Thursday, March 31, 2011

【 정민 】:: <THE, PARK JUNG MIN>1st Mini Album releases on April 1 !

드디어 정민씨의 첫 미니앨범/EP 「THE, PARK JUNG MIN」 가 공개되었습니다.

4월7일 출시한 예정인 이앨범에서는 참 시크하면서도 다정하는 매력적인 정민씨가 담아가고있습니다.

Finally Jungmin's 1st mini album/EP 「THE, PARK JUNG MIN」 is released on April 1.

The album is slated for physical release on April 7, and this album is filled with the chic and vibrant yet charismatic Jungmin.

1st Mini Album - Songs
Soribada (소리바다) ::

Mnet (엠넷) :: (+M/V)

BUGS (벅스) ::
MELON (멜론) ::

DOSIRAK (도시락) ::

DAUM (다음) ::

NAVER (네이버) ::

많은 성원과 관심 부탁드립니다!!!
Please give alot of support to it and him!!!

【 형준 】:: Interview 03.31 - TV REPORT

SS501 김형준이 지난 1년여 간의 시련을 극복하고 최근 솔로로 컴백했다. 시련을 겪은 만큼 가수로서 그리고 한 사람으로서 좀 더 진지해져서 돌아왔다.

김형준은 최근 기자와 만나 “어렸을 때부터 가수활동을 하다 보니 매니저가 일상생활에서의 일들을 대부분 처리해주지만 온실 속에서 자란 사람이 될까봐 무서워서 정신을 차렸다”고 밝혔다.

그는 “예전에 어떤 사람들이 여권도 직접 못 만든다는 얘기를 들었다. 그 얘기를 듣고는 마음이 아팠다. 나 역시 대부분의 일을 회사에서 처리해주기 때문에 마음에 와 닿았다”며 “나는 어떨까를 되돌아보고 정신을 바짝 차렸다”고 설명했다.

최근 동생 김기범과 인형사업을 시작하자마자 성공을 거둔 김형준은 “내가 아는 만큼 할 수 있는 게 많은 만큼 주변에서도 인정해주는 것 같다. 지금은 혼자 할 수 있는 건 스스로 하려고 노력하고 있다. 온실 속에서 자란 사람이 되긴 싫다”고 말했다.

SS501 멤버들이 제각각 다른 소속사로 옮기며 그룹 활동이 잠정 중단, 시련을 겪은 것도 김형준에게는 오히려 가수로서, 한 사람으로서 한 단계 도약할 수 있는 계기가 됐다. 그는 “마음은 아프지만 책임감이 늘어나다보니 결단력이 생겼다”고 지난 1년을 돌아봤다.

SS501이라는 안정된 현실에 더 안주하게 되기 전 홀로서기 할 기회가 주어졌다는 것도 시련 속에서 그가 찾은 한줄기 빛이다. 그렇게 김형준은 시련을 이겨내며 첫 솔로음반 ‘마이 걸’(My Girl)을 내놓았다. “원하는 걸 하자”는 생각으로 준비한 음반이다.

김형준은 “슬퍼만 하기보다 주어진 상황에서 최선을 다하기 위해 노력했고 밝은 모습 보여드리기 위해 애썼다. 내가 웃고 있는 모습을 보면 누군가는 ‘쟨 솔로로 나서니 더 좋은가보다’할지도 모르겠지만 다른 멤버들을 위해서라도 웃는 게 낫다 싶었다”고 말했다.

웃고 있지만 스스로에게는 더욱 냉정해진 김형준은 이번 결과물에 대해 “일단 제 이름 석자 김형준을 봐주셨으면 좋겠다”고 겸손해했다. 궁극적으론 “아이돌이라는 틀을 깨고 아티스트 김형준이 되고 싶다”는 것이 김형준의 바람이다. 김형준은 이제 첫 발을 뗐을 뿐이다.

SS501 Kim Hyungjun has overcomed the past 1 year's ordeal period and has made his solo comeback recently. After undertaking an ordeal, he's now returned even more earnest - as a singer, and, as a person.

As he met up with the journalist recently, "I stepped into this singer industry since I was young and so most of the matters in daily life had to be settled by my manager, but soon I thought if I would become a person growing in the greenhouse, and I find that so scary... I came to my senses and bucked up", as Kim Hyungjun revealed.

"Not long ago I heard talks about some-some-some people not even able to make their own passports by themselves... At that time I heard about it, my heart ached. Most of my matters were settled at the company in fact, so at that time I heard, it dawned on me about the fact that I'm guilty for that", "I re-question myself about what kind of person am I. After realizing, I then completely came to my senses" (ie; dawned upon him and he realized), as he continued to further elaborate.

Not long ago, he started a character business with his younger brother Kim Kibum and achieved success in no time. To this Kim Hyungjun has a piece to say, "As far as I know and am able to do, that is, and people around me have been giving their acknowledgement on that as well. Things that I could do by myself - I now work hard to do it by myself. I dislike to become a person who grows in the greenhouse", as Hyungjun added.

SS501 members have since moved into different agencies respectively and group activities are temporarily stopped for the time being. But to Kim Hyungjun, this is actually a chance for him to be able to leap and sprint into a higher level as a singer and as a person. "My heart aches, but though tough, now that I have more responsibility with me on my shoulders, resolution and determination skills have also sharpened", as he reviewed looking back on his past 1 year.

Before he could get to relax further in the already stabilized reality as a part of SS501, the chance for him to stand alone came; and that is one gleam of light that he's been looking for. As he overcomes the ordeal in the process, his first solo album 'My Girl' was thus also released. It's a piece of work that was prepared with the thought "Do what I want" in mind.

"Rather than staying sad over it only, might as well do your best in the given situation. I worked hard for that and tried hard to show my bright profile. When people see my smiling face, I don't know if they'll exclaim like 'that lad seems to be doing better solo huh'. but even if it'll be for the goodwill of other members, I do think it's more preferred if I smile throughout instead".

He may be smiling all time, but Kim Hyungjun treats himself hard-headedly. As he talks about his ending piece of product, he says "it'll be great if people could take a look to my name characters - Kim.Hyung.Jun", as he made that modest statement. On a more extreme note, he divulged his personal wish, which is to break out of that title as 'an idol', and turn into 'an artiste' named Kim Hyung Jun.

At this moment, it's about Kim Hyungjun making his first step forward - only.


To be growing in a greenhouse means something like the 'Strawberry Generation', of teens born in the early-1980s, to be always depending on others for their survival and knows nothing but stretch hands for money and food.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

【 형준 】:: 2 Awesome TV Daily Interview 03.25

TV Daily Interview

솔로변신 김형준, "SS501 때보다 팬들 적어져 서운해요"[인터뷰①]

2011. 03.25(금) 15:05

그룹 SS501의 막내에서 솔로 가수로 돌아온 김형준은 한층 성숙해진 모습이었다. 형들의 보살핌에서 벗어나서일까? 그의 눈빛에는 진지함이 묻어났다. 김형준은 장난기 가득한 말투에 시종일관 미소를 짓다가도 음악과 사업에 대한 얘기가 나오면 곧바로 흥분모드로 변했다. 어린나이지만 사회생활을 일찍 시작한 만큼 생각이 깊었고, 꿈도 컸다.

김형준이라는 이름으로 평가받는 첫번째 음반인 만큼 신경을 많이 썼다. 음반 얘기가 나오자 그는 눈빛을 반짝이며 좋아하는 장난감을 받기라도 한 아이같이 들뜬 모습을 보였다. 김형준은 아이처럼 천진난만하지만 똑부러졌다.

"세련된 걸 좋아하고 팝스러운 음악을 추구하는 스타일이라 그런 음악을 하고 싶었어요. '오아'라는 곡은 처음에는 반감을 샀는데 녹음을 하니까 정말 좋더라고요. 역시 녹음을 해봐야 곡의 진짜 느낌이 보이는 것 같아요. 사운드도 독특해요. 신비롭고 몽환적이죠. 이번 음반의 전체적인 컨셉트는 세련됨과 심플하면서도 팝스러운 깔끔함이에요. 제가 좋아하는 음악들로만 가득하죠."(웃음)

수록곡에 대해 하나하나 설명하는 그이 눈빛에 진지함과 열정이 묻어났다. 한 곡 한 곡 장인정신으로 만든 음반에 대한 자부심이 대단했다.

다섯 멤버가 함께 한 무대를 채우다가 이제 홀로 무대에 서야한다. 혼자 그 큰 무대를 장식하고 팬들의 기대에 부응해야한다는 부담감이 클 텐데도 김형준은 "요즘은 이게 내 길인가 싶을 정도로 혼자 하는 것도 좋아요"라며 편안한 웃음을 보인다.

"김형준이라는 이름을 걸고 처음 나오는 음반이라 의미가 컸고, 심혈을 기울여서 만들었어요. 다섯 명이 하다가 혼자 하니까 사실 조금 썰렁하기도 하고 힘들 줄 알았는데 지금은 두려움보다 앞으로 내가 뭘 해야 할지 기대가 많이 돼요."

"부담감, 말로 표현할 수 없을 정도로 컸어요. 고민도 많이 하고요. 그런데 개인 활동을 많이 해서 그런지 활동을 하다 보니 (부담감은)금방 씻겨 내려갔어요. 내가 하고 싶은걸 좀 더 자유롭게 할 수도 있으니까요. 이제 이게 내 길인가 싶기도 하고 혼자 하는 것도 보기 좋은 것 같아요. 지금은 정말 행복해요. 멤버들도 항상 지켜보고 있으니까 무대에서 떨지 말고 꼭 1등하라고 응원해줘요."

밝고 긍정적인 성격 때문인지 김형준은 솔로활동의 주는 부담감도 훌훌 털어버린 것 같다. 김형준에게 솔로활동은 부담감보다 팬들에 대한 아쉬움과 섭섭함이 더 큰 것 같다.

"혼자 활동하면 분명 좋은 점도 있죠. 밴 자리가 넉넉하고 대기실이 조용해서 사색에 잠길 시간도 많고요. 또 내가 보여줘야 할 게 뭔지 인식하고 사람들에게 어필할 수 있는 것 같아요. 그런데 예전만큼 큰 사랑이 몸소 느껴지지는 않아요. 나를 좋아해주시던 분들도 있고, 다른 멤버들을 좋아해주시는 분들도 있으니까요. 솔직히 저 같아도 다섯 명이 함께 있을 때보다 마음이 덜 할 것 같아요. 그런 부분이 조금 아쉬움이 남아요."

김형준은 예전에 받았던 사랑을 몸소 느끼지 못해 아쉽다고 섭섭함만 토로하지 않았다. 그는 SS501을 한 무대에서 보지 못해 아쉬워하는 팬들의 마음을 먼저 챙길 줄 아는 배려심 깊은 남자다. 이 지독하게 밝고 긍정적이며 사려 깊은 남자가 앞으로 또 어떤 활동으로 팬들에게 감동을 줄지 기대해도 좋을 듯싶다.


김형준, "현중이 형과 '영화는 영화다' 같은 작품 찍고 싶어요"[인터뷰②]

"SS501, 김형준을 여기까지 있게 한 원동력이자 평생 함께 해야 할 존재죠."

김형준은 이제 더 이상 그룹 SS501 막내가 아니다. 그는 혼자지만 데뷔 7년차 중견가수답게 긴장하기보다는 당당했다. 자부심도 대단하다. 그만큼 단련됐고 자신 있기 때문일 터.

김형준은 굉장히 유쾌한 사람이었다. 그는 인터뷰 내내 밝은 미소에 들뜬 목소리로 대답을 이어갔다. 늘 아이처럼 웃고 있지만 자신이 해야 할 일에 대한 확신이 있었고, 그 길을 제대로 걷고 있었다. 솔로 활동에 대한 부담감이 있을 법도 하지만 김형준은 부담감에 얽매여 있기보다는 호기심과 자신감으로 똘똘 뭉쳐 있었다. 그래서 그런지 그의 무대에서는 SS501 멤버들의 빈자리를 느낄 수 없다.

김형준에게 SS501이란?

"내게 SS501이란 김형준을 여기까지 있게 한 원동력이자 평생 함께 해야 할 존재죠" 당연한 걸 묻는다는 듯 답한다. "멤버들이 응원도 많이 해줬어요. 꼭 1등하라고(웃음). 또 항상 보고 있으니까 무대에서 떨지 말라고 힘을 줬어요." 자신에 대해 얘기할 때는 진지한 모습을 보이던 김형준은 SS501에 대한 얘기가 나오자 사랑받는 막내의 모습으로 돌아가 들뜬 표정을 지었다.

서로 바쁜 개인 활동 때문에 멤버들과 자주 못 볼 것 같다고 말하자 그는 절레절레 고개를 젓는다. "자주 만나서 주로 음주가무를 즐겨요. 그런데 저는 못 마셔요. 다른 멤버들은 잘 마시는 편인데... 현중이 형은 술을 빨리 마시고 쓰러져버려요. 그리곤 안 일어나죠." 마치 지금 김현중의 술에 취해 그의 앞에 쓰려져 있다는 듯 난감한 표정을 짓는다.

"영생이 형은 말이 좀 많아져요. 애교도 많아지고 성대모사도 해요. '형준이 형준이 왜 이렇게 예뻐'라며... 정민이는 막 뛰어다니고 규종이는 그냥 눈이 풀려요."

멤버들과의 추억을 말하는 그의 눈빛에서 그들에 대한 믿음과 애정이 묻어난다. 서로 끈끈한 우정을 자랑하는 그들. 곧 SS501이 다시 한 무대에 서는 날이 다가오지 않을까.

"모두 소속사가 다르지만 우린 무조건 같이 활동 하자고 약속했어요. 이걸 못 지키면 정말 의리가 없는 거라면서... 짧게 하더라도 모이기로 했어요. 물론 각자 회사가 다르고 개인 활동이 있어서 힘들지도 모르겠지만 개인 활동이 마무리되는 시간이 되면 그때 SS501의 음반이 나올 거예요. 연말이나 다음해 초쯤..."

SS501이 통할 수 있는 건 음악뿐이 아니다. 김형준을 비롯해 김현중, 박정민, 김규종 모두 연기에 도전한 적 있는 연기돌이다. "현중이 형과의 연기요? 서로 만날 수 없는 악연으로 나왔으면... 영화 '영화는 영화다' 같은 작품을 찍고 싶어요. 소지섭 씨처럼 멋있는 목소리에 멋있는 역할을 해보고 싶어요."

인간 김형준vs가수 김형준

방송에서 보는 김형준은 밝고 친화력이 좋은 사람이다. 혼자서도 무대를 꽉 채우고 말도 잘 한다. 하지만 인간 김형준은 사실 혼자 있는 것을 좋아하는 내성적인 남자라고.

"인간 김형준은 소심하고 생각도 많고 말수도 별로 없고 미래에 대한 고민이 많은 남자예요. 한강 가서 혼자 강보고 있거나 바람 쐬고 걷는 거 좋아해요. 드라이브도 많이 하고... 또 방송인 김형준은 화려한 것 좋아하고 굉장히 밝고, 긍정적이고 많이 웃는 사람이었으면 좋겠어요. 사람들이 봤을 때 '김형준 정말 밝고 열심히 하잖아'라고 말할 수 있는." 쑥스럽게 웃는 그의 얼굴에서 묘한 에너지가 느껴진다.

자신에겐 엄격하고 빡빡해 보이는 김형준이지만 가족 얘기가 나오면 목소리부터 따뜻했다. 부모님 이외에 아직 롤모델을 찾지 못했다고 말하는 그는 어머니의 영향을 굉장히 많이 받는다고. 외모도 어머니와 똑같을 정도로 닮았다고 한다. 또 현재 동업자이자 동생인 김기범에 대한 애정도 대단했다.

"기범이는 만능인이에요. 캐릭터에 관심이 많아서 사업도 먼저 구상했고, 작곡도 잘 해요. 기회가 된다면 형제의 듀엣곡이나 음반도 접할 수 있지 않을까요."

"기범이의 탈퇴는 안타까운 일이에요. 하지만 지나간 일이니까 다 잊어버리고 무슨 일을 해야 할지 잘 생각하고 현실을 직시하라고 충고해줬어요" 김형준은 아직 어린 나이지만 기범과 같은 길을 걸어온 선배이기에 현명한 조언을 해줬다.

동생뿐만 아니다. 김형준은 몇 년간 같은 소속사에서 고생한 동료 걸그룹 카라에도 아낌없는 응원을 전했다. "잘 해결 될 거라고 생각해요. 서로의 타혐점을 잘 찾을 거예요. 누구의 편의를 봐주기보다는 서로에게 좋은 길로 타협을 잘 하는 것이 좋을 것 같아요."

스물 넷, 사랑하고픈 나이

혈기왕성한 스물 넷, 한참 사랑하고 싶고 연애하고 싶은 나이다. 하지만 김형준은 연애는 잠시 미뤄두고 일에 집중하고 싶다고.

"여자친구는 3년 뒤쯤 돈 많이 벌어서 만나고 싶어요. 여성스러운 사람을 좋아해요. 보수적일 수도 있는데 내 말 잘 듣고 내조 잘 해주는 그냥 천생 여자스타일을 좋아해요. 외적으로는 화려한 사람보다 도도한 사람이 좋아요. 손예진 씨와 손태영 씨 정말 좋아해요. 손 씨가 정말 예쁜 것 같아요(웃음)" 까다롭다. 그는 벌써 일과 결혼한 것처럼 보인다.

연애는 잠시 뒤로 미뤄두고 일에 집중할 거라 말한 김형준이지만 여배우와의 촬영이 싫지만은 않았던 것 같다. 김형준은 이번 음반 '오아'와 '마이걸' 뮤직비디오에서 두 명의 미녀 배우 오연서, 모델 양윤영과 호흡을 맞춰 화제가 되기도 했다.

"(이성과의 촬영이 있으면)예전에는 아무 얘기도 못 하고 되게 부끄러워했는데 요즘에는 조금 응큼해졌나봐요. 이렇게 하면 사람들이 좋아하겠구나 생각하고 얘기도 하고 금방 친해져요. 여자주인공이 나오니까 혼자 찍는 것 보다 힘이 많이 나던데요(웃음)"

"이번 음반으로 가장 이루고 싶은 것은 1위"라며 일에 대한 욕심을 드러낸 김형준. 언제나 솔직하고 긍정적으로 다양한 분야에 도전하는 것처럼 거침없이 1위를 향해 달려 나가기를 기대해본다.


Solo transformist Kim Hyungjun,
"Having lesser fans than SS501 days, kinda sad" [Interview 1]

Kim Hyungjun who's returned as a solo singer and not the maknae of group SS501 - we saw the more matured side of his this time. Has he broken out of the guardian shell by his brothers? In his eyes we saw eagerness. Whilst we listen to his gag-filled talks, we also see his beautiful smiles spread across his face - as usual. The moment he talks about music and his business, he turns into an ecstatic mode almost immediately. He may still be at a tender age, but having started social life early, his thoughts were as equally deep, and dreams equally big.

In releasing this first album under the name Kim Hyungjun, he has had put in alot of concern throughout the process. As soon as he talks about the album, his eyes shone and becomes playful like a child as if he discovered a new-found toy. Though he is naive and innocent like a child, that didn't seem to be bothersome at all.

"I like sophisticated kind of music, and I pursue after the pop genre of music, and I wanted to do that kind of music. At first, I actually didn't like a song like 'oH! aH!', but as I was recording for it, I began to grow really fond of it. It's really true that you gotta undergo the recording of a song first before the true feel of a song is felt. Even the sound of it is unique - the mystique and dreamy feel. The entire concept in this time's album is about sophistication and simplicity, and at the same time, pop-oriented and neat on the whole. It should only be filled with music that I fancy isn't it (laughs)".

As he described each song inclusive in the album, passion and seriousness was very evident in his eyes. His pride for each song that was produced meticulously by top craftsmen was stinging.

It used to be five members standing together on stage, but now, he needs to stand on the stage alone and fill the presence. Standing on that huge stage alone, filling the presence in front of many fans and adapting to fans' anticipation could bring huge burden for one, however, Kim Hyungjun dismissed that, "I've been thinking about whether or not this is the path that I should take, and after thinking, I realize that I actually like doing it alone", as he laughed it off simply.

"This is the first album under the name Kim Hyungjun so it's very much meaningful, and was produced with alot of effort and concerns. It used to be five of us doing these, but now that I'm doing it alone, I do feel a little empty. I know it'd be tough and hard but right now, more than fear, I actually am getting anticipated about what I should do in the road ahead".

"This burden was huge in a way it can't be expressed in words. There were also many worries. But hmm could it be because I've been doing alot of personal activities already that, as I'm carrying out solo activities now, the burden was washed away very immediately. That's because I'm able to do the things I want to do in a little more relaxing manner. Now, even if I may think about whether this will be my path to walk or not, it actually seems good in doing it alone. It's really blissful right now. Our members are always watching over me and also rooted on for me by asking me not to tremble too much nor get nervous and strive for No.1".

Could it be because of his bright and positive personality that even with this burden caused, it seemed to have been dumped aside as though insignificant. To Kim Hyungjun, doing solo activities is more about feeling any possible tinge of sorriness and disappointment for his fans, rather than burden that he will feel.

"If I do activities alone, obviously there would be good sides to it too, right. When you sit in vans, there is enough space for yourself; and when I'm in the waiting lounge, I have plenty of time to do thinking on myself. I get to realize what is it that I need to show to people, and this could seemingly allow me to appeal to people. However, I don't personally feel the same amount of huge love received like last time. There were people who have liked me since last time, and also some other people who likes the other members, too. To be honest, my heart feels less full as compared to when the five of us were together back then. I feel a little sadness for that".

Kim Hyungjun did not just talk about how he feels sad and disappointed that he does not feel the same, equal amount of love received as before. Instead, he's a very caring and concerning man who knows how to first tend to fans' feelings wherein they feel sad about not being able to see SS501 on a same stage together for the moment.

It'd be great for us to keep anticipating on what this bright, cheerful and extremely positive man with deep consideration for others would have in store for us on the road ahead of him.

Kim Hyungjun,
"I want to shoot a movie like 'Rough Cuts' with Hyunjoong hyung" [Interview 2]

"SS501, an existence who must go on with him for life; and the generating force in bringing him to where he is now".

Kim Hyungjun is no longer the maknae of group SS501. He is like a veteran singer who's had already debuted for 7 years, and though alone, he's more forthright than nervous. Even his pride was immense. It should be for the fact that he's already very much trained and of course, confidence from within.

Kim Hyungjun could be said to be an extremely cheerful and jovial person. In each moment of the interview conducted, he flashes his beautiful, bright smile to us, and accompanied by that light-hearted voice of his. Though he is always smiling and laughing like a kid, he still possesses that resolution and firmness on matters he needs to do - he treads on his path in a very right manner that should be. There may be an assuring amount of burden on doing activities alone, but Kim Hyungjun does not tie himself to this burden. Instead, he stands firm and self-guards with his curiosity and confidence. Could it be the reason why we actually don't feel the lack of presence of his other SS501 members during his solo stages?

To Kim Hyungjun, SS501 is?

"To me, SS501 is an existence who must go on with me for life; and the generating force in bringing me to where I am now", as he replies us in a manner as though we're asking an obvious.

"Our members gave me alot of support and encouragement. They told me that I must get No.1 (laughs). They're always watching over me, so they told me not to panic on stage while performing, so that gave me real strength". We watch him go back to his status of SS501's maknae as he pulls that cheeky expression across his face the moment he starts talking about SS501, which is a contrast to his serious profile whenever he talks about himself.

As soon as we suggested that he probably can't meet up often with his members due to each's busy schedule, he started to shake his head as he disagrees with us. "We meet often and enjoy over sessions of drinking. However, I can't drink. The other members can tend to drink better... Hyunjoong hyung drinks very smoothly and falls drunk very quickly. And he doesn't wake up". As if he's looking at Kim Hyunjoong falling drunk in front of him right now, he pulls that awkward expression across his face mischievously.

"At this time, Youngsaeng hyung can turn to talk alot, and also put on alot of aegyo (cutesy). He imitates. 'Hyungjunie Hyungjunie why are you so pretty' that.. While for Jungmin, he just keeps jumping all over the place all the time... and then for Kyujong, his eyes are just closed".

In his eyes we see when he talks about his members are just but pure faith and adore. They who flaunt their solid and resolute friendship amongst one another. If so, won't we be able to see the day when SS501 stands on the same stage together again?

"Though we're all in different agencies for now, we had made a promise to do activities together no matter what condition it will take. If we can't even fulfil this, then I think we're really disloyal... Even if it may be a very short period, we promised to re-unite. Of course, because we're all in different agencies and so have different activities and schedules, it may be tough and hard, but once each of our personal activities come to its ending period, that's when SS501's album will be released. Either end of this year, or beginning of next year...".

It isn't only music that strikes in common for SS501. Including Kim Hyungjun, Kim Hyunjoong, Park Jungmin and Kim Kyujong have all tried their stand in acting. "Acting with Hyunjoong hyung? I hope that it'd be something like we two could never meet each other because of a fatal affinity... I want to shoot a movie like 'Rough Cuts'. I want to try the role like So Jisub-ssi's with that cool and handsome profile accompanied by an appealing voice".

Mankind Kim Hyungjun VS Singer Kim Hyungjun

In broadcast programmes, we see Kim Hyungjun to be a very bright and extremely friendly person. Even when he does it alone, he can fill the stage to its full, and speaks really well, too. However, the Mankind Kim Hyungjun is actually an introvert who likes to be alone.

"The Mankind Kim Hyungjun is a man who's timid, who has many thoughts, who does not talk alot, and who has many worries for his future. Going to the Hangang River and gazing into the river, and or taking a breeze walk with the wind blowing its chill against my bones - I like doing those. And I take driving spins alot too... On the other hand, celebrity Kim Hyungjun is instead, an extremely bright guy who loves the splendid, and also very positive-minded and who also smiles and laughs alot. One who can make people exclaim at the sight of him, 'Kim Hyungjun is really hardworking and really jovial!'", as we feel a sudden and amazing gush of energy across his face spread with a shy smile.

Though he sees himself as a rigid and stern person, the moment he talks about his family, his voice turned really warm. He said he hasn't found his role model, apart from his parents. However, he has actually been influenced with a significant amount by his mother. He looks almost exactly like his mother, too. On top of that, his love for co-habitant cum blood brother Kim Kibum was very much significant as well.

"Kibum is a multi-entertainer. He's got alot of interest for characters and so he was also the first one to initiate about plans to do a character business. He also does song producing well. Should there be a chance, it shouldn't be impossible to have our duet song together, and or an album".

"Kibum's withdrawal is a pity... But since this matter has passed already, I adviced him to just forget about it all and think hard about what he needs to do in future, and start facing the reality hard-headedly here onwards". Although Kim Hyungjun is still at a tender age, he gives these wise advices to Kibum as a skilled senior in the same industry who's already been through all these.

It's not just towards his younger brother. Girl group KARA, who's been his junior under a same agency for years, earns his unhesitated support too. "I believe that you all will be able to settle this smoothly by reaching an amiable compromise on both parties. Rather than hunting for any one's benefit, it would be great if you all could come to a compromise of deciding for a right path that would be suited for each of you".

24 years, the age in desiring to love

24 years old is the age of being all staid and spunky, it's the age where one desires to love and get into a romance with else. But for Kim Hyungjun, however, he wants to concentrate on his career as he delays and pushes back romance for the time being.

"I want to meet my girlfriend 3 years later when I've earned alot of money. I like feminine girls. She can be conservative too, and she must be able to apply her ears to me well, and also able to aid me wisely. You know, just that kind of natural style of a woman. As for appearance-wise, I prefer if she would be simpler on the whole, rather than being all splendid and magnificent on the outlook. I really like Son Yejin-ssi and Son Taeyoung-ssi. The Son(s) seem to look really beautiful huh (laughs)". Now that's complicated. He seems to have already gotten married with his career.

He may said to want to focus on career for now and delays romance, but he does not detest shooting with females. In his latest album's music videos of 'oH! aH!' and 'Girl', he's danced to two pretty dancers named Oh Yeonseo and model Yang Yoon-young respectively, and that did cause bouts of discussion back then as well.

"(If there are scenes with the opposite gender) Last time, I wouldn't talk alot with them and so we end up kinda shy when we shoot, but now, I've gotten a little more treacherous with that. I'll think if it's better to do it like-that-like-that, and then I'll discuss it with her, and in no time, we grow close. Because she will be the female lead in there, so that actually gave me encouragement rather than if I were to do it alone (laughs)".

"What I want to achieve most with this time's album is No.1", as Kim Hyungjun pours his desire for his career. Just like how he's challenging in each diversified field with a positive and straight-forward mindset, let's just keep anticipating on how he'll work his way towards No.1.

Once again there are many interviews of Hyungjun. As already said this is an extremely good chance for the public & fans of course to know more about him!

Isn't that just another awesome piece of interview on him? You know what they say, a man is beautiful for his depth & material, + sincerity & genuineness...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

【 정민 】:: <THE, PARK JUNG MIN>1st Mini Album {+internat'l}

Jungmin's first mini-album will be released on April 7! That is really fast & approaching!

Please don't get confused with [Not Alone] which was released in January. [Not Alone] was his first single with only 3 songs, although it was constantly being called "PJM's 1st mini album" back in January...

A "Mini Album" means 5-7 songs inclusive, whilst a "Full Album" suggests 10-12 songs inclusive. In music, these things matter.

Just for your reference, you could refer to the following on Yesasia :

For it to count into Hanteo charts, which is what matters and all, you have the following :
{ how to buy : }

Content ::
CD (5 tracks, 2 instrumental pieces) + 40-paged Photo Book

Expected release date ::
April 7, 2011 (Thursday)

01 _ 눈물이 흐를 만큼
02 _ 가라 가라
03 _ Not Alone
04 _ 넌 알고 있니
05 _ 내 하루는 매일매일 크리스마스
06 _ 눈물이 흐를 만큼 (Inst.)
07 _ 가라 가라 (Inst.)

*new songs

In the photobook, you will get to see a very musculine, natural and chic Jungmin.

That just brings your level of anticipation up, up, up!!!

Let's keep awaiting!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

【 정민 】:: 3 Events in S'pore - FanPix

【 형준 】:: 2 Meaningful Interviews with Newsen 03.24

김형준 “동생 김기범 프로젝트 듀엣도 OK”(인터뷰)

연예계 형제, 자매들이 늘어나고 있다. '1박2일' 순둥이 엄태웅은 누나 엄정화와, 배우 김혜수는 동생 김동현, 김동희 등과 동종업계에 종사하고 있다. 김형준(25)-김기범(22) 형제도 대표적인 연예계 집안이다.

유키스로 활동하던 김기범은 최근 소속사 NH미디어와 계약 해지 등을 마무리하고 팀을 나왔다. 김기범은 형과 함께 HnB Company 설립, 대표를 맡아 피로피로 등 캐릭터 사업 등에 매진하고 있다.

형 김형준은 최근 첫 번째 솔로앨범을 발표하고 'SS501 막내'가 아닌 솔로가수로 돌아왔다. 그에게서는 동생 기범에 대한 이야기가 끊이지 않았다. "캐릭터 사업이 생각보다 잘 되고 있어요. 목 베개, 쿠션 등이 이미 완판됐죠. 파트너도 생겼구요. 기범이가 사업가적 기질이 강해서 잘 하고 있죠. 동생을 볼 때마다 뿌듯해요."

김형준 또한 사업에 대한 욕심이 대단하다. 앞으로 3년간은 활동과 캐릭터 사업을 병행하며 1년에 1개월 이상 쉬지 않을 계획이란다. "지금은 시작 단계지만 '그 때 투자할 걸 그랬다'는 아쉬움이 남을 수 있는 탄탄한 회사로 성장시키고 싶어요. 군대 가기 전까지는 확실히 자리를 잡아야죠. 어린 시절 풍파를 많이 겪어서 그런지 '가족들을 행복하게 해줘야 한다'는 생각이 강해요."

김형준은 연예인으로 활동하는 20대 중반 치고는 드물게 인생 목표, 계획이 확실하다. 안정적인 삶을 위해 30대 초반에는 결혼도 할 계획이다. "망설일 시간이 없어요. 쉬지 않고 달려가도 모자랄 판이죠. 뛰어갈 것이지만 넘어지지는 않아야죠. 지구력이 강한 편이거든요. 마라톤을 뛰듯 멈추지 않을 거예요."

형준-기범 형제는 작사, 작곡 실력도 쌓고 있다. 형제가 한 무대에 서는 모습을 볼 수도 있을까? "친형제인데 뭔들 못 하겠어요. 프로젝트 성으로 듀엣 활동을 하고 싶은 생각도 있어요. 같은 일을 하다 보니 힘들 때 서로에게 큰 힘이 돼요. 고민도, 조언도 할 수 있죠. 같은 일을 하는 것이 정말 행복한걸요."

김형준의 취미는 드라이브다. 자신만의 공간에서 혼자 시간을 갖고 스트레스를 해소하는 것. 김형준은 "팬들도 나로 인해 행복해졌으면 좋겠다"며 "나를 사랑하는 이들의 인생에 행복을 찾아주고 싶다"고 했다. "인생 계획을 세우다 보니 할 일이 참 많더라구요. 생각에서만 그치지는 않아요. 행동으로 옮기는 게 무엇보다 중요하죠."

한편 김형준은 첫 번째 미니앨범 타이틀곡 'oH! aH!'(오!아!)로 활동 중이다.

Kim Hyungjun, "A project duet with my brother Kim Kibum will be OK too"

The number of brotherhood and sisterhood instances in showbiz has been on the rise. '2 Days 1 Night' Uhm Taewoong and his elder sister Uhm Junghwa ; actress Kim Hyesoo and her two younger brothers Kim Donghyun & Kim Donghee all belong in the same industry. While for the two brothers - Kim Hyungjun (25) and his younger brother Kim Kibum (22) - they too belong in the entertainment industry.

Recently, Kim Kibum who was a part of U-KISS has terminated his contract with agency NH Media and has since left the team. Kim Kibum sets up HnB Company with his elder brother and currently holds the status as the company's CEO where he dwelves into the character business.

As for his elder brother Kim Hyungjun, he has recently made his comeback not as the 'maknae of SS501' but as a solo singer with his first solo album. We heard him talk ceaselessly about his younger brother Kibum.

"Our character business is faring alot better than what I had expected it to be. Neck pillows, cushions etc have already been sold out. We even recently liasoned with a new partner. Kibum has strong enterpreneurship skills, which is why we can do this well until now. Each and every time I see my brother, I feel so proud".

Kim Hyungjun, too, has huge desires for his business as well. In the next 3 years, he hopes to parallel his activities alongside his character business, and he plans to have a resting period of no more than 1 month out of a one full year. "It may be the starting stage now but I hope to develop our company into a solid one that won't allow me to regret about those investments put in at the start back then. Until I enter the military, I need to achieve that spot as firm as I can. Probably because of the many hardships I faced during my childhood days, my mindset of 'I must give happiness to my family' is very strong".

The extraordinary goals in life and plans that Kim Hyungjun sets, who is already in his mid-20s active as a celebrity, is definite. For the sake of a stable life, he plans to get married in his early 30s. "I have no time to hesitate. It wouldn't be sufficient even if I don't rest and just keep sprinting ahead. Although I am sprinting forward all the way, I shouldn't collapse just yet. Because my tenacity is very strong. I will not stop just as if I'm running a marathon".

The Hyungjun-Kibum brothers have had experiences of writing lyrics and composing songs, too. Will we be able to see both brothers standing on the same stage together someday? "We're blood brothers ne, what's there we can't do together. I have thoughts of wanting to do a project duet with him too. We're doing the same job so actually when any of us feel difficult, we become a great strength to each other. Like advices and worries... I feel really blessed that we do the same job".

Kim Hyungjun's hobby is to go for driving spins. It is something that helps to relieve his stress as he spends personal time alone in a space that belongs to him only. Kim Hyungjun adds, "It would be great if my fans will feel blessed because of me" and that "I want to find and give happiness to these people's lives - these people who love me (ie; fans)".

He also says, "There are many things that I have to do you know, as I plan and assess my life goals in the process. I don't want to just leave it as thoughts. It's most important than anything else to turn thoughts into actions, is it not".

On the other hand, Kim Hyungjun is currently active with the release of his first new mini album. Title song being oH! aH!.


솔로변신 김형준 “SS501 모르는 새 팬도 생겼죠”(인터뷰①)

가수 김형준(25)이 SS501 막내 타이틀을 떼고 솔로로 돌아왔다. 혼자여서일까. 그의 눈빛에서는 진지함이 묻어 나온다. '든 자리는 몰라도 난 자리는 안다'는 말처럼 다섯 명이 함께 서던 무대에 혼자 서게 된 김형준. 감회가 남달랐을 법 하다.

"첫 방송이요? 카메라 리허설 때까지도 안무를 다 틀렸을 정도로 긴장을 많이 했어요. '열심히 하자'고 자기최면을 걸었죠. 제가 워낙 무대 체질이라 막상 무대에 올라가니 다르던데요.(웃음) 심장이 터질 듯한 떨림을 느꼈습니다."

첫 번째 미니앨범 타이틀곡 'oH! aH!'(오!아!)는 스타일리시한 후렴구 리듬이 인상적인 곡이다. 김형준은 "독특하면서도 세련된 스타일을 찾는 것이 가장 힘들었다"고 털어놨다. "타이틀 곡을 받기까지 2개월가량 걸렸어요. 음악적인 고민이 가장 컸죠. '혼자니까 잘해야 한다'고 마인트 컨트롤도 했구요. 솔로로 출격하기까지 마음을 다잡는 게 오래 걸렸어요."

2~3주간 솔로 활동을 하다보니 힘들었던 마음은 점차 "혼자도 나쁘지 않네. 할만하네"로 바뀌었다고. "혼자 활동하니 많이 예민해지더라구요. 사소한 것까지 고민해야 하는 탓에 스트레스를 받기도 했죠. 그만큼 결단력도 생겼어요. SS501 때는 내가 뭔가를 하지 않아도 상황이 흘러갔지만 이제는 그렇지 않으면 멈춰버리니까요."

김형준은 첫 솔로앨범에 "80점 정도 주겠다"고 했다. 자신이 하고 싶은 음악, 만족할만한 음악을 했고 대중의 반응 또한 호의적이었기 때문이다. "결과물에는 만족해요. '김형준 많이 변했네. 혼자 하는 게 나을 때도 있네' 하는 이야기를 많이 들었거든요. 솔로 신고식 치고는 성공적이지 않나요?(웃음)"

그룹으로 활동했던 터라 음악 프로그램 대기실에서는 여전히 SS501의 부재를 느끼기도 한다. 북적대는 사람들 속에서 혼자라는 사실이 느껴질 때면 허전하기도, 어색하기도 하다고.

"여성 댄서와 커플댄스요? 이미 SS501로 활동할 때부터 많이 했는걸요. 이제는 팬들도 함께 나이가 들어가다 보니 어른스러워 졌어요. '무대니까 인정한다'는 반응이 많죠. 내 남자의 비즈니스라고나 할까요."

팬들의 칭찬과 격려는 김형준을 움직이게 하는 원동력이다. SS501 데뷔 때부터 그의 곁을 지킨 골수팬들도 있는 반면, 뮤지컬 '카페인'을 보고 김형준의 매력을 느낀 이들도 있다. 김형준은 "아주머니 팬들이 유독 많이 생겼다"고 했다.

"시간이 가장 비싸잖아요. 6~7년이라는 시간을 투자해 저를 좋아해 주는 팬들을 보면 더욱 잘해야 겠다는 생각이 들어요. 반면 제가 SS501 멤버였다는 사실을 모르는 분들도 있어요. 물론 SS501이 있어 지금의 제가 있는 거지만 '솔로가수 김형준이 SS501이었어?'라는 말을 들을 때면 기분이 좋아요."

작사, 작곡 등 창작 활동에도 힘쓰고 있는 김형준은 "휘성, 화요비, 아이유 등과 함께 작업을 해보고 싶다"고 했다. "동생 (김)기범이와 함께 작사, 작곡을 하고 있어요. 말 그대로 '용감한 형제'죠. 외부 작업도 많이 하고 싶어요."

김형준은 3월 말까지 국내 활동에 전념한 뒤 4월부터 일본으로 건너갈 계획이었다. 그러나 대지진으로 인해 잠시 스케줄이 미뤄지게 됐다. 국내 팬들은 김형준의 활동을 좀 더 볼 수 있는 기회가 생겼다. 김형준은 "일본 대지진에 깜짝 놀랐다"며 "말로 위로가 부족할 정도"라고 안타까움을 표했다.

"박진영, 이수만, 토니처럼 제작자로 성공하고 싶다는 바람도 갖고 있어요. 쉬운 일이 아니라는 것은 알아요. 다만 도전해보고 싶을 뿐이죠. 귀여운 꼬마들로 SS501 같은 팀을 만들어보면 좋을 것 같아요. 지금까지 '생각하면 곧 운명이 된다'는 것을 많이 느꼈거든요. 앞으로도 생각하고 노력하며 인생의 목표를 이뤄나갈 겁니다."

It may be a good thing to be determinant & be adamant in knowing what you want, but again, don't push yourself too hard. Nobody is Superman, and the thing about many, many people is, they want to challenge for the Challenging, and then ending up hurting their body. It's definitely an encouraging decision to aim for what you think you can do, because only in that way can you lash yourself Forward. but we being human beings, need to think for ourselves too.

These two interviews are good, it really reflects what Hyungjun thinks & wants. He wants to give happiness to the lives of people who love him. He wants to give a good life to his family because of all the hardships he's gone through since young. He doesn't have time to rest and he does not want to rest - no more than 1 month of rest in a year.

I'm sure you can do it. But, be fair...

【 형준 】:: KBS2 Star VJ - 스타덕분에 돈을 버는 사람들이!

I love KBS's Star VJ footage because it always is interesting.

This time it covers how stars' snacks & on-set food are being made through the process & delivered into their stomach(s)

According to the boss, Hyungjun loves beef, octopus, salmon, roasted lobster meat, and according to what I know, he loooooves salmon & octopus alot. After a long day of work, Hyungjun feels that's like a huge present for him. Look at his ecstatic expression!

So, in future when you want to give him a huge present, please give him food more than anything else..

Youtube : HJfan2

【 형준 】:: Progamer S2 #10

Aired on: 25 Mar (Fri)

No sooner than later it's already been #10. Be prepared because it'll be coming to an end very soon... Time truly flies!!!

Video capture : colourfulll @
Youtube : HJfan2 @

【 형준 】:: MBC 옹달샘과 꿈꾸는 라디오 - 03.25 - VOD

This was live yesterday night at 11PM.

This one is a lil special bcoz it invites foreign fans to join in & see him together & interact

Youtube : HJfan2 @ Thank!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

【 영생.규종 】::{Summer & Love DVD & Photobook}- 本編+making- (C/E Subs)

The video ripped from the DVD and uploaded here consists of a total of 30minutes long duration.

This DVD was released on 23 Mar! and it is a Must-Have for all fans.

Should you want to purchase it, never fret because it's quite convenient.

Youtube (Uploaded + Ripped) : KyuLoveChau1


Jap ~ Chinese Trans: YOYO501
Chinese ~ English Trans: cllslam10
English hard sub: cllslam10
Pls do not re-upload onto any other sites
Pls re-post with credits
Youtube at
Thank for hard work!!


Chi Translation+Sub : lovedream228 @YOYO501 (
Thank for hard work!!



BTS - Youngsaeng

BTS - Kyujong

Youtube : acco0119kyujong

Youtube : Kyulovechau1

【 형준.정민 】:: 03.25 Shimshimtapa - special guest by PJM

This is the video version of yesterday's Shimshimtapa where Hyungjun was a guest along with Infinite members.

This part features a 'special guest voice appearance' by Park Jungmin. He called in to 'prank' Hyungjun, but within 0.01 second, the latter bursted the prank. Listen to how comical the entire conversation is because it is very hilarious! JM told alot about Hyungjun that the latter told him to shut up!

【 형준 】:: Music Bank 03.25 - 『oH aH!』

Today's Live performance on Music Bank.

Stage : oH aH!

Youtube : unknowncarrot170

Ticketing Update of Jungmin's 1st ever B'day Party in Seoul

As at: 6.39pm (1hour 39mins after the start of ticketing)

Daily Ranking - No.13 (in category of Live Concerts)

94.5% Female
53.7% - people in their 20s (most of which are Females)
5.5% - Males

【 정민 】:: 2011 1st ever Birthday Party - -Ticketing starts on 5PM, Today!

Ticketing starts : March 25 , 5PM (GMT +9)

It will be the first personal Birthday Event that he will hold in his 7 years of debut.

This might also be the final event in Korea because of his drama shooting schedules in Taiwan soon, so it'll be expected to be a much more meaningful event.

You could also get to hear the new songs from his new single album that is to be released in beginning of April, but after this birthday event - that is.

*special guests could also appear. and you jolly well know who it may be

Please get your tickets here ::

Hurry up get your tickets!!!!!!!!! You can't miss this if you're a huge PJM fan!

*log-in first as a member before you can buy

Superstar DVD {international}

Mini project Super-star starring Hyungjun, Jungmin and Kyujong will be out on DVD. this was already made known right?

Now ready on international. I always thought international means most convenient to most people, whether or not you can buy from Jp straight/Kr straight ^^

Jungmin's Story : 『MEET』

Kyujong's Story : 『Neverending Love』

Hyungjun's Story : 『Black City』

**ignore the 'kim hyun joong' in the URL that you see. they made a mistake.....

Price: USD 164.34

Release date: June 3, 2011

【 정민 】:: New repackaged album - Jacket shooting photos

Jungmin's repackaged album is expected to be released in beginning of April, to be more exact, around the end of 1st week of April. This was already known in early March that he will release a repackaged album. Its theme will be Sweet Chic styled, and you know that suits Jungmin alot ^-*

It is said that through this time's new album, fans will get to fall deeper in love with Park Jungmin ^^

This photographer is well-known for his photography skills.

저 이쁘지?

Live Mix - Not Alone & oH aH

Live mixes. made by Tivonahu @ Tingting! her talents are there as all the time~^^

Not Alone

oH aH

Thursday, March 24, 2011

【 현중 】:: Album recording is currently at its acceleration mode

Kim Hyun Joong is busily recording for his solo album
by VITALSIGN @ AllKpop

SS501’s leader, Kim Hyun Joong, is finally working towards releasing his debut solo album!

On March 24th, a representative from KeyEast Entertainment spoke through OSEN and revealed, “Kim Hyun Joong has been living in the recording room and is busily recording his newest tracks. Since it is his first solo album apart from his group, he’s filled with both determination and effort.”

Aside from attending photoshoot schedules, the singer/actor has cleared everything in his path so that he could focus entirely on his music. Whether it’s night or day, representatives revealed that he would be seen in and out of the recording room for hours on end, surprising everyone with his passion.

The representative continued, “He’s been expressing his ideas and opinions on his album’s concept and the tracks to be included. He’s working very hard to exude a different charm as a soloist, which will distinguish him from his usual image as a SS501 member."

His solo album will be released by May at the earliest, or by June at the latest.

Source: OSEN via Nate


This is the original article.

김현중이 첫 솔로 앨범 녹음에 한창이다.

김현중은 오는 5월 SS501 멤버로서가 아닌 첫 홀로서기를 위해 그 어느 때보다도 공을 들이며 음반 작업에 매진하고 있다.

김현중 소속사 키이스트 관계자는 24일 OSEN에 "최근 김현중이 녹음실에 상주하며 신곡 녹음에 한창이다"며 "그룹이 아닌 솔로로서 첫 앨범인 만큼 본인 스스로 열의와 노력이 대단하다"고 전했다.

김현중은 최근 광고 촬영 등 약간의 스케줄을 진행하는 것 외에 대부분의 시간을 신곡 녹음에 할애하며 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다. 밤낮을 가리지 않고 틈만 나면 녹음실로 달려가 몇 시간이고 녹음에 매달리는 중이다. 음반 관계자들도 깜짝 놀랄 정도의 열정을 보인 끝에 보컬 실력도 한층 성숙해지고 있다는 전언.

관계자는 "김현중이 앨범에 대한 전체적인 콘셉트나 삽입될 곡들의 세세한 부분까지 적극적으로 의견을 개진하고 아이디어를 내놓기도 한다"며 "그룹 때와는 전혀 차별화된 김현중 솔로의 색다른 매력을 보여드리기 위해 노력 중이다. 기대해 달라"고 말했다.

이번 앨범은 김현중이 배용준 소속사로 옮겨간 후의 첫 솔로 앨범. '가수 김현중'으로서의 존재감을 각인시키겠단 각오다. 연기는 물론 가수까지 멀티 플레이어로서의 한층 다부진 행보를 예고하고 있다.

김현중의 첫 솔로 앨범은 이르면 5월, 늦어도 6월 중 발매될 예정이다.

He is so passionately recording for the album that his vocal skills seem to have improved alot too. It is also said that it will be a totally different style of KHJ's from before, so morale of story?

Keep anticipating!!!

*FYI his M/V is also rumoured to be really, really exciting. How exciting will it get let's await!

It will be released either in May, or at the latest, Middle of June.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

【 현중 】:: Coupang Making (3)

Official Making (2) - Lee Nayoung & Kim Hyunjoong

Youtube : Coupang

Official Making (2) - Kim Hyunjoong cut

Youtube : onlykhj

【 501 】:: DVD Full Rip --『SS501 in USA Special Offshot DVD (Japan Ed.)』

If you want to buy this DVD, of course you can do it right? ^-^

For DVD Ripped version, here you have it.

*this is different from the version aired on Japan's TBS TV. This is the full off-shot version enclosed in DVD.

What does this DVD have to entice you?

Full footage + Off-Shot + Private (undisclosed) footage of SS501 in USA + Mini Photobooklet.

Youtube : Kyulovechau1

【 형준 】:: Fansign sessions again this coming weekend

The more fansign sessions there are, the better it is for increasing awareness.

Venue: Synnara Record @ Central (in front of Shinsegye department store at Kangnam)

When: March 26 (saturday)

Time: 7PM

Target: Customers who buy Kim Hyungjun's first solo album at Synnara Record @ Central ; 150 only

Winners picked to be announced through: @ March 25 (Friday)


Venue: Incheon Kwangyeok city, Youth training centre

When: March 27 (Sunday)

Time: 7PM

Target: customers who purchase Kim Hyungjun's first solo album at Incheon Sound Wave branch ; 150 only

Purchase from: March 23 (wed) 2PM onwards ~ March 26 (sat) 10PM

Winners will be announced on on March 26 (Saturday) at 11.30PM.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

【 형준 】:: Schedule for 03-28 (Monday)

[패션쇼] 송지오패션쇼 관람 오후 7시30분~
[Fashion show] Song Ji-oh's Fashion Show - GUEST 7.30PM

Monday, March 21, 2011

『Forever Love』by Wang Leehom

This has been one of my favorite song, it's really meaningful.

This singer is a Taiwanese singer. If you're interested in him you can do a search on him, it's your prerogative ^^

This song was sung by Jungmin in his S'pore touchy-feely.

Eng Trans by :

爱你, 不是因为你的美而已
Loving you not because of your beauty.

我越来越爱你, 每个眼神触动我的心
I love you more and more, your every eye contact touches my heart.

因为你让我看见forever, 才了解自己,
Because you let me see forever and then I understand myself.

未来这些日子 要好好珍惜
Please treasure the days that are about to come

爱我, 有些痛苦有些不公平
Loving me, there’ll be some pain and unfairness

如果真的爱我 不是理所当然的决定
If you really love me, it's really not an "of course" decision.

感到你的呼吸在我耳边 像微风深情
I can feel your breathe next to my ears as magical as breeze passes by.

温柔的安抚, 我的不安定
You softly comfort my uneasiness.

所以我要 每天研究你的笑容 ouu…多么自然
Therefore I really want to learn your smile every day, ouu... how natural it is

*Forever Love, Forever Love
Forever Love, Forever Love

I really want to spend my whole life time loving you.

从今以后, 你会是所有 幸福的理由
From this moment on, You will be my ultimate reason of happiness.

爱情, 是场最美最远的旅行
Love is the most beautiful and furthest journey.

沿途遇经泥泞 偶尔阻碍我们的前进
There’ll be rains and mud along the way which sometimes prevent us from going forward

感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦
I can feel your temperature in my arms as warmly as sunlight

巧妙的熔化 我的不安定
You magically melt my uneasiness

不可思议 证明我爱你的理由 ouu… 多么自然
Unbelievably, this proves my reason of loving you, ouu… how natural it is

Repeat *

Your flickering eyes

and my silent voice

is the best evidence our still loving each other

就让我再说一次I love you …
So please let me repeat this. I love you....

Until eternity

Repeat *

Forever Love, Forever Love. Oh Forever Love...

Forever Love, Forever Love. Oh Forever Love...

【 형준 】:: No-cut News Interview 03.21


"I want to become somewhat of a comfort to Japanese fans"

SS501's maknae Kim Hyungjun has threwn aside his 'maknae border' and has stood forth solely on his own.

Kim Hyungjun has released his first mini album [My Girl] and has returned to his fans' sides with title track 'oH aH'.

With this being his first challenge, he's poured his very ecstatic feelings from the heart in this interview.

It has always been 5 of them doing activities but now that he's all alone, he feels lonely and worried alot if he 'can do well or not'. "However when the album with my name is given to me and placed into my hands, I feel excited and happy. SS501 colleagues have given me advices and been also monitoring me regularly, and that makes me feel reassured much".

Especially through this time's album, Kim Hyungjun will also show the different charms of himself. Not only did he have dance songs, of course, but also ballads, and also challenged writing the lyrics himself.

"Though it's the first album, but because I'm doing this myself, music has turned out well to become 'Kim Hyungjun's trademark' in a way. Especially on the part in the music where it's about protecting the girl whom you like, it's very similar to the distinctive cheerful profile of mine. And also I participated in writing the lyrics, I basically visualized by listening to the main outline melody. Half of my experience, half of my imagination ; by putting these together is my secret formula as a lyricist (laughs)".

At the same time when he released his new album, Kim Hyungjun also attempted at his invadement into Asia and Japan. He who is expected to pick up his status as a 'hanryu star' has met with another standstill for the moment.

And this is because of the huge earthquake that happened in Japan. With this, a part of his invadement plans into Japan has to be re-discussed.

However, his priority at firsthand is his worry for his Japanese fans rather than his activity plans.

"During my solo album showcase too, many Japanese fans had made their way here... I feel a pity that such a huge tragedy happened. I'm perplexing over how I should give my condolences. First of all because I'm a singer, should there be any chances in future, I want to do a memorial concert. Music-wise that I could do, and the help that I'm able to give. If there are such chances, I will participate in them actively".

Target is the Bonsang award at end of year award ceremonies

All these while, besides his main profession as a singer, he also parallels diversified activities like radio DJ, musicals etc,

He also divulged about his aspirations to challenge acting if there will be any chance.

"Whether it be a sitcom or an official drama, I want to challenge them. I want to receive acknowledgement in many different areas, so that people will start to carve their impression of me as 'the lad who can do well in anything he does'. In fact I'm the kind who worried alot before my new challenge because I'll be alone, but after I finish my worries and go on to find my answers, I will then be able to eventually stand in front of everyone. I want to show my bright and confident side in front of all, anytime and anywhere at all".

In addition, he is also slated for another challenge in time to come. After 'My Girl' promotions, he will be having a follow-up album in upcoming May where he will show his brand new side once again.

"Digital single album is slated for release at around May. There are parts where it will be like a continuation/link-up from oH aH's content. In the next album, I will show to you 'the charms of a man who can't get to sleep because he's fallen in love' (laughs). Also, I will be releasing my first official album at around Fall. I want to receive the Bonsang award at the year-end music award ceremonies".

음.. 많이 기대되네요!!! Very excited about his solo concert, official album and new digital single!!! Way to go!! Looong!!

【 정민 】:: 03.20 S'pore Fanmeet fan-account + the reason why he plays his finger so much

Hi, This is just a simple fan-account. I'm not a writer. ^^ this is only writing about the fanmeet.

While many fans were waiting outside in the long, long queue, which lasted from morning 8am+ all the way to 4.30pm+, fans went through heavy rain and blazing hot sun… I was at the very back queue because my body condition on this day was actually not good.. I almost had to give it up because the pain I was facing was really unbearable, but I didn’t want to give up. I even asked a few friends if they want my ticket instead. Despite that, I eventually made it down to the venue. I saw many fans with that ‘blackie face’ coz’ they been waiting really long all-ready. It was sitting, until it rained and it turned to standing. I went to comfort some by telling them, love is not about how long you wait, it’s about you know why and what you’re waiting for. ^^ I was glad to see some felt inspired by that kkk... Still, I thought the staff didn’t manage to keep their promises, they said to open doors at 4PM but in the end, at 4.30PM and beyond, the door was still not open. Of course they should have some problems there to settle... I heard many fans grumbling…

Alright so the door was open around 4.45PM (?), I'm not sure. When you enter the venue, you’ll find the venue really pretty ‘coz basically it was in the look of a disco with the lounge area, and the stage, the lighting etc… But when you see everyone squeezing against one another’s butt, yata~~ your mood just drops……kkk.. That’s something naturally one will feel, unless of course you’re not human then that’s a diff story. ^.^

About 5.05pm, MC who is the DJ from a singapore radio station, his name is Ken and yes he shares the same name as that host from Taiwan. I wonder if Hyungjun & Jungmin actually will get confused altogether… Well, that’s just random. The one from Taiwan was a lil' street-smart, but this one from S'pore was humble & cute & blur. kkkkkk.. Alright so the MC was out and he started warming the atmosphere. But still…the disco mood wasn’t there. ^^

No sooner than later, JM appeared. He sung to [If you cannot]. Yeah no special surprise guest appearance or what. I noticed not many cameras were raised at this time. And you know what? Before the performance started, MC was giving instructions on no cameras and videotaping nor photography allowed, but of course what d’ya think…the instructions went on deaf ears ne. Not just that, the instructions were just plain words on the surface… Cameras everywhere but noone got ousted. During the performance, fans started to hold their fanboards up. They were standing in the middle though and behind me, I heard a fan shouting for those fans to lower their boards. Well, that was just a small episode.

After JM finished the song, he introduced himself. As usual with his not-bad mandarin. Then they talked a little.

Next was the game session. Mission was to draw a portrait of JM. Four lucky fans were picked from random lucky draw to go on-stage. 1st and 2nd one was alright. 3rd one’s drawing was obviously like the stick-man you see on Pacman, the game, ha ha. The 4th fan drew good, I could say the best out of all 4. Okay so after JM touches up the drawn portraits, a winner was to be selected. Reward was…? Intimate behaviour, err or rather, his so-called intimate behaviour was blowing wind at the girl’s ear. He went around blowing the girls’ ears slowly & weirdly…… ^oo^ He came to the last girl and chose her, so yes she was the winner.

Following that was in fact the biggest highlight of the fanmeet. JM sung to a mandarin song – [Forever Love]. Original singer was Wang Lee-hom, a Taiwanese singer. JM said that he didn’t have time to prepare much. Yeah he was busy.

Again, it was another round of game again. Mission was to dance to the chorus of [Not Alone]. He didn't perform to this song, by the way. Bcoz his dancers were not free, and this song was not in their plan for the stage was really small to allow [Not Alone]. So the mission was to dance that part, hmm Y’know, the part where you turn your head back forth with your strong finger (that’s not a very good description)… So 4 fans were being asked who knows the dance well by heart, and 4 fans really raised their hands. They went on stage. First one danced pretty good, second third and fourth one was just alright. One of them looked comical as well. So it was time to pick the winner. JM modestly answered that all 4 were good, but of course, too, he had to pick one. Reward was to feed the winner cake. Yes, hand-fed! I think JM wanted to pick the first one. But as he tried out his old tactic by going round behind their backs, he actually hit the last girl in her ribs (who is a Vietnamese fan) accidentally. He caressed her but told her that he’s caressing her ‘coz he hit her accidentally, not because the winner is her!! And he said that twice or thrice I think, in mandarin! I don’t know if the girl understood or not... Then……guess what, the girl cried. The girl cried I don’t know for effect or what, but if it was you, will you feel hurt by his comment? Everyone boo-ed JM for making a girl cry, and JM looked awkward and sorry too. So he said he’ll pick her then, to make up for it (laugh out loud). He fed her cake personally, and wiped off the cream from her mouth. He was soo near to the girl’s face, which stirred a~lot of screams from all the fans present. It looked like he was kissing her, ha ha.

Next came a fanvid made by Singapore TripleS fanclub. As usual, they did the self-penned and self-composed song for JM and presented it on the screens. I was watching JM in the dark who was standing at the side, and I felt that he was really touched as those memories must have been floating in his mind bit by bit at that moment. Nostalgia, you call it...? I also noticed during which scenes of other members appeared, JM’s facial expressions was the most vivid. You know that kind when it hits a sensitive knuckle in you? Yeah, that. In the fanvid consisted him during Double’s debut days in 2005 and throughout the years, during 2010 Newton’s concert, during his solo debut period in 2011 January and all that… Nostalgia, nostalgia. You should find a video of video on the net somewhere.

Following the fanvid came the birthday surprise. Birthday cake was presented by a staff (?). Fans standing in the front few rows kept exclaiming loudly that it was handmade by themselves. Oh well I couldn’t really depict who was shouting since the entire area was so~dark. I thought I was stepping on a cockroach ^oo^ JM was again very surprised and touched, or as he put it. Y’know, many a time, you can’t fake these things. I could really see that JM was moved. Almost to tears, as the surprise came after nostalgic fanvid. Of course, accompanied by the famous birthday cheer sung by all fans present.

Then, the MC host appeared to tell fans that a BTS video will be now shown, which consists of private footages of JM. Hmmm…it was footages of JM during music programmes, practising and dancing.

After awhile, JM prepared to sing [Everyday is Christmas]. It was touchy-feely. Yeah man, that day was December 25 2011! Count down to 2012!!!

Alright so the song ended and JM started to pick Q&A from the stick-it-board. Questions I remembered was like
1) Oppa why are you so handsome, can you give me a heart/kiss (?).
2) Oppa can I have a picture with you?
in the middle fans kept shouting for him to pick the green ones, but JM wasn’t listening, ha ha.
3) Singapore weather is so hot, do you like it. To this, JM answered yes he does. Ha ha, already told you. JM dislikes the cold weather.
4) Do you really dislike carrots. To this, JM answered yes he dislikes. He doesn’t like to eat. The MC added that he ate too much already so does not like to eat anymore. ^^ Fyi in the past, JM liked carrots a lot, and drank carrot juice everyday.

So after he selected these questions (by heart, carefully), he invited these 4 fans to go on stage. The reward was to take Polaroid together by posing. Poses struck with each fan was different, and for me to see, JM did it in a varying manner with each fan’s height and size. Can’t remember for the first & second fan, but the third fan was in a brother-like type – you know the kind where you place your elbows on her shoulders kind. That style which HJ likes. The last fan was impressionable! In the manner of carrying a bride. Yeah, he lifted & carried her. She was a Singapore TS member since she was wearing the club tee (?).

Finally, at this time, happy mood started disappearing. DJ host announced that it was the finale already. He started to act in a sad manner. It was then that JM appeared for encore – [Do you know]. I thought the atmosphere lacked in something. It must have been the passion & singing-along. ^^ Not much lightsticks nor balloons were held at this point. A lil’ quiet for an encore. Haha, if was a concert you will say it’s different or what..?

JM said that he will definitely go back to Singapore again for other events. And then it was here that he really left and event officially ended. The DJ host reminded fans to tune in to his radio programme for there will be a special coverage on JM, but I observed that no one was really paying attention already ‘coz most were preparing to leave. But I was listening & looking. ^^ kkkk yeah I’m very observant. I noticed that DJ host bowed in an almost 90-degree too. Very polite, I like it. He’s modest too. No airs; no wonder he blended in so well with JM.

JM left in a huff though, reason was he had to leave for his hotel first to change and pack up with all his staff, after which they went out for dinner, then finally to the airport. He left the fanmeeting venue about 10 minutes after the event ended. And lucky me managed to see his van leave. He was waving his hands out of the curtain, uh I mean his iphone with something written on it. No face was visible, but I’d think the curtain was translucent – he could see from inside, but in our view, no. Maybe he was muahaha-ing. So his van left for his hotel. And that was the end. He arrived at the airport about...9PM, or so I heard. His flight was at 9.30PM for Incheon where arriving there at 2-3AM plus.

Despite happy moments weaved, because every moment with him is awesome, but still there are many areas to be improved. Management, etc… It hasn’t been the first time already; at anywhere at all, these little little things make up the most and, the best. If you want it to matter to every one, please at least put in glittery ^o^

That's all! I'm going to find my fish now!

**BTW I have realized that JM picks or rather plays with his finger ALOT these days... You see him in action in fanpics & fancams... and I found out the reason why. 'coz his nails are dirty...blackish so he's trying to pick out the dirt... Yes I'm not joking!!!