-28, 1:43 AM
English: Must sleep tight! Have a nice dream!!^^ Wake up with a smile aaa hh

194. @jayfrombuttaluv ㅎㅎ 형 완전귀여운데요?! 느낌있어요 눈빛봐 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-10-28, 1:44 AM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv hh hyung it's totally absolutely cute ne?! So feely-feely, look at that eye-feel hhh

195. @soulfulhan yo!! bro !!^^ 형 좋은일만가득할거에요!! 다시한번뭉쳐요~ 좋은음악많이소개시켜주세요 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-28, 1:48 AM
English: @soulfulhan yo!! bro !!^^ Hyung you'll be blessed with only good matters ya!! Let's meet up again~ Introduce much of your lovely music ne hh

196. @parkggang37 알겠다 ㅎㅎ 태완이형이 그러셨어 열심히하는거보다 즐기는게 짱이라구 ㅎㅎ 즐기자!! 오늘도 즐겁게보내세요 ㅎㅎ 아 추워 ㅠ
@2010-10-28, 10:48 AM
English: @parkggang37 Got it hh, Taewan hyung was too, rather than to be hardworking over it, it's best to enjoy it insteaad hh, Let's enjoy the fun outta it!! Have a fun day today as well hh, Ahh cold ㅠ

197. @kkangjii 오하요우 !
@2010-10-28, 10:48 AM
English: @kkangjii Ohayo !

198. @jayfrombuttaluv ㅎㅎ 그러게요! 저도 캐스팅할게요 ㅎ 형 추운데 감기조심하세요~~~
@2010-10-28, 10:49 AM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv hh That's why! I'm gonna be casted too h, hyung it's cold so do watch out for flu~~~

199. 완두콩!!! 감기걸려서ㅠ고생하신분들이많네요 ! 감기조심하구!! 끼니 거르시지마세요^^ 화이팅!!!!!
@2010-10-28, 10:52 AM
English: Green peas!!! Those who got down with fluㅠ There looks like many who are suffering because sick ! Careful of flu!! Don't skip meals ya^^ Hwaiting!!!!!

200. @Steven_Lee_ 형이에요오??!! ~
@2010-10-29, 2:08 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Is that hyung you??!! ~
(his pic-

201. 좋아하는사람들과여행가는기차안에서 본 책에서.."누군가 정말행복하다면 행복이란말을 꺼내지않을거같아요.."라는 글을보았어요..어떤의미인지..^^ 많은의견부탁드려요!!! 예압!!!!
@2010-10-29, 4:01 PM
English: From the book that I was reading in the vehicle on my way for a vacation with people I like.. "If someone is really happy, it's really so that he/she will never leave saying the word 'happiness' for even once..", as I saw such a sentence.. What meaning does it hold..^^ Please give me much of your comments!!! Yeap!!!!
(you did, you know)

202. 완두콩만세 ㅎㅎ 정말좋은말들많이해주셔서 고마워요 ^^ 예압!!! 앞으로도 자주부탁할게~ 의견을 공유하자구요!! ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-29, 4:38 PM
English: Green peas manse hh, thanks for giving me much of your wise words ^^ Yeap!!! In future too render me your help ya~ Do share your feedback/thoughts!! hh

203. @soulfulhan 형님!! next time... !! ^^ 노래 좋다고 난리입니다!!! ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-29, 5:49 PM
English: @soulfulhan Hyung nim!! next time... !! ^^ Your songs are great as they cause an uproar!!! hh
(this is funny...@soulfulhan replies back::: @2kjdream Kyujong ah, amongst the people around me, 'KJ is good looking' is an exact same uproar... kkkkk)

204. 길가다만난녀석 우오ㅏ ㅎ
@2010-10-30, 3:30 PM
English: On my way as I saw this lad, wo ah h
(he's sooo handsome!!! but not beating you out ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ)

205. 영생이형친구들 수달이를만났어요!!!! 우잉???ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-10-30, 4:24 PM
English: I met these - Youngsaeng hyung's friends - Sudals!!!! Wooing??? hhhhh
(hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! baaaaaaaaad boy!!!!!!!!)

206. @woosangil 우와 파티이이 ! 형 태풍왔어요?! 조심하세요~ 주말잘보내시구요!!!^^
@2010-10-30, 5:05 PM
English: @woosangil Woah Party ! Hyung typhoon came?! Do be careful~ Have a great weekend!!!^^

207. @Steven_Lee_ 태완이형이랑강민이랑같이있어요 형~ 심사위원되신거 다같이기쁜마음으로 축하드립니다아 ㅎㅎ 태완이형이 "스티븐 축하해~~~"라구 했어요 ㅎ 강민이는 "형 축하드려요"라구 했습니다아아^^
@2010-10-30, 7:55 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ I'm now with Taewan hyung and Kangmin hyung~ We're sending our congratulatories with our happy hearts on hyung you becoming a judge hh, Taewan hyung said "Steven congrats~~~" like that h, while Kangmin went "Hyung congrats ne", like that, a a^^
(@Steven_Lee_ became high honoured judge for MBC's Great Birth audition in LA)

208. @Steven_Lee_ 수달귀엽죠 ㅎㅎ 요런 특이한생명체도보았어요!!!
@2010-10-30, 7:57 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Sudal is cute isn't it hh, I also saw this peculiar looking living creature!!!

209. @mystyle1103 형 맘속 베벵~~~수달기엽지 ㅎㅎ
@2010-10-30, 8:40 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Hyung in the heart bebeng~~~ Sudal's cute right hh

210. @woongcha1 저 태완이형 강민이요 이히히
@2010-10-30, 10:17 PM
English: @woongcha1 Me, Taewan hyung, and Kangminie, eeheehee

211. @mystyle1103 크크크 천연기념물이군!!!! 멋쟁이 이히히
@2010-10-30, 10:18 PM
English: @mystyle1103 kkk, memorial statue of nature har!!!! So cool dude eeheehee

212. @woongcha1 요거에요 ㅎ
@2010-10-30, 10:53 PM
English: @woongcha1 This one h
(that's him, Kangmin, and Taewan hyung!!! beautiful & artistic!!!!!)

213. @soulfulhan 형님^^ 정말 축하드려요 ㅎ 빨리 뭉쳐서 저희 멋진이야기를 나눠봅시다~~^^
@2010-11-01, 12:06 AM
English: @soulfulhan Hyung nim^^ Really congrats ne h, let's get together soon and share superb talks~~^^

214. @Steven_Lee_ 형~~~ ㅎ 우리 꼭 같이 여행가요!! ㅎ
@2010-11-01, 7:01 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ Hyung~~~h We must got to go on a holiday together!! h

215. 김밥싸는 어머니옆에서 김밥꼬투리 먹던 날이 그리워요 ㅠ 맛있는데 !!~
@2010-11-01, 10:32 PM
English: I miss those days where I stand beside mum who wraps the Kimbap into rounds and rounds ㅠ It's delicious !!~

216. @jayfrombuttaluv 형 ㅎㅎ 김밥먹어요 우리!!!! ㅎ 전 김밥잘못싸요 ㅠ
@2010-11-02, 12:13 AM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv Hyung hh, we'll eat Kimbap ya, together we!!!! h, I really can't quite wrap Kimbaps well ㅠ

217. @woongcha1 ㅎㅎ !!!! 김밥쿠다사이 ㅎ
@2010-11-02, 12:14 AM
English: @woongcha1 hh !!!! Kimbap kudasai h
(in Japanese; Kimbap please)

218. @mystyle1103 우엥?~ 생일축하해!! 생일선물은없어 베벵 ㅎㅎ
@2010-11-03, 12:11 AM
English: @mystyle1103 Wooing?~ Happy birthday!! No birthday gift for you bebeng hh

219. @jayfrombuttaluv 형 ㅎㅎ 사과먹는거 짱 귀여워요 ㅎ
@2010-11-03, 4:49 PM
English: @jayfrombuttaluv hyung hh, that one you were eating apple of, jjang so cute ne h

220. RT @soulfulhan: RT 리트윗부탁합니다^^ @ianchoe: everybody check out @soulfulhan's harvard fanclub! haha we love han's newest track!!
@2010-11-04, 5:18 PM
RT @soulfulhan: RT 리트윗부탁합니다^^ @ianchoe: everybody check out @soulfulhan's harvard fanclub! haha we love han's newest track!!

221. @soulfulhan 예압 형!! ㅎㅎ ^^
@2010-11-04, 5:19 PM
English: @soulfulhan Yeap hyung!! hh ^^
(about retweeting)

222.@Steven_Lee_ 추억이담긴 수영장 ㅎㅎ 난 수영을 잘못하지만요 ㅠ 또가고싶어요 ㅎㅎ !!!!!
@2010-11-04, 8:43 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ The swimming pool that left much memories hh, if only I could be good at swimming ㅠ, I wanna go again hh !!!!!

223. @Steven_Lee_ 저 상어는 아직도 둥둥 떠나니네요 ㅎㅎ ^^!!!
@2010-11-04, 8:44 PM
English: @Steven_Lee_ That shark's still floating its fins up above the surface n hh ^^!!!

224. @TaewanakaCLuv 형~~ 환영합니다! ㅎ
@2010-11-06, 7:53 PM
English: @TaewanakaCLuv Hyung~~ Welcome! h
(Welcome to the world of Twitter with iPhone; @2kjdream is also such one user)

225. @mastadoo 형 ㅎ 강민이 케이크에요 ㅎㅎㅎ
@2010-11-06, 11:38 PM
English: @mastadoo Hyung h, this is Kangmin's cake hhh

226. @TaewanakaCLuv 요 마 맨~~^^ 지금 강민이 생일축하했어요!!!!
@2010-11-06, 11:58 PM
English: @TaewanakaCLuv Yo ma man~~^^ Am celebrating for Kangmin's birthday now!!!!
(so considerate and caring little actions show you deep inside and out, do you know?)