Saturday, February 27, 2010

[News][Photo] SS501 holds Encore Press Conference @ 27.02.10

Press Conference hot off the oven!!!!!!
Yataaaa I knew it!!

Will go find somemore news~~~~~~~~~ Why previously no news ne.!

Nervous nervous nervous nervous~~~

All of them smile soooooooo bright^^

Yahoooo half hour more to go~~

There's something different about the black-gold outfit^^ did you notice?


credit: AllKPop

[27.02] SS501 holds press conference before final encore concerts

If you didn’t know yet, the SS501 boys will finally end their Asia concert tour in Seoul this weekend. The boys have been jetting from one location to another after kick starting their concert tour back in August 2009 and it was only fitting that they will end their concert tour back in Seoul. Besides Seoul, fans have been enjoying watching their idols performing live on stage for them in countries like Tokyo, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong and Thailand. As it’s their final stop, the boys will be putting on some special items and to top it off, their sister groups, Kara and Rainbow will be performing as guests. Wishing them success and hope that everyone enjoys themselves!


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credit: as tagged on photos