Friday, September 30, 2011

현중 :: 11th 번째 이야기 『 ....... 』 ( Sept 30, Fri )

요즘 너무 바쁘다는핑계로 글도안쓰고 해서........아이디를까먹고 비번도 까먹어서

글을못썻어요 ...........어차피 핑계겠지만 그리하여

근황사진세장을 선물로 드릴까 합니다

아트와매틱이가 밥을달라고 앉아있네요

녹음하다가 지쳐서 서서 잠드는걸매니져분이 찍었네요 ㅋ

마지막으로 짜잔 2집 마스터 첫씨디가 드디어 내손아귀에 들어왔네요

유출되면 안되니까..............^^빨리 금고에 넣어둬야지 ㅎㅎ

참고로 금고에는 내한정판씨디와 첫번째 마스터앨범 밖에 없으니 사심있는분들 집밖에 서성이지마십시오

드디어2집앨범마무리가되었네요 ^^10월20일에 최고의무대를만들어보겠어요

기대 만빵말고 십만빵해주세요 다들 컴피3잔의여유가있다면 알죠???????????

라면한봉지의여유가있다면 알죠????????????

내일은 뮤비를찍어요 멋진뮤비도 많이기대해주시길바랍니다 ^^감사하고 낼새벽부터 찍기땜에

영화를 한편보면서 스르륵 잠을청하도록 하겠습니다

그럼 감기조심하시고 모두들20일까지는 충전가득해주세요 활동이3주라서 ...^^;;;

짧고 굵게 놀아야할테니까 ...........항상힘들때기댈수있는 무형의힘을주어서 고마워요^^

Been wanting to let know my excuse of being too busy all this while that's why no entries were left........but actually I forgot my ID and password
Which explained why I couldn't write any entry to explain at all.......... Anyway since it was meant as an excuse then let it be it
I thought of these 3 photos as a present, which are photos of my recency
Art and matic are sitting begging for dinner already
It (the 2nd picture) is me who was too tired from standing to record, and was shot by my manager k
As in the final photo, the CD is the first mastered copy (of 2nd album) and has finally came into my hands ne
Since it cannot be leaked out, .................^^ I gotta place it into the safe quickly ya hh
Just to let you know, in the safe, there's only two things, and they are my limited edition CD, and the mastered copy of my 1st album and nothing else, for those who has an ulterior agenda over what's in the safe, please refrain from stalking outside my house

Finally the 2nd album has completed...  ^^ I will spin a best stage on Oct 20 okay
You don't say a million excitement, but instead please say you have a zillion excitements over that(!)
That is if you would have time like over three cups of coffee, goddit?????????
That is also if you would have time like over one full package of Ra-myeon, goddit???????????
I will shoot my M/V tomorrow.. I hope you can anticipate alot over an awesome movie too ^^
Thank you and because it'll be a shoot at dawn, I'll tune in to a movie and try to produce some sleep comfortably under the effect of the movie..

If so then, please watch the cold and replenish yourself all the way until 20th, why, because I'll be doing activities for 3 weeks so ...^^;;;
Gotta play (fight) hard for really short time to those who always give spiritual and invisible strength when it's so tiring--- thank youuuuu^^

-끝 END-

참... ^^

규종 :: schedule on 4th / 16th Oct

October 4th will be busy day with 4 (edited) work schedules to complete.

October 16th will be his first live performance outside the public TV.

originally scheduled "Food Expedition S2" has been moved to 11th Oct (Tues) for recording.


4th Oct (Tues) - [RADIO] Younha's Starry Night

16th Oct (Sun) - Anyang Movie Festival, Pre-open Ceremony (Y-STAR Public event)

현중 :: TFS new CF shoot on Thurs...?

Seems like it have already shot a little of the new product/CF for The Face Shop. It took place in Paju yesterday, Thursday. (서현 갤러리)

They look a real good pair^-^

규종 :: 『 SPORTS HANGOOK 』 Interview ( Sept 30, Fri )

골든 워즈(Golden Words)만 가져왔어요. 내용은 아마도 똑같아서. Only the Golden Words, because the rest of content is about repeated before.

Kim Kyu Jong, Concludes SS501 Solo Acts
Date of interview: 21st Sept (Wed)
Date interview published: 30th Sept (Fri)

"결국 마지막이 됐네요. 멤버마다 솔로 활동을 시작해 한 바퀴를 다 돌았다는 마침표를 찍게 돼 기분이 묘해요. 그룹 활동이 얼마나 소중했나 하는 새삼 느끼는 계기가 됐어요."

"In the end I had become the final relayer. As each of the members started their solo activities and up till now that it has managed to finish turning one round and ending off with a full stop, the feeling is marvellous. This period of time has become a turning point where it came to dawn on me just how precious group activities are."

"형준이와 현중이 형은 제 노래 꼼꼼하게 모니터를 해줬어요. 한 소속사인 영생이 형은 앨범 수록곡 <마이 러브>의 랩 피처링도 해줬죠. 정민이는 대만에 있어 못 들려 줬지만 응원해 줄 거라 믿어요. 다들 혼자 하는 게 어렵다고 겁을 줬지만 걱정해 주는 그 마음을 제가 왜 모르겠어요."

"Hyungjun and Hyunjoong-hyung have monitored over my songs stringently. While Youngsaeng-hyung who's in the same agency as I am, helped in the rap featuring in one of my song [My Love]. As for Jungmin, I couldn't let him hear my song because he's in Taiwan, but I believe he'll show his support (silently/by actions). All of them may say it's difficult to work and do this alone, but how would I not know that is worries and concern they have for me.."...

"모든 멤버들이 대기실 응원을 와줬으면 좋겠다"는 김규종.

"I hope all our members come to give support and congregate together in the waiting room"
...that is Kim Kyu Jong's wish.

그는 멤버들이 홀로서기를 마친 터라 내년에는 다시 의기투합해 활동을 펼치고 싶다는 바람을 숨기지 않았다. 무엇보다 솔로 활동을 벌일 때에도 변함없이 응원해 주는 팬들을 위한 마음이 가장 크다.

"팬들은 가장 빛나는 시절 소중한 추억을 함께 나눈 친구들이에요. 뒤돌아 봤을 때 우리가 자랑스러운 기억으로 남았으면 좋겠어요. 그러기 위해서는 늦어도 내년에는 함께 좋은 모습을 보여주고 싶어요. 다른 멤버들도 모두 같은 생각이에요."

He said, after all the members finish each of their planned solo activities, he sincerely hopes to re-unite forces and start group activities next year. And most importantly, it's for fans who have never changed throughout despite each doing each's activities now. "Fans are the friends you have who spins all the precious memories with you during the most shining period of time. When we look back and reminisce, I hope to weave really proud memories together as that way. So for that to happen, we would do that (re-unite) latest next year. And, all our members think the same way, too.".

Thursday, September 29, 2011

규종 :: M-Countdown 29 Sept - ending pose 『진짜 잘생긴 사람』

마지막 포즈로 잘 마무리 했다. A final pose in the blue background.

|| 화면 캡쳐: M-Countdown, 29 Sept (Thurs) ||

규종,형준 :: Mnet Wide location - 우정 사랑 가득하다 ( Part. II )

At Mnet Wide location, with MC Hyung Jun! 다정한 형제 Part.II (Mnet와이드 트위터)

규종,영생,형준 :: M-Countdown backstage - 우정 사랑 가득하다

5시 MCOUNTDOWN 김규종 첫 솔로 무대 시작임! 오늘의 사전녹화 현장에 방문해 오는 형준, 영생^_^!!! (M-Countdown 공식 트위터) (M-Countdown 공식 트위터)

현중 :: 예약 판매 『 LUCKY 』 - Preorder begins

3시부터 예약판매가 시작합니다. 판매가는 11,200~11,900won.

3PM onwards, the Pre-Order has started.

Main Websites:

Synnara e-shop

Lees Music

Apple Music


규종 :: NEWSEN Interview (2) ( Sept 29, Thursday )

Oh!!! Kim Kyu Jong-ssi! This is what you see a really kind-hearted and morally-upright person ㅠ^ㅠ

Interview by: NEWSEN (뉴스엔)
Date of interview: 21st Sept (Wednesday)
Date published: 29th Sept (Thursday)

'바른생활청년'. 김규종과 대화를 나누며 느낀건 밝고 건강하고 생각이 깊다는거다. 팬들과 관련된 에피소드를 신나게 쏟아내다가도 마무리는 "그래서 제가 더 열심히 해서 멋진 사람이 돼야해요"였다. 가식적인 말이 아니라 몸에 이미 벤 그의 솔직한 마음이었다.

개인 소유의 차가 없는 김규종은 "괜히 불안해서 차를 안샀다. 가지고 다니다보면 나도 모르게 음주운전을 할 수도 있고 실수할까봐. 스무살때부터 차는 안 사야겠다고 생각했다"고 말했다. 이어 "앞으로 만나게 될 여자친구에게는 미안하지만 결혼 후에는 모를까 지금은 차를 살 생각이 없다"며 웃었다.

그는 "친구들 만나러 갈 때도 지하철을 자주 탄다. 정말 바쁘면 택시를 타고. 지하철이 빠르고 좋다"고 지하철 예찬을 늘어놓기도 했다. "예전엔 늘 모자를 푹 눌러쓰고 고개 숙이고 다녔다. 내가 뭐라고?"라며 웃던 김규종은 "그때는 당연히 그래야하는 줄 알았는데 지금은 편하게 다닌다. 누가 알아봐주면 좋더라. 사인도 해달라면 해준다. 근데 얼마전에 누군가한테 사진이 찍혔는데 궁상 맞아보인다는 말을 듣기도 했다"고 또 웃어보였다.

김규종이 빨리 결혼을 하고 싶은 이유도 "유혹이 싫어서"다. "사회 생활을 하거나 친구, 형들을 만나다 보면 유혹이 많다. 그런 유혹을 정말 싫어한다. 일하면서 핑계 댈 수 있긴하지만 내 사람이 생기면 그런 제의는 없을 것 같다"고 설명했다.

이어 "빨리 결혼해서 여유롭게 신혼도 즐기고 아이도 낳고 싶다. 아버지가 내 아이에게 너무 어려운 나이가 되기 전에 함께 즐거운 시간 보내고 싶다. 빨리 낳으면 아이가 커서 우리 아버지랑 같이 술이라도 한잔 할 수 있지 않을까. 아버지에게도 큰 선물이 될 것 같다"고 덧붙였다.

바쁜 스케줄과 새로운 도전들 앞에 불안한 마음일 법도 한데 "또래 친구들 고민에 비하면 난 즐거운 것 같다"고 말한다. "예전엔 학교만 다니는 친구들이 부러웠는데 지금은 만나면 다 한숨이다. 음반 준비하면서 고민하다 '친구들한테 물어봐야겠다' 했는데 다들 심각하게 자신의 미래를 고민하고 있더라. 너무 힘들어한다. 그에 비하면 내 고민은 즐거운 고민인 것 같다"고 말했다.

SS501 솔로데뷔 마지막 주자로 나선 김규종의 이번 앨범 목표도 그 성격대로다. "앞서 앨범을 낸 멤버들이 갈수록 잘 돼 부담감이 있다. 내 음반이 잘 되면 좋겠지만 내 역할은 우리 팀 이미지에 누가 되지 않게 잘 매듭짓는 것 같다. 대박 욕심보다는 '김규종이란 사람 괜찮은 것 같다'는 이미지로 마무리했으면 좋겠다"는 것.

SS501 히트곡 'U R MAN' 작곡가 한상원과 다시 손을 잡고 'Yesterday'를 발표한 김규종은 "처음엔 좀 촌스럽게 들릴 수 있는데 딱 세번만 참고 들어주세요. 그러면 정말 좋거든요"라며 웃었다.

'Youth with proper life-morals' Kim Kyu Jong. As I shared the conversation with Kim Kyu Jong, what I really felt was, he is very jovial, healthy and a deep thinker. As he poured some interesting episodes he's had with his fans excitedly, he finally ended off with a sentence, "that is why I have to become a more awesome person by working harder and harder". Not the usual pretensious words you would hear, because all that's seen on him from head to toe is but an honest heart, upright mindset.

A car would be what is called a personal posession. Kim Kyu Jong who doesn't have a car explained his reasons why, "I think I'd worry too unnecessarily if I bought a car, so I didn't buy. If I buy and own one, I might probably end up drink driving without my conscious knowledge...and probably make mistakes... Since 20 years old I already have the thinking of not buying any cars", "Though I will feel sorry to my future girlfriend and maybe might change my mind after I get married, for now that is, I do not have intention to buy any car", as Kyu Jong laughed and talked about it.

"Even when I go to meet my friends, I use the Mass Rapid Transit often, while if I'm really busy then I'll take the taxi. The Mass Rapid Transit is fast and comfortable", as he couldn't stop raving about his liking for the Mass Rapid Transit trains. "In the past, I used to always put on a hat with my head lowered and being in all low profile to everywhere I went... Just what am I that I need to behave like that..!", and he laughed. To which he continued, "at that time I felt it was a must for me to do so and that I didn't have a choice, but now I just do so freely as I wish. If anyone sees me that's good also. If they ask for my autograph, I'll give it to them too. Albeit not long ago someone took a picture of me in public and I even heard people saying that I seemed to look like I was in a sorry plight in that picture", as he laughed to what he said again.

Even Kyu Jong's reason of wanting to get married quickly explained so, "because I hate temptations". "As I be in the society circle, or when I meet up with friends or my hyungs, there are alot of temptations. and to those temptations, I really hate it. Although it's possible for me to have such chances as I'm working, if someday my other-half appears, then I would no longer have those kind of possible opportunities coming to me", as he explained.

"I hope to marry quickly, enjoy my newly-wed life enjoyingly and freely and also to have a child. Before my father becomes too old for my child, I hope we can spend lovely times together as a family. If I have my child quickly, then after my child grows bigger, we could also have a drink or two together with my father too. He will also be a huge present to my father", as he added.

Despite him having a busy schedule and possibly more tedious challenges ahead of him, he discussed about this issue to himself and realized, "Compared to my peers' troubles, I think mine is an enjoying one". Why? "Last time I used to be very envious of my friends who could go to schools, but when we meet up now, they all sigh. As I was preparing my album, I worried about them and thought to myself that I must go and ask about my friends one day, and after I did, I saw that they were worrying alot about their uncertain futures. It's very hard on them. If compared to that, I think my worries and perplexes is an enjoying and pleasant one".

Even as he is the final relayer in SS501 to hold a solo debut and release a solo album last, his goals set for this album is just like his personality too. "Members who released theirs before me progressed better and better as time went by, and burden came to me... Of course it'd be great if my album will turn out great, but because my role in the team is that of a balancer, it's not so good if any one over-covers any one else. Rather than me turning out as a huge hit, I rather people just have the thought that Kim Kyu Jong is really a not-bad person, and end it (solo debuts) off that way will suffice".

SS501's hit song 'U R MAN' producer Han Sang-won collaborated with Kyu Jong this time round for title track 'YESTERDAY', "If you listen to it the first time, you'd find it a little conventional. But if you listen to it for exactly 3 times, you'll come to really like it", as he haha-ed to what he said.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Solo Debuts :: Similarities and Differences

Summary -

1st Solo) Park Jung Min(박정민) Solo Debut : 2011 January, [NOT ALONE]

2nd Solo) Kim Hyung Jun(김형준) Solo Debut : 2011 March, [MY GIRL]

3rd Solo) Heo Young Saeng(허영생) Solo Debut : 2011 May, [LET IT GO]

4th Solo) Kim Hyun Joong(김현중) Solo Debut : 2011 June, [BREAK DOWN]

5th Solo-last) Kim Kyu Jong(김규종) Solo Debut : 2011 September, [TURN ME ON]

Similarities -

1) Album's title song - are all in English

Park Jung Min : NOT ALONE
Kim Hyung Jun : OH! AH!
Heo Young Saeng : LET IT GO
Kim Hyun Joong : BREAK DOWN
Kim Kyu Jong : YESTERDAY

2) They all have overlapping lyrics in one song or another, usually inclusive of the title song itself in a few verses here and there

3) Album itself is all in English too

Park Jung Min : NOT ALONE
Kim Hyung Jun : MY GIRL
Heo Young Saeng : LET IT GO
Kim Hyun Joong : BREAK DOWN
Kim Kyu Jong : TURN ME ON

4) If you link all the 5 albums' english names together, you can get a story...
Let it go my girl, because you just turn(ed) me on, and now that I have a break down, of course I am not alone... because I start to see a blurry image...

Differences -

1) [NOT ALONE], [BREAKDOWN], [YESTERDAY] are darker themes

[OH! AH!], [LET IT GO] are lighter themes

2) [NOT ALONE], [LET IT GO], [BREAK DOWN] has its focus on the hand(s) movement.
However, [OH! AH!] and [YESTERDAY] has its focus on the leg(s) movement.

3) Concept-wise,
[NOT ALONE] and [BREAK DOWN] are tough man images.
[MY GIRL] is a man with a crush image (cute guy image).
[LET IT GO] is a man with a do not care nor bother image (chic guy).
[YESTERDAY] is a betrayed man whose girlfriend has betrayed him (sad guy).

4) Outfit wise,
Most luxurious is Kim Hyung Jun's, and Heo Young Saeng's.
For Park Jung Min's and Kim Hyun Joong's, it is very dull and dark (usually only one darker tone colour).
For Kim Kyu Jong's, it is generally vivid colored, but not yet luxurious nor dull-colored.

5) Only Kim Kyu Jong and Kim Hyung Jun have different title songs from their debut album's title. For Kim Kyu Jong, his debut album is named [TURN ME ON], with title track being [YESTERDAY]. He wants to start anew with another girl, or rather with the same girl again, but he does not know it is already a Past-Tense.
For Kim Hyung Jun, his debut album is named [MY GIRL], with title track being [OH! AH!]. His girl made him express in exclamation, woah! His girl is his crush, who hasn't turned into reality yet.

현중 :: 2nd mini-album 『 LUCKY 』

김현중의 2번째 미니앨범 LUCKY는 오는 다음달 10월 11일에 발매합니다. 완전 기대!!!
이번의 콘셉트 또 어떠시죠.. 혹시 귀여운 시크남자라는..걸..?

What kind of concept will it be this time? Could it be a cute, chic man? ^ ^

2nd mini album 'LUCKY'

Release date: Oct 11 (Tuesday)

Digital release: Oct 11 (Monday), 12AM

Pre-order date: Sept 29 (Thursday), 3PM

How to pre-order: Online (Synnara e-shop, Kyobo Online, Yes24, Interpark, Lees Music, Apple Music, Aladin, etc), Offline Physical Stores

When to pre-order: Sept 29 (Thursday) 3PM ~ Oct 10 (Monday)


001_Do you like that
002_Lucky Guy (타이틀 곡)
004_나는 네 남자야 (I'm your man)
006_Lucky Guy (Instrumental)

In addition, his 1st comeback stage will be on 20th October (Thursday) through


규종 :: NEWSEN Interview ( Sept 28, Wed )

더 한 인터뷰가 게재했습니다.

Focuses on his talks on the group, and...his soft-hearted feelings...

Interview by: NEWSEN (뉴스엔)
Date: Sept 28 (Wed)

Kim Kyu Jong has debuted as a solo. While his SS501 members were carrying out their solo activities, Kim Kyu Jong was instead collating his experiences through the broadway stage, and thus, has became the final one in SS501 to hold a solo debut.

He said, "it wasn't intended like that initially", and was referring to it not being his original intention to become the final one to hold a solo debut. "I did not have that thought at all, but somehow I still became the final relayer. To be honest I had thought Youngsaeng-hyung would be the fastest to release an album, so I really didn't expect all the others to release theirs that fast at that speed"..., as he laughed and talked about it.

"The members who released their albums before me began to do really well as they progressed, and burden came to me too. Of course if my album would turn out great will be best, but because my role in the team is to balance the team well with everyone equally-weighted, it will just be enough if people will think that 'Kim Kyu Jong is actually quite a not-bad person(singer)', rather than me becoming a shocking hit with my solo debut...", disclosing his modest yet determined aim.

"As I await for our SS501 album where we shall re-unite anytime, I also want to end this solo debut off well", as Kim Kyu Jong also disclosed that SS501 is not an end for him, but instead is a name with new challenges ahead to attain for. "All of us have the thought to do a SS501 album together. For now, to speak honestly, it is still difficult. All of us have the heart and intention to do so, but right now, it's the period to focus more on our individual work", as he explained.

"To be honest, there were alot of talks about SS501. Alot of talks like how there was only Kim Hyun Joong enough in SS501, etc.. Hyunjoong-hyung, as well as our other members were very hurt"..., "As we do our individual activities, we also build up experiences, and then one day when we re-unite, those experiences we gained will then become a strong strength. In that case then, we won't be over-covering anyone at all, and every one will be equal. With such thoughts in mind, we will hence turn to put in more effort to work harder", as he divulged his inner feelings.

"Though we're all very busy, there is some things I really want to do. The first will be for each of us to release each of our album every year. And then on year-end concerts or big festivals, each of us will sing our own parts, plus also a few verses of our past solo songs combined together; I think it would be so fun", as Kim Kyu Jong seemed to really enjoy planning such plans in his mind.

He continued, "Actually we have always been the same (friendship). Not long ago, I went to Hyung Jun's birthday party, but people were all saying that it was done deliberately to not call me over. I think it's because we're too close that misunderstandings will surface. Even in Youngsaeng-hyung's case, we actually meet up very often, but many people still ask us 'are you two not close?'... This is not something to be vague about, if you are close to someone, must you actually really act close by greeting one another and such?", as he displayed his neverchanging friendship with his members.

In particular, Heo Young Saeng even made a rendering support by doing a rap featuring in one of Kyu Jong's song 'MY LOVE'. Kyu Jong explained, "Because I wanted it to become memories so I specially requested for him to do it, but he fretted and didn't know how to do rap because he thought he couldn't. But in the end it turned out really well. Besides the instrument sound, the rap part had turned out with all but Youngsaeng-hyung's own voice", as he felt so satisfied by saying that.

Kim Kyu Jong who has shown his deep affections for his members and his group has returned with his 1st solo album 'TURN ME ON'. In which his title song 'YESTERDAY' was produced by the hit producer Han Sang-won who had also produced SS501's hit song 'U R MAN'. As the title song progresses toward the end, deeper feelings were expressed. This title song 'YESTERDAY' may be similar to 'U R MAN', but it is also very obvious that it has a different trait to it, and will be sure to appeal towards the music fans in another different manner.

김규종이 솔로로 데뷔한다. SS501 멤버들이 하나씩 솔로 데뷔를 치르는 동안 뮤지컬 무대에서 역량을 쌓아왔던 김규종은 SS501 솔로데뷔 마지막 주자로 나섰다.

김규종은 "의도하지 않았다"고 말했다. 본의 아니게 마지막 주자로 나섰다는 것. 그는 "그럴 마음이 전혀 없었는데 마지막 주자가 됐다. 사실 영생이형이 제일 빨리 낼 줄 알았는데 애들이 그렇게 빨리 낼 줄 몰랐다"며 웃었다.

이어 "앞서 앨범을 낸 멤버들이 갈수록 잘 돼 부담감이 있다. 내 음반이 잘 되면 좋겠지만 내 역할은 우리 팀 이미지에 누가 되지 않게 잘 매듭짓는 것 같다. 대박 욕심보다는 '김규종이란 사람 괜찮은 것 같다'는 이미지로 마무리했으면 좋겠다"고 소박하지만 다부진 목표를 밝혔다.

"언젠가 다시 뭉쳐서 나올 SS501 음반을 기다리면서 마무리를 잘 하고 싶다"고 말한 김규종에게 SS501은 끝이 아니라 새로운 도약의 이름이었다. "다들 SS501 앨범을 하겠다는 생각이 있다. 지금은 현실적으로 힘든 부분이 있긴하다. 다들 마음은 있는데 일단 지금 각자 하는거에 집중하는 시기인 것 같다"고 설명했다.

김규종은 "사실 SS501이 그런 말이 많았다. 김현중 밖에 없다는 말을 많이 들었고 현중이 형도, 다른 멤버들도 속상해 했었다"고 솔직히 털어놓으며 "각자 활동에서 조금 더 열심해 해서 개개인의 역량을 쌓아놓고 뭉치면 큰 힘이 될 것 같다. 그럼 누구도 범접하지 못하겠다는 생각이 들어서 더 열심히 하게된다"고 깊은 속 이야기를 꺼냈다.

"바빠서 힘들 수도 있지만 정말 해보고 싶었던게 있다. 한해에 멤버들이 모두 앨범을 낸게 처음이다. 연말 공연이나 큰 축제에서 한명씩 자기만의 파트를 부르고 그동안했던 노래들을 조금씩 합쳐서 부르면 재미있을 것 같다"고 머릿속 계획을 밝히는 김규종은 정말 즐거워보였다.

그는 "우리는 정말 늘 똑같다. 얼마 전에 형준이 생일 파티에 갔는데 사람들이 억지로 부른거 아니냐고 하더라. 너무 친해서 오해를 받는 것 같다. 영생이형이랑도 자주 보는데 다들 '안친하지?'라고 묻는다. 서먹한게 아니라 친한 사람한테는 굳이 인사하거나 친한척 안하지 않냐"고 멤버들과의 변함없는 우정을 표현했다.

특히 허영생은 이번 앨범 수록곡 'My Love'에서 랩피처링으로 지원사격에 나섰다. 김규종은 "추억이 될 것 같아서 부탁했는데 자기가 랩을 어떻게 하냐고 했다. 그런데 정말 잘하더라. 기계음이 나오는데 영생이형이 다 직접 만들어낸 소리다"고 만족감을 드러냈다.

멤버들과 그룹에 대한 애정을 듬뿍 표현한 김규종의 이번 솔로 앨범 'TURN ME ON'의 타이틀곡 'Yesterday'는 SS501 히트곡 'U R MAN' 작곡가 한상원의 작품이다. 후반으로 갈수록 깊은 감성으로 몰아치는 독특한 구성의 'Yesterday'는 'U R MAN'와 비슷하면서도 확연히 다른 색으로 음악팬들에게 어필할 것으로 보인다.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

규종 :: Sept 27 - Interviews Extract ( in English )

오늘 게재된 인터뷰 기사를 통해서 골든 워즈(Golden Words)만 여기서 올려 번역해봤어요.
정말 착하는 김규종씨...ㅠ__ㅠ

3 Interviews were released today, which all happened to be done yesterday, Monday.
Here, I will only translate the "Golden Words" of what he said and what is essence.

The reason is to highlight his kind-heartedness alot... ㅠ__ㅠ

Still not as confident, but is slowly beginning more and more confident,
really kind and thoughtful hearted, thinking for others all the time
Maturing alot, knowing to only enjoy the process, not the outcome. This is what it should be like, not always caring for the end-product...

Quoted from: STAR NEWS
Interview page:
Interview date: 26th Sept (Monday)

1) SS501 멤버들의 고마움도 잊지 않았다.

김규종은 "형준이는 녹음실에 놀러 왔을 때, 현중이형은 밖에서 만났을 때 제 노래를 들려줬다"라며 "같은 소속사인 영생이형은 이번 앨범 수록곡인 '마이 러브'의 랩 피처링까지 해줬다"라며 미소 지었다.

이어 "정민이는 대만에 있어 못 들려 줬지만 언제나 저를 응원해 주고 있다"라며 "다들 '혼자 활동 하는 게 생각보다 힘들지만 기죽지 말고 멋지게 활동하라'라고 힘을 불어 넣어줬다"라며 웃었다.

1) He did not forget about his gratitude for his SS501 members too.

Kim Kyu Jong said, "When Hyung Jun came to my recording room for a visit, I had let him listen to my song. Also, when I met up with Hyun Joong-hyung outside somewhere, I had let him listen to my song too", "Even Young Saeng-hyung who's in the same agency as I am made a rap featuring in one of my song 'MY LOVE'", as he spread a wide smile across his face while speaking of that.

"Jungmin is in Taiwan, so I couldn't let him hear my song then, but no matter when, he's always been showing support to me", "All of us have always been saying this, 'though it's alot tougher doing activities on your own than you can think, don't be beaten by it; brace yourself and let's do it awesomely', and this has given me alot of strength and encouragement", as Kyu Jong added.

2) 김규종은 구체적인 형식과 방법에는 조심스런 입장을 보이면서도, "SS501 멤버들은 현재 개인 활동에 집중하고 있지만 내년께는 뭉칠 수도 있을 것"이라고 말했다.

2) With a concrete format and method in mind, Kim Kyu Jong shows his careful and detailed stand, though so, he didn't forget to add that "SS501 will be able to re-unite next year even though all of us are focusing heavily on our solo activities for now".

Quoted from: TV DAILY
Interview page:
Interview date: 26th Sept (Monday)

"제가 그 동안 약하고 소극적인 모습을 보여드렸던 것 같아요. 이번 앨범에는 이제 그런 모습을 탈피(emerge)하고 앞으로 나오자는 뜻이 담겨있어요."

"All these while, it seemed like I've only been showing a weak and pessimistic side of mine. However through this time's album, I will emerge from that kind of old profile of mine and be anew. This album has such a meaning".

"여장을 하면서 고민도 많았어요. 팬들 반응도 걱정됐고요. 그런데 화장을 해보니 '여자분들이 정말 힘들겠구나' 생각했어요. 눈썹이 왜 그렇게 무거워요?"

"When we decided to do female dressing, in actuality I had worried alot. About how fans would react to that. However, as I was doing the make-up in midst, I thought that it must have been a really tough and difficult thing on women... Why are the eyelashes this heavy?"

그 당시에는 라이벌 구도가 뚜렷해서 1등을 하지 못하면 곧 진다는 생각이 있었거든요. 지금은 그런 압박감을 벗어났어요. '즐기면서 하자'는 마음이에요. 1등이요? 하고 싶죠. 그런데 안 해도 돼요" (웃음)

"At that time (when we debuted in 2005), the way of functioning in showbiz between your rivals and you was very stark. If you don't get No.1, you lose - there was such thinking. But now, I've thrown aside that kind of enclosement thoughts. What I feel now, is a 'Do it enjoyingly' mind and heart. No.1? Of course will hope for it. But even if it won't happen it will suffice too (laughs)".

"이번 노래는 한 번에 듣고 '대박 이 노래 좋아' 이런 곡은 아닌 것 같아요. 제가 노래를 듣고 안무를 맞추며 계속 들었는데 안 질려요. 많은 사람들의 귓가에 맴돌았으면 좋겠어요. 안무도 멜빵을 이용해서 춤춰요. 재미있을 거 에요."

"This time's song doesn't seem like the kind of song where you will think 'This song rocks, it's so lovely' upon hearing it only once. I had been listening to this song continuously since I had to dance the MV for it, but I didn't get bored over it. I hope that this song would revolve around many people's ears... I even used suspenders to hold my trousers while I dance... It's interesting".

"쫓기지 말고 재미있게 활동하려고요. 일등이 아니라고 슬퍼하면서 욕심 부리지 않을 거 에요. 나중에 시간 지나서 '아 그 노래 좋았는데'라고 생각해 주신다면 만족해요."

"Not to chase after anything/anyone, but will just carry out my activities happily and enjoyingly. Even if I don't get No.1, I won't get sad over it and thus affect my desire. So long as after some time, people think back of this song and say 'Ah I liked that song you know'... will suffice. I'll be satisfied enough".

"곡 작업에 욕심이 있죠. 아직 제가 노래를 만들어서 음반에 싣기에는 부족한 걸 알아요."

"I do have ambition in song composition. Though I also know I'm still lacking alot if I will have to create a songpiece by myself to qualify into an album"...

"SS501로 첫 데뷔무대를 가졌을 때 많이 속상했어요. 제 파트가 적어서 '내가 팀에 도움이 안 되나'라는 생각이 들었죠.

"When I first held my debut stage as SS501, I was very hurt. Because my part was real little, I had the thinking, 'am I not of enough help to my team?'"...

"일본 팬 분들이 동방신기 유노윤호가 했던 역을 제가 한다고 하니까 저까지 높게 평가해 주셨어요. 제가 후배니까 당연히 고맙고, 기분 좋았죠."

"Because I was taking on a role where DBSK's U-Know Yunho had done before, so Japanese fans gave enough encouragement by giving high ratings. Of course, since I am a junior, I definitely feel grateful and felt great too".

공연 팀끼리 청평에 엠티를 다녀왔어요. 처음에는 제가 팀과 잘 못 어울릴 줄 알았어요. 베테랑 연기자 분도 계시니까 저를 싫어할 수도 있겠다 싶었는데, 그게 아니었어요. 좋은 말씀을 정말 많이 해 주세요. 여긴 너무 따뜻해요."

"Our musical play team had went for a Membership Training trip to Chungpyeong... At first I thought that I definitely won't mix too well with my team members... There were even veteran actors, and they may jolly well dislike me too... but it didn't turn out that way in the end. They in fact gave me alot of good advices. It is really heart-warming...".

"연말에는 한국에서 앨범, 드라마 촬영 등 활동을 계속 할 예정이에요. 또 일본에서 있을 뮤지컬 '궁' 앵콜 공연, 일본 팬미팅, 아시아 투어를 할 생각입니다."

"Year-end plans will include album activities and drama shooting in Korea. In addition, I also have plans to do the Musical Goong Encore in Japan (Tokyo), a fanmeeting in Japan, as well as an Asia Tour".

개인 계획 - Individual Plans ( sorted )

요새 개인 활동으로 인해 너무 많은 정보가 퍼뜨리고 있다니 좀 기억을 가져오고 정리하여 올려보았어요. 정확한 기간이 아마도 다를 수가 있겠지만
인터뷰들을 통해서 본인이 직접 말하는대로 정리하였는데. 물론 모든 좋은소식이잖아 ^^ 

Due to the many plans and information disseminated these days due to each's busy schedule, a little bit of collation and sorting out was tried out as follow.
Some plans might change, and also difference in the period.
These are written as according to what the five of them have had mentioned personally in interviews (TV or Paper).

*수정될 수 있습니다. Will be modified regularly.

계획하에 (Under Scheduled/Planned)

현중(Hyun Joong)

October 2011: 2nd Mini album

November 2011: Nationwide tour across Japan

Cities include:

December 2011~early February 2012: Asia Concert Tour (exclude Japan?)

Next year end of 1st quarter (Spring 2012) - April 2012 ~ July 2012: 3rd Drama shoot | new |

July 2012 ~ : 3rd album production? | new |

규종(Kyu Jong)

September-end 2011: 1st solo album release

September-late 2011: 1st Drama shoot | to be aired December 2011? |

September mid~October-early 2011: Musical Goong (Korea Stand)

December 2011: Musical Goong (Tokyo Stand) | new |

December 2011~January 2012: Asia Tour | new |

영생(Young Saeng)

November 2011~December 2011: Musical challenge [The Three Musketeers]

January 2012 to release 2nd solo album

형준(Hyung Jun)

November 2011/December 2011 : Drama shoot(s)

January/February 2012 to release 2nd solo album

정민(Jung Min)

Taiwan drama shoots from August~October 2011

Korean Movie/Drama November~December 2011

2nd solo album around maybe January/February 2012?

Album :: recommended channels to purchase via

Album Chart calculation for Music Bank and Hanteo Chart.
They take the following confirmed sites into consideration for Album Sales.

For international fans who reside overseas,
it will be good to consider Synnara (e-shop online) and Kyobo Online the best.

For How-To purchase through some sites, please refer to the bottom panel for a little help.

Results taken into consideration by importance:

Synnara (e-shop online), Synnara Offline (outlets), Kyobo Hottracks Offline, Hanteo

*Album sales will be reflected 2x for consumers who buy through Synnara Offline and Kyobo Offline

Apple Music, Liz Music, Kyobo Online

Interpark Online, Aladin, YES24

*Purchase through G-Market/auction sites does not reflect at all

규종 :: 『 TURN ME ON 』 음원 공개 ( Sep 27, Tues )

김규종 첫 솔로 미니앨범이 나왔습니다!
함께 들어볼까요?

Kim Kyu Jong's 1st solo mini-album is out! Let's listen!!!






☆DAUM MUSIC(다음 뮤직)

☆NAVER MUSIC (네이버 뮤직)

규종 :: 『 YESTERDAY 』 M/V

The M/V of YESTERDAY is out.

눈즐감 하세요. (B2M Entertainment 공식 유튜브 채널)

Monday, September 26, 2011

규종 :: first album fansign on Oct 2 ( Sunday )

B2M에 따르면 10월2일에 팬싸인회가 있을거에요!

According to B2M, there will be a fansign on October 2.

How to join: Sept 28 (Wed) to Sept 30 (Fri), by buying his album at Yongdeungpo's Hottracks, you may get to be one of the lucky 150 fans to join the fansign session

When will you know: by Oct 1 (Sat), 3 PM; on Hottracks HomePage

Fansign When: Oct 2 (Sun), 7.30 PM
Fansign Where: Yongdeungpo's Time Square, Hottracks

규종 :: 「 TURN ME ON 」 3차 티저 사진 - Teaser Pic Part. III

오늘 공개된 3차 티져 사진입니다... 이번에 고독한 왕자의 모습 :)

3rd series of teaser photo released before the official release of album tomorrow.

1st series - White, Shock
2nd series - Black, Wild
3rd series - Black, Nobleness

현중 :: 2nd album plan and estimation ( Miclub )

MICLUB's support for 2nd album in October.

Although it is early, this is the 1st series of estimation stage.
It is pivotal to have proper estimation, too.

Should any fans wish to start planning ahead since it is already end of September,
please make some cooperation.

1. Album bulk buying

   Album will be released in Oct. but release date and price is not known yet.

   Please let us know your purchasing quantity even roughly so that we can forecast.

2. Digital download and streaming

   (For example, if you send donation, we can use it for download and streaming.)

3. Direct support to HyunJoong such as food service

   For your understanding, please refer to below links;

If you want to join our support, please contact us (

We will include your fan club name(or your name) in support list if you join.

Please give our e-mail address to other fans or fan clubs who want to join our support.

Friday, September 23, 2011

규종 :: 1st stage - Recording on 28th Sept ( Wed )

28th 첫 스테이지 인기가요에 관련된 정보.
Information relating to first stage on 28th for Inkigayo Recording.

Starts recording: 7PM
Where: Changwon, Masan Gymnastic Stadium (detailed venue to be noted later)

Who to enter in terms of status:

1st- ThanKYU official member+fanlight holders
(+proof to show full download of all songs in album +caller ring/ringtone set users)

2nd- ThanKYU members (international fans)+fanlight holders+proof to show full download of all songs in album

3rd- Proof to show full download of all songs in album+caller ring/ringtone set users

Thursday, September 22, 2011

규종 :: 1st Comeback stage ( 28th Sept, Wed ) // Tokyo Musical Goong

Collation of two notices from B2M Entertainment.

His first comeback stage (shown to public, not exactly to be on national TV) will be next week. It will be on Wednesday (28th) for [Inkigayo Special] recording, and will be broadcasted on Sunday (Oct 2nd). Hence, there will be no live performance on Sunday (2nd Oct). Venue will be at Changwon's gymnastic stadium. It is recommended to bring along the official Kim Kyu Jong lightstick for those who could attend.

It is one day after his digital release. Almost equivalent to on the spot; it is great!!!

As news were previously released, there will be a Tokyo stand of Musical Goong too, in December. Rumors had it that Kyujong might still be Lee Shin. Notice by B2M has proven so. He will be joined by Sungmo of group Chosinsung to play Lee Shin. Period is December 16~30. Ticketing will begin from October 14 (Fri) onwards.

규종 :: 「YESTERDAY」 Teaser 35s - Screencapture

고화질으로 보면서 눈즐감도 하고 입운동도 합니다.
Higher Definition Screencapture of 「YESTERDAY」 Teaser (35s).

규종 :: 궁 ( Goong ) fansign on Sept 27 (TUES)

In order to commemorate the play in Seoul, there will be fansigns to be held.

September 24 (Sat), after the Noon Play
Who: Kang Dongho, Kwak Sonyoung, Jung Donghwa, Jang Yoojun

September 27 (Tues), after the Only Play at 8PM
Who: Kim Kyu Jong, Choi Yeseul, Jang Yoojun

Target audience: First-come-first-serve, first 50 who holds the ticket

공지 출처- (뮤지컬 궁, 공식홈페이지)

규종 :: 『 TURN ME ON 』 Teaser photo ( Part II )

사진 제공 (Photo Copyright): B2M Entertainment

이번에 가장 남자답게!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

규종 :: 「 YESTERDAY 」 Teaser Video 35s

드디어!! 대망의 김규종 첫 솔로 앨범 턴미온(TURN ME ON)의 티저 영상이 공개되었습니다!!
이번에 정말 시간에 맞췄다고 ^^

Finally the highly anticipated teaser video of Kim Kyu Jong 1st solo mini-album TURN ME ON is revealed!
This time, they are very on time at the real strike of 12. It is very good!

☆김규종 소속사 B2M 공식 유튜브 채널 (

1080P HD 고화질

완전 기대되네요. 김규종은 이 멋진 남자 ^-^

영생, 규종 :: 1st Japan Live Show cum Fanmeet to be on Nov 4 (Fri)

Kyujong and Youngsaeng's 1st Live Show cum Fanmeet will be held on November 4 in Tokyo!

More details will be out in few days time.

Venue: Hibiya Kokaido (日比谷公会堂), Tokyo

When: November 4 (Friday)

There will be 2 sessions held, one in the afternoon, and the other one at night.

규종 :: Lovely photo with his fanlight

From this notice again, seems like the teaser photos released on Monday were just but minor. There may be a bigger shock in the upcoming teaser to be released tonight at 12AM! or maybe...not in the teaser but other photos.

Please tune in to by 12AM tonight for the 1st round off of teaser.

Picture of Kyujong holding onto his fanlight.

형준 :: 『 LIE TO ME OST FESTIVAL 』 Nov 2011

형준씨는 일본에 곧 열리는 『내게 거짓말을해봐 OST FESTIVAL』에 참여하겠습니다요.
무료가 아니라고요 ㅋㅋ^^

Hyungjun will be joining in the 『Lie To Me OST FESTIVAL』 in November. In which, he will be making his way to Japan once again.
It is not free, of course ^-^


November 26 (Saturday), 12PM
November 27 (Sunday), 7PM

Pacifico, Yokohama

Kim Hyung Jun, INFINITE, JUST, Kim Yeonwoo

Perfoming item:
[이 밤이 지나가면] (If This Night Passes), [雨に打たれた] (Drenched in Rain), etc (10 songs in total)

인용한 출처- 김형준 일본 공식 홈페이지
Source- Kim Hyung Jun Japan Official Homepage (

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

규종 :: 『 Musical Goong 』 Press Call Session 20th Sept (TUES) - 기사 모음

오늘 오후2시에 기자회견 및 프레스콜을 열렸습니다.

This afternoon at 2PM, a Media Conference cum Press Call
was held.
Attendees included Kim Kyu Jong, Kang Dong Ho, Choi Ye Seul, Kwak Sonyoung, producer Song Byung Jun, etc.

Compilation of captions of various articles; it is interesting.

SS501김규종 “강동호 기럭지, 황금비율 부러워”
(SS501 Kim Kyu Jong "I'm envious of Kang Dongho's golden ratio height"

"뮤지컬 '궁', 아이돌=황태자 이미지 통한 듯"

(Musical Goong, Idol=Prince)

뮤지컬 ‘궁’ 프레스콜 현장을 가다!

뮤지컬 도전하는 SS501 김규종

(SS501 Kim Kyu Jong challenges musical)

열창하는 SS501 김규종

(SS501 Kim Kyu Jong singing passionately)

황태자 변신하는 SS501 김규종

(SS501 Kim Kyu Jong transforms into the royal prince)

뮤지컬 ‘궁’ 김규종 “뮤지컬 첫무대, 너무 긴장해 심장 터질 뻔”

(Musical Goong Kim Kyu Jong "First musical stage, very nervous and my heart can burst soon")

뮤지컬 '궁'에서 황태자로 변신한 김규종

(Kim Kyu Jong who transforms into a royal prince in Musical Goong)

'wake up' 독창 선보이는 김규종

('Wake up' displayed by Kim Kyu Jong)

뮤지컬 '궁' 김규종, "강동호 처음 보고 주눅 들었다"
(Musical Goong Kim Kyu Jong, "I felt small when I first saw Kang Dong Ho")

[포토엔]뮤지컬 ‘궁’강동호-김규종 ‘이신 황태자로 여심 흔든다’

(Musical Goong Kang Dong Ho-Kim Kyu Jong "Royal prince Lee Shin who captivates the hearts of females)

[포토엔]김규종 ‘뮤지컬 궁 이신 역 맡았어요’
(Kim Kyu Jong "I've taken on the role of Lee Shin")

[포토엔]뮤지컬 ‘궁’ 김규종 ‘이 왠수야!’
(Kim Kyu Jong "This lad!")

[포토엔]김규종-최예슬 ‘왕자와 평민의 만남’
(Kim Kyu Jong-Choi Ye Seul "The prince and the commoner's meet")

[포토엔]김규종 ‘왕자의 사랑의 멜로디’
(Kim Kyu Jong 'The prince's love melody")

[포토엔]김규종 ‘완벽한 외모, 왕자 역활 딱이네!’
(Kim Kyu Jong "Perfect looks, matching the princely role to a T!")

[포토엔]SS501 김규종 ‘첫 뮤지컬 도전’

[포토엔]뮤지컬 ‘궁’강동호-김규종 ‘이신 황태자로 여심 흔든다’

[포토엔]김규종-최예슬 ‘뮤지컬 궁 열풍 이어간다’
(Kim Kyu Jong-Choi Ye Seul "Musical Goong's whirlwind will ensue")

[포토엔]SS501 김규종 ‘첫 뮤지컬 도전’

[포토엔]뮤지컬 ‘궁’ 김규종 ‘파워넘치는 보이스’
(Kim Kyu Jong "A voice with such overflowing power")

[포토] 궁 '무대에서 열연하는 김규종'
(Kim Kyu Jong who displays feverish passion on the stage)

[포토] '궁' 김규종-곽선영 '다시 한 번 일어날 거야'
(Kim Kyu Jong-Kwak Sonyoung 'It will ensue once more time")

[포토] '궁' 강동호-김규종 '완벽한 황태자 2인방'
(Kang Dong Ho-Kim Kyu Jong 'The two perfect musketeer princes")

[포토] 뮤지컬 궁, 이신 역 김규종 “한국 첫 무대 즐거워요”
(Kim Kyu Jong-Lee Shin "Enjoyable first stage in Korea")

[포토] '궁' 최예슬-김규종 "네가 뭔데 이래라 저래라야?'
(Choi Ye Seul-Kim Kyu Jong "What are you huh, to behave like this and like that as you deem fit?")

[포토] 뮤지컬 '궁' 김규종 '황태자에 걸맞는 조각미모'
(Kim Kyu Jong "Beautiful looks that matches a royal prince to a T")

[포토] '궁' 김규종 '궁의 답답함 보다 자유로움이 좋아'
(Kim Kyu Jong 'Loving the freedom better than the sturdiness')

[포토] 김규종 '첫경험 설레었다'
(Kim Kyu Jong 'Keen and enjoying this first experience")

[포토] '궁' 김규종, 일탈을 꿈꾸는 황태자
(Kim Kyu Jong, a prince who dreams to relish a commoner's life)

[포토] 뮤지컬 `궁` 무대의 김규종

[쿠키 포토] 김규종, ‘노래,연기’ 모두 합격
(Kim Kyu Jong, 'Singing, Acting' - a full qualified pass)

[포토엔]2011년 뮤지컬 ‘궁‘ 많이 사랑해주세요
(2011 Musical Goong, Love it loads, please!)