Saturday, May 08, 2010

Memory Card on sale

OK. the massive titanic release of strong current flow these days...
did you feel the 240V thing? =.=
(what is 240V...small case)

Memory Card 등장..!

btw, speaking of memory card...i dont know why some (only) people
around me have never seen a memory card before .........
they must have been really busy with the world........
it's just another name another design another look another pattern for thumbdrive
going really shocked upon seeing a memory card which I was using
even responded with "is that a credit card?" =.="

However, since they will not be viewing this page,
Am just sorry to apologize in advance. HERE ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

출처: 더블없인못살아님@ur 6th member (me just ♥ to write like that)
원출처 (sale site): 11th Street

Just how the memory card (thumbdrive) looks like