Thursday, April 01, 2010

[msg][diary] KyuJong : 【오랜만이네요!!.. 매우 이른 아침~~ ㅎㅎ】(2010-04-01 7:04:59 AM)

translate: ode

((=TOKTOK greetings=))



【It's been some time!!.. Very early in the morning~~ hh】
(2010-04-01 7:04:59 AM)

Annyeong..^^ It's been quite some time!

I woke up so early today, right!? hh
I woke up because I saw Youngsaengie-hyung's post and got tricked...

heum(expression)..words that were said began since morning.. !! Got so surprised and shocked yo!! hh
Because of April Fools' Day^^

After concert ended, I spent a long time in my hometown Jeonju, after that came to Seoul ^^

Met many of my hometown friends~ Returned from our family holiday~

But.. There seems to be a laser appearing in my eyes isn't it?..
(because Eunah
[sister] who is working hard in college, she couldn't join in this time..ㅜㅜ)

Haha..^^ Have all of you been well?!

It's already April 1 ne..Wow~~

Time really flies so quickly.. Holjjeok! (expression; exclamation) Our 501 first appearance on stage seemed just like yesterday..

Though our fantastic asia tour performance has already ended.. It still feels like a dream only ne.

With such an amazing team members too.. Still find it unable to believe.. Proud of it..^^

Also, our lovely pretties who have been safeguarding us too.. Thank you very much. We did it We did it!!

hh by the way!! Because we did it for the encore.. I got targeted by the water like that just as the members heard about the birthday 'party'..

All of you knew right!!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?! I will be taking revenge..

Ice water.. Showered my body,,ㅜㅜ heukheuk!! But.. because this formed a lasting memory that I will never forget in my life,

Thank you h
After an amazing concert ended, the water game that was alawys played during the encore time, all this while, though it should have been hard on you all, but because everyone had been bathed by the water game then,

It is great hee~

Always..^^ because you're always giving smiles, thank you. because always rendering strength and power, thank you..

Ever beginning since debut, right until now, all the photographs.. All uploaded by our pretties, I had been searching for them all though..

Didn't know that time passed by so quickly as I look at them.. Really wonderful~ Thank you yo..^^ hee

Anyway, I saw a post that was written some time ago.. That I'm a role model..

After reading that post, I begin to have that same kind of role model attitude again..^^ Now I'm somebody's role model again..

I'll work harder.. Will certainly be able to, think of it that way..!!

The mood inside me feels very wonderful too.. heehee whatever the case!!

I really miss all of you! Because we have been preparing very studiously, and will be out with it soon~

Feeling nervous!! Right until then, academics! Career! Work well in it~~ Understand?!

Ever since I returned from hometown, the accent has been revolving around my mouth and causing some problems.. Atta it's quite hard nyo..hh^^

Annyeong bbabbai (byebye)~~ Faster meet you all, faster.. Miss you!

Always be filled with pleasant matters, will be praying for it like that in my heart~

I will become a star, no matter where you are in this world~ Whenever it may be, I'll be shining for all of you~
24/7 from m to s night, will be happy always..^^



오랜만이네요!!.. 매우 이른 아침~~ ㅎㅎ 2010-04-01 오전 7:04:59

안녕..^^ 다들 오랜만이예요!

저 오늘 완전 일찍 일어났죠!? ㅎㅎ 일어나서 영생이형 글 보고 낚였음니다...

흠..아침부터..말이야.. !! 깜짝놀랬다구요!! ㅎㅎ 만우절일줄이야..음..^^

콘서트마치고 전주고향에서 긴 시간 보내다가 서울로왔어요 ^^

고향친구들도 많이 만나고~ 가족여행도 다녀오구~

그런데.. 내 눈에서 레이저 나올거같지 않아요?.. (은아는 학교열심히다니느라 참석을 못했어요..ㅜㅜ)

하하..^^ 다들 잘 지내세요?!

벌써 4월 1일이라니..와우~~

시간 정말 빠르네요.. 훌쩍! 우리 오공돌이 무대 처음 올라간지 엊그제같은데..

아시아투어라는 멋진 공연을 마치게되다니..아직도 꿈만같아요.

그렇게 멋진 팀의 멤버가 나라는것도.. 아직도 믿겨지지않구.. 자랑스럽구..^^

그리고 우리 지켜주는 이쁜이들도..너무 고맙구. 해냈다 해냈다!!

ㅎㅎ 참!! 앵콜때 해냈다 때문에..멤버들은 생일빵 이렇게 듣고 나 물에 빠뜨린거..

다들 아시죠!!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?! 복수할꺼야..

얼음이..내 몸을 감싸서,, ㅜㅜ 흑흑!! 하지만.. 평생에 잊지못할 좋은 추억만들어줘서

고마워요 ㅎ 멋지게 공연마치고 앵콜때 물놀이하면 그동안 힘들었던거 다 씻을 수 있어서

좋아요 히~

항상..^^ 웃게해줘서 고맙구. 힘나게해줘서 고맙구..

데뷔때부터 지금까지 사진들..이쁜이들이 올려준 사진들 다 찾아봤는데..

시간가는 줄 모르고 봤어요..너무 좋았지요~ 고마워용..^^ 히

참 얼마전에 이런 글을 봤어요.. 제가 롤 모델이라구..

그 글을 보고 다시 마음가짐을 하게되었어요..^^ 내가 누군가의 롤 모델이 되어있다는게..

더 열심히.. 해야겠다라는 생각하구..!!

속으로는 기분도 너무 좋구..히히 아무튼!!

다들 정말 보고싶네요! 우리 열심히 준비해서 쨘 하고 나올테니까~

긴장들하시구!! 그떄까지 공부! 일! 열심히 하기~~ 알았죠?!

고향다녀오니까 사투리가 입에 베서 큰일났어요.. 아따 힘들고마잉..ㅎㅎ^^

안녕 빠빠이~~ 빨리 만나자 빨리.. 보고싶다!

항상 좋은일 가득하도록 맘속으로 기도할께요~

저 별이 되어 이 세상 어디라 해도~ 언제까지나 너희들을 비춰줄께~

24 / 7 from m to s night 언제까지나 행복할꺼야..^^