Wednesday, February 17, 2010

[Twitter] Hyung Jun

And yes it is his official twitter link ^^ It is really his.

This is his twitter link, go ahead to follow him, what are you waiting for ^O^

Kibum-gun's tweeter diary is

**in grey is footnotes**



First started on: February 17, 2010


1. 트위터 공부중
@2010-02-17, 3:15 PM

English: Studying twitter in progress

2. 이거 죽겠어요 ㅠㅡㅠ 뭐이리어렵지
@2010-02-17, 3:23 PM

English: Dying because of this ㅠㅡㅠ what is this so difficult
(Ode add in this '!!!!' for him)

3. 어디서 지껄여야하는지도 모르겠어요 ㅠㅡㅠ
@2010-02-17, 3:26 PM

English: Don't even know where should I babble at ㅠㅡㅠ
(I think he wants to say sth out but can't and don't know how~)

4. 살려주세요
@2010-02-17, 3:27 PM
English: Please help
(Ode adds in '!!!')

5. 내일 안무연습안하고 이거공부해야지 !
@2010-02-17, 3:30 PM

English: Not practising choreography tomorrow, must study this (twitter)!

6. 오 사진됐다
@2010-02-17, 3:32 PM
English: Oh photo appeared
(kkkkkkkkkk was changing avatar is it?)

7. 아 지금 제가보내는 메세지가 모두들한테 가는건가요!?
@2010-02-17, 3:33 PM
English: Ah the messages which I sent has now reached everyone!?

8. 흐미
@2010-02-17, 4:01 PM English: Heumi (expression=hmm)

9. 하하하하하하하하ㅠㅡㅠ
@2010-02-17, 4:41 PM

English: hahahahahahahaha ㅠㅡㅠ

10. 밖에 폭설이...! 내일도 운전을 못하겠군요
@2010-02-17, 4:47 PM
English: Snowstorm outside...! Can't drive tomorrow too nyo
(expression of disappointment when 'nyo' is used)

11. 헉....ㅜ,ㅜ살려주세요
@2010-02-18, 9:15 AM
English: huk.. ㅜ,ㅜ please help
(sound expression of being helpless)

12. 안녕하세요 굿 애프터눈 브라덜 시스털
@2010-02-18, 4:21 PM
English: Annyeonghaseyo good afternoon brother sister

13. 만든지 하루가 다되어가고있는데도 불구하고 ... 발전은 없음.... 세상에나 도와주실분
@2010-02-18, 7:18 PM

English: Despite all the days that were formed (as we live each day) are to pass by for ... (despite so,) Without further progress.... (there are still...?) The people who give help in this world are meant to be
(so sentimental...)

14. 형준 프로게이머가 되다!
@2010-02-18, 10:03 AM

English: Hyung Jun becomes a progamer!

15. 아이엠 인 녹음실 솔로곡 마무리중
@2010-02-19, 10:06 AM

English: I am in recording studio, practising solo song in progress

16. 외계인
@2010-02-20, 6:16 PM
English: Alien
(why, did your Hyunjoong hyung inspire you if aliens mate too? ^O^)

17. 2월 27일 28일 콘서트 꼭 와요
@2010-02-23, 2:44 PM
English: February 27th and 28th concert must come yo

18. 2010, 02, 27~28 올림픽체조경기장 SS501 앵콜 콘서트로 오세요~
@2010-02-23, 4:18 PM

English: 2010, 02, 27~28 Olympic 1st gymnasium stadium SS501 Encore Concert, please come~

19. Oh Girls Girls Girls U Know?
@2010-02-26, 8:00 PM

English: Oh Girls Girls Girls U Know?

20. Thank U Everybody
@2010-03-01, 7:48 PM

English: Thank U Everybody
(he meant PERSONA ENCORE. adds in for him, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x501)

반갑습니다 애브리원
@2010-03-12, 12:57 PM

English: Nice to meet you everyone
(yeah nice to meet you!)

22. 우리모두 행복해집시다!
@2010-03-12, 12:59 PM
English: Let us all be happy!

23. ^-^
@2010-03-12, 12:59 PM
English: ^-^

24. 저도 행복해요
@2010-03-12, 10:02 PM
English: I'm happy too
(why ne??)

전 포기란걸 모르는사람이라서 오늘도 내일도 달려가렵니다! 우리모두 화이팅!^-^
@2010-03-18, 1:25 AM
English: Because I'm a person who doesn't know what giving up means, which is why I will also continue to run for today, and for tomorrow too! All of us hwaiting! ^-^

26. 안녕모두들
@2010-03-23, 9:07 PM
English: Annyeong, all of you

27. 일본 스케쥴할때.
@2010-03-23, 9:10 PM

English: During my schedule in Japan

28. .
@2010-03-23, 9:23 PM
English: .

29. 일본 스케쥴때
@2010-03-23, 9:36 PM
English: During my schedule in Japan
(looks like Brian; so bad boy!!!)

30. 멋진 송지오선생님과 피팅때.
@2010-03-25, 11:05 PM

English: During my fitting and with the amazing Song Ji-oh songsaeng-nim
(songsaeng-nim : teacher/master)

31. 멋진 송지오선생님과 피팅때.
@2010-03-25, 11:09 PM

English: During my fitting, and with the amazing Song Ji-oh songsaeng-nim

32. 안녕 Everyone
-01, 8:27 PM
English: Hello everyone

33. 우울하다
-10, 1:47 PM
English: Melancholic/Depressed

34. 이상하다

-11, 2:44 PM
English: Weird

35. 힘내야돼
-12, 9:14 PM
English: Must fighting
(mouth word, fighting) (I think he's facing some troubles already...)

36. 김형준의 뮤직하이 1주년 너무행복했어요. 더 열심히 할께요 ^^* 기염을 토하자! @2010-04-14, 4:08 AM
English: Was very happy, Kim HyungJun's Music High 1st Anniversary already. Will work harder ^^* Let's talk bigger!
(meaning here is a 'slang' form, you should get what mean..)

37. 8월 1일날 멋진모습으로 만나요 ^_^ 고마워요 내 동반자들 ..
@2010-07-11, 12:10 AM

English: See you on August 1st with the amazing me ^_^ Thank you my companions ..
(his birthday party^^;)

38. - 짜잔~ 미리받은 생일케익~ 고마워요 ^^
@2010-07-26, 8:36 PM

English: - jjajjan~ the birthday cake I received in advance~ Thanks ^^

39. - 이 분은 ..? 누구시지.. 전설의 남PD 브라덜~?
@2010-07-28, 5:39 PM

English: - This is ..? Who's that.. PD Nam's legendary brother~?
(thats you!!!!!!!!!...)

31. - 좋다. 오랜만에 들어보는 우리노래 .
@2010-07-30, 6:09 PM

English: - Great. To be able to hear our song in a long while .

32. 쪼꼬는 털이 많이 길었다. 눈이 안보일 정도로.
@2010-07-31, 11:03 PM

English: Choco's fur has grown longer so much that I can't even see his eyes now.

33. 생일 축하해주신 많은분들께 정말 감사드려요 . 앞으로도 더 노력하고 항상 초심지않는 멋진 김형준 되겠습니다. 지켜봐주세요 . 사랑합니다. 헤헤
@2010-08-03, 12:01 AM

English: Thank you to the many of you who congratulated my birthday . In future too, I'll work harder, and not forgetting/losing (highlighted '' means to read = mistyped; supposed to bemeans to lose) my initial determination, I will become an amazing Kim Hyung Joon that way. Please keep guarding by me . love you. Heh heh

34. 오타났네... 초심을꺼에요! ^^
@2010-08-03, 12:29 AM

English: Made a slight error. (1st word highlighted '' means to read = mistyped; supposed to bemeans to lose) Will not gonna lose my initial determination! ^^

35. 와 또 틀렸다. 굿나잇
@2010-08-03, 02:01 AM

English: Wah wrong again. Good night
(in 34, notice the 2nd bold word. should be )

36. 오늘은 보는라디오와 함께 한답니다. 헷^^
@2010-08-09, 5:10 PM

English: Will be doing visible radio today. Heh ^^

37. 오늘은 보는라디오와 함께! 새벽두시를 달려봅시다 ~
@2010-08-23, 9:31 PM

English: Today will be doing visible radio as well! See you at 2AM ~

38. 우리모두 화이팅!내일 싱가폴 잘다녀오겠습니다
@2010-08-27, 9:38 PM

English: Fighting all of us! Will go to Singapore tomorrow and return safe & sound

싱가폴 도착~야경이 너무 멋지네요, 공항에선 열렬한 환대를 받았어요. 기분좋다^^
@2010-08-28, 1:35 AM

English: Arrived in Singapore~ The night view is really beautiful ne, I received passionate welcomings at the airport yo. Feeling good^^

40. - 멋지죠, 싱가포르의 야경 , 굿나잇
@2010-08-28, 1:39 AM

English: - Beautiful isnt it, Singapore's nightview, Good Night
[I think your hands were shaking kkkkk]

41. 팬미팅 잘마치고 돌아왔어요. 비많이오니 모두들 비피해 조심 합시다.
@2010-08-31, 8.25 PM

English: Has returned after a successful fanmeeting. It's been raining alot, so everyone, let's be careful of flu please.

42. - 안녕하세요, 저는 애교만점 , 사랑받는 쪼꼬에요 . 오늘 너무 피곤해서 형준오빠랑 이야기하던중에 한컷 찍어 올려봤어요 , 헤헤 . 멍멍~ 나 이쁘죠? 나를 질투하지마세요 키킥
@2010-09-02, 6:15 PM

English: - Hello, I'm Choco who is the aegyo with 100 marks and always lovable. I'm very tired today, so I have uploaded just a single shot of mine when I was sharing a conversation with Hyung Jun oppa, heh heh . Meong meong~ I'm pretty right? Don't be jealous of me, ke kek

43. HnB Company가 온다!!
@2010-09-04, 6:42 PM

English: HnB Company is here!!

@2010-09-05, 6:15 PM


45. 이제 가을이 성큼 다가온거 같아요, 비도오고, 감기조심 @2010-09-09, 6:30 PM
English: Autumn is approaching nearer quickly ne, and also rains, be careful of flu

그런데 정말 비가많이오네요,,^^ 빗길 운전조심
@2010-09-09, 6:39 PM
But really, it's been raining alot ne,,^^ Be careful of driving along the rainy road

47. 비부돌 더블에스오공일 만세
@2010-09-10, 12:29 PM
English: Calling-Rain-Dudes DoubleS501 Manseh

48. @mystyle1103 뭐 돼지야!!
@2010-09-10, 1:29 PM
English: @mystyle1103 What, Pig!!

49. @JungMin0403 박정민은 당근을 좋아한데요 !
@2010-09-10, 1:30 PM
English: @JungMin0403 Park Jungmin loves carrots though !

50. @JungMin0403 내가 훔쳤다!
@2010-09-10, 4:23 PM
English: @JungMin0403 I was the one who stole it!

51. @mystyle1103 영생이형은 흑돼지!
@2010-09-10, 4:25 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Youngsaengie hyung is black pig!

52. ......... 항복
@2010-09-10, 6:39 PM
English: .......... Surrender

53. @mystyle1103 난 트위터 고수야 ~ 형이 물어보지않아서!!! 흐흐
@2010-09-10, 8:37 PM
English: @mystyle1103 I'm the Twitter expert nyo ~ Well because Hyung you didn't ask me!!! heu heu
(YS asks him why didnt he let him know he's on TwT.....)

54. @mystyle1103 형 스타2 나랑 대결하자
@2010-09-11, 2:36 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Hyung, let's have a battle in Starcraft 2

55. @JungMin0403 민 ~ 솔직히 이야기하여라~ 당근을 사랑한다는것을, 그리고 나 제리 형준이를 마음속에 품고있다는것을,, 우리 사랑하게 해주세요!~ㅠㅡㅠ
@2010-09-11, 11:37 PM
English: @JungMin0403 Min~ To be honest we talked about this didn't you~ You told me you love carrots, and the fact that you secretly hold a crush for Jerry Hyungjun in your heart,, Let's love openly!~ ㅠㅡㅠ
(owwwwwwwwwww open affection)

56. 지금은 새로운 프로그램 촬영중~^^ 첫녹화 잘하고있어요
@2010-09-12, 11:22 PM
English: I'm now shooting for a new programme~^^ Been doing well for my first day recording

57. 날씨가 너무좋네. 공원가서 쪼꼬랑 산책해야지
@2010-09-13, 5:00 PM
English: The weather's very good ne. Should bring Choco for a walk in the park ya

58. 오늘은 보는라디오로 함께합니다. 김형준의 뮤직하이는 여러분의 것이니까요! ^^ 만세 만세 만만세~새벽두시 김형준이랑 달립시다~

@2010-09-13, 8:00 PM
English: Will be doing the visible podcast today too. Because 'Kim HyungJun's Music High' is the daily routine/necessity of everybody's! ^^ Manseh Manseh, Manman seh~ 2AM in the morning, let's run together with Kim Hyungjun~

59. @2kjdream 좋아 바로이거야 , 잘하고있어 사마귀! 트위터로 왔군요
@2010-09-13, 11:37 PM
English: @2kjdream Very good, purrfect this, you're doing great, sama-kwi (praying mantis)! You've approached the Twitter world
(you are sooo familiar with the nicknames fans give them)

60. @2kjdream 너 영생이형한테 반말했어!? 너이제 영생이형한테 저팔계 바주카포 맞는다
@2010-09-13, 11:48 PM
English: @2kjdream You used the informal lang towards Youngsaeng hyung already!? Youngsaeng hyung is now missling you with his 'Piggy' warp, I bet
(...wonder who's calling the kettle black)

61. @2kjdream 영생이형 다이어트해서 요새 도망도 못가 , 다 날라다니면서 공격해 ^^
@2010-09-13, 11:53 PM
English: @2kjdream Youngsaeng hyung is on diet these days that's why he can't even run , all of us can just clutter around him and attack ^^
(think talking about starcraft)

62. @mystyle1103 나 스타2 완전 고수됐어, 2대1해도 이길껄!? 뿡
@2010-09-14, 12: 01 AM
English: @mystyle1103 I've already turned into a total expert in Starcraft 2, even if you battle with 2 against 1, I will still win!? Ppong

63. @JungMin0403 전화해 알려줄께 톰 ~
@2010-09-14, 12:07 AM
English: @JungMin0403 Call me, I'll tell you something, Tom ~
(if you wanna tell people something you should call him, not the other way round!!!!!!!!)

64. 라디오 생방준비해야지 ^^ 너무행복하다, 이렇게 즐거운 나날만 이어지면 좋겠다. 항상 . 쌀람해요
@2010-09-14, 12:25 AM
English: I've gotta go prepare for my live radio ^^ I'm very happy, if only I can spend a day like today every day, it'll be lovely. Always . I love you
(You're happy because of your Double hyungs~~~^o^)

65. 즐거운 보라였어요~ 고마워요 다들~ 당신들 때문에 내가 이자리에 있는거에요 고마워요 정말^^
@2010-09-14, 2:57 AM
English: It was an enjoyable time spent during our visible pod ne~ Thank you everybody~ Because of all of you guys I am able to be in this spot now, thank you really^^

66. @zakkykim 형 우리 빨리 뭉쳐요, 남자들끼리 강력한 자리를 마련해보아요
@2010-09-14, 1:00 PM
English: @zakkykim Hyung, let's gather together quickly, let's display our musculine disposition

67. 오늘은 왜이리 날씨가 좋은거지,, 가을이 안오고 여름이 오는것인가..
@2010-09-15, 1:07 PM
English: Why is today's weather this good hmm,, It's like Fall doesn't come and yet Summer comes..

68. @JungMin0403 운동 열심히 하라고!!! 일본에서 보자 톰^^
@2010-09-15, 7:49 PM
English: @JungMin0403 Exercise hard!!! See you in Japan Tom^^

69. @woongcha1 뚱띠원조 슈렉웅
@2010-09-15, 8:29 PM
English: @woongcha1 The creator of 'Gungdee', Shrek Woong
(Gungdee is a female's expression) (@woongcha1 is his manager)

70. MBC every1 9월 30일 밤 12시 , 창렬이형 성수형 지원이형 황보누나 그리고 저 김형준이가 함께하는 " 오밤아" 첫방송 합니다! 많이 시청해주세요 피스!
@2010-09-16, 4:45 PM
English: MBC every1, September 30 at 12am, the first broadcast of "Oh Bam Ah" (in this night) along with Changryul hyung, Sungsoo hyung, Jiwon hyung, HwangBo nuna, as well as me Kim HyungJun! Please tune in much, please!

71. @90KKB 아우야 녹음 잘하고있느냐
@2010-09-16, 5:59 PM
English: @90KKB Aiwoo, are you doing fine for your recording or not

72. 안무 연습중
@2010-09-16, 10:43 PM
English: Practising for cheoreography now

73. - 닭도 뜯는중^^
@2010-09-16, 10:44 PM
English: - Am also biting on chicken now^^

74. @Estella816 형준이에요 혜정이누나 ^^ 팔로우 합시다
@2010-09-16, 10:55 PM
English: @Estella816 I'm Hyungjun ne, Hyejung nuna ^^ Please follow me

75. @2kjdream 완전 꿀맛^^ 냠냠 규 너도 먹자 같이~
@2010-09-16, 11:43 PM
English: @2kjdream Totally honey taste^^ nyam nyam, kyu, you too, let's eat together too ~

76. 오늘 출국합니다. 일본으로 멋진무대하고 올께요. 슝슝~ 송승헌 형이랑 같이 비행기타고 출동 ^^
@2010-09-19, 12:26 PM
English: I'm leaving the country today. I'll leave for Japan to prepare an awesome stage. Syung syung~ (flying sound) I'll be taking the same flight as Song Seung-heon hyung ^^

77. @zerotic0124 어서 공항으로 오세요! 해골님
@2010-09-19, 12:50 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Faster come to the airport then! Skeleton nim

78. @90KKB 세차 해놓고 비맞으면 정말 슬픈데,, 걸어다녀!
@2010-09-19, 12:54 PM
English: @90KKB Since you've washed the car already it'll be really so sad if it rains then,, Will be back soon!

79. @TaewanakaCLuv 요
@2010-09-19, 12:54 PM
English: @TaewanakaCLuv Yo

80. @zerotic0124 아맞다 형은 오른쪽 날개 두번째 엔진으로 좌석예약 했어요^^
@2010-09-19, 12:56 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Ah by the way there's a reserved seat for you hyung on the right wing of the plane in the second engine area^^ (pilot he means..^^)

81. @jihyesharp 추석 잘보내세요^^
@2010-09-19, 12:58 PM
English: @jihyesharp Have a good Chuseok^^

82. @zerotic0124 형은 나의 뱃사공 해줄꺼죠~?
@2010-09-19, 1:11 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Hyung will be my sailor right~?

83. @2kjdream 사랑한다 영원한 멤버이자 내친구 규종아 , 추석 잘보내고 후허~!
@2010-09-19, 1:24 PM
English: @2kjdream I love you, Kyujong ah, my forever member and my friend , have a good Chuseok, huha~!

84. @zerotic0124 Zzz......
@2010-09-19, 1:37 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Zzz......

85. 오늘도 어김없이 비는 와주시는군요, 비부돌입니다 . ^^
@2010-09-19, 1:59 PM
English: Indeed rain fell today as expected, truly the rain-calling-idol-dude ne . ^^

86. @yuna_live 에이~ 그러지마요 난 괜찮아요~ 마음만 받을께요!? 헉,,?^^
@2010-09-19, 3:01 PM
English: @yuna_live Eye~ Don't be like that, I'm okay with that~ Will accept your heart only!? Heok,,?^^
(@yuna_live wants to give him a present)

87. @jihyesharp 제 별명이 예바청 이에요^^ 예의바른...청년,,,,
@2010-09-19, 4:12 PM
English: @jihyesharp My nickname is ye-ba-cheong ne^^ polite and courteous...teen,,,,

88. 일본에 무사히 도착했습니다. 공항에 마중나와주신 많은 여러분들 , 감동했어요 고맙습니다. 쌀람해요 ^^
@2010-09-19, 8:13 PM
English: Arrived safely in Japan already. Everybody who came to the airport to greet me , I'm really touched, thank you. Love ya ^^

89. @narajjang318 @chocolatecat9 @JenniferPark318 @Brianjoomuzik @Estella816 @2kjdream 오공일 김형준 입니다. 추석 잘보내세요, 항상 웃는일만 가득하길,
@2010-09-20, 1:19 PM
English: @narajjang318 @chocolatecat9 @JenniferPark318 @Brianjoomuzik @Estella816 @2kjdream Kim Hyungjun from 501 here. Have a good Chuseok, hoping you would be blessed with only the happy matters,

90. @donghae861015 @misskahi @Heedictator @realslow1982 @BoA_1105 오공일 김형준 입니다. 추석 잘보내세요, 항상 웃는일만 가득하길.
@2010-09-20, 1:20 PM
English: @donghae861015 @misskahi @Heedictator @realslow1982 @BoA_1105 Kim Hyungjun from 501 here. Have a good Chuseok, hoping you would be blessed with only the happy matters.

91. @BoA_1105 발그레 ^ㅇ^
@2010-09-20, 3:18 PM
English: @BoA_1105 Blushing already ^ㅇ^
(@BoA_1105 wished him back to have a good Chuseok in very close Banmal yet polite form^^ happy boy)

92. @lovelyn_twt 오마이갓~ 난 거기 피자!
@2010-09-20, 5:35 PM
English: @lovelyn_twt Oh my god~ I wanna eat the pizza there!
(@lovelyn_twt is having a good enjoyable time drinking/eating (?) now)

93. 일본공연 무사히 잘 끝났습니다. 우후후^^ 즐겁구려
@2010-09-20, 5:39 PM
English: I've successfully finished my Japan performance. Wuhuhu^^ Enjoyed it

94. @realslow1982 형은 빵 얇은거 좋아하세요 , 두꺼운거 좋아하세요~?
@2010-09-20, 5:40 PM
English: @realslow1982 Hyung do you like your bread thin, or thick~?

95. @realslow1982 내일 한국 들어가서 시킬께요! 전 새우를 완전 좋아해요
@2010-09-20, 6:07 PM
English: @realslow1982 You'll treat me (to pizza) tomorrow when I return to Korea! I totally love prawns-flavor ne
(a good courteous boy...)

96. @realslow1982 알겠어요~ 야호
@2010-09-20, 6:59 PM
English: @realslow1982 Got it~ Yahoo
(@realslow1982 told him that he will put alot of toppings in the prawns-pizza)

97. @2kjdream 일본은 지금 비가 온다 ^^ 나도 농구 잘하고싶다
@2010-09-20, 7:00 PM
English: @2kjdream It's raining now in Japan ^^ I wanna ace in basketball too

98. @lovelyn_twt 뭐 대단한건 없어요! ^^
@2010-09-21, 12:42 AM
English: @lovelyn_twt Uhm it wasn't anything truly magnificent or what! ^^
(@lovelyn_twt is envious of him in Japan)

99. 무사히 한국에 도착했습니다. 그런데 비가 정말 많이오네요. 침수피해없게, 비피해 없게 주의하시고 .감기도 조심하세요.
@2010-09-21, 4:11 PM
English: Arrived safely in Korea already. But it's really raining alot ne. Do take note of flooding and rain damage. Be careful of flu too.

100. @mystyle1103 형은 따로 보내려고했지^^ 우리 추석 잘보내고 만나자구! 영생님! 메리추석
@2010-09-21, 4:21 PM
English: @mystyle1103 For Hyung I've gotta send separately isn't it^^ Let's have a good Chuseok and then meet up! Youngsaeng nim! Merry Chuseok

101. 비가 조금 잔잔해졌네요, 다들 비조심 비조심,
@2010-09-21, 10:10 PM
English: The rain is subsiding bit by bit, everybody be careful and be careful of rain,

102. 즐거운 추석보내고 계시죠~ 전 가족들과 함께 맛있는 전도 만들어 먹고, 영화도 보러갈까해요, 길지않은 추석 잘보내시고 웃는 연휴 만들어보자구요
@2010-09-22, 2:45 PM
English: You're having a happy Chuseok now aren't you~ I made and eat some delicious food together with my family members, and will go to watch the movie together too, so let's all spend these not-very-long Chuseok holidays well and happily ya

103. 밤바람이 쌀쌀한 추석연휴의 초저녁이네요. 좋은일이 많이생겨서 기분좋은 날을 보내고있는 제자신에게. 그리고 함께해주는 많은분들께 다시한번 감사하고 꼭 잘하겠단 말하고싶어요. 모두에게 큰행복만 가득하길 기도할께요. 해피추석입니다.
@2010-09-22, 6:35 PM
English: Tonight is the first Chuseok holiday night with the wind blowing coldly ne. Today has been a happy day for me because many good things happened. Also to everyone who has been together with me, I want to thank you once again and tell you that I will certainly do better in future days to come. Here's hoping all of you will be much blessed with happiness only. This year's a happy Chuseok.

104. 잠이 안오네
@2010-09-25, 2:27 AM
English: Can't get to sleep ne

105. 오늘도 날씨가 장난아니게 좋군요, 연휴 잘쉬었으니 오늘부터 다시 재정비모드!
@2010-09-26, 3:48 PM
English: Today's weather is truthfully good, I've been resting well so today onwards I'll be in advance mode again!

106. 에이요, 나는 밥을 잘먹쥐~ 나는 밥을 안굶지~ 나는 밥을 못하쥐~ 에이요요~ 나는 밥을 좋아해~ 나는 밥을 쌀람해~ 나는 밥을 막먹쥐~ 예어~ !! 피쓰
@2010-09-26, 4:31 PM
English: Eeyo, I will eat rice well~ I will not skip on eating rice~ I can't do rice~ Eeyooo~ I like rice~ I love rice~ I will eat only rice~ Yeah~ !! Peace

107. @2kjdream 네오빠~
@2010-09-26, 4:35 PM
English: @2kjdream Ne oppa~

108. @2kjdream 에이요~ 난 밥을 안사지~ 난 밥을 사기싫지!
@2010-09-26, 5:25 PM
English: @2kjdream Eeyo~ I don't buy meals~ I don't like buying meals!
(@2kjdream booed him saying he won't pay for meals)

109. @2kjdream 넌 사마귀지 맨! 난 녹화한다! 운동 잘하고 오도록!
@2010-09-26, 5:54 PM
English: @2kjdream You the praying mantis, man! I'm recording! Until I could end up being able to exercise really well!

110. @Estella816 싫어요! 누나 메롱
@2010-09-26, 10:12 PM
English: @Estella816 Don't want! Noona merong
(merong = stick out tongue and acts cute)

111. @jongmyounglee 형 기대할께요 !
@2010-09-27, 1:02 AM
English: @jongmyounglee Hyung I'll be anticipating !

112. 외계인
@2010-09-27, 12:21 PM
English: Alien

113. @JenniferPark318 오 ! 수메르언어에 관한것도요? 기대하고 있을께요 한달뒤에 토론해요 우리
@2010-09-27, 1:34 PM
English: @JenniferPark318 Oh ! It's something about the Sumer Language? Will be awaiting then, let's discuss about it soon, one month later ya, we

114. @yuna_live 아임프롬 깐따삐아 수메르 집
@2010-09-27, 2:07 PM
English: @yuna_live I-M-Prome Cantabile Sumer House
(Dont know the name for the sumer's house; just transliteral)

115. @JenniferPark318 나도 공부해가야겠다. 얼마전에 외계인에 대해 진지하게 생각하고 고민해봤어요.
@2010-09-27, 2:08 PM
English: @JenniferPark318 Me too, have gotta go study on it in a little. Not long ago I was truly thinking deeply about existence of aliens and was worrying quite some bit.

116. @90KKB 난 너같은 외계인 안키운다 !
@2010-09-27, 2:37 PM
English: @90KKB I won't raise an alien like you !
(hehehehe look Kibum's twt)

117. @wsbs20 형,, 이름이 다 이상한데?^^ 전 형준이고, 현중이형이에요!!
@2010-09-27, 5:14 PM
English: @wsbs20 Hyung,, Are the names all that strange?^^ I'm Hyung Jun, HyunJoong hyung is HyunJoong hyung!!
(@wsbs20 mixed up the names HyungJun & HyunJoong.....Awhile he typed HyungJoong, another while he typed HyunJun. Ouch angered^^)

118. @wsbs20 아니에요^^ 형 그때가 그립네요 그쵸^^ 곧 다시 돌아갈께요
@2010-09-27, 5:29 PM
English: @wsbs20 Nope^^ Hyung that time already missing (me) right^^ Will return soon

119. @kkangjii 일어 잘한다고 지금 이러는거니?! 너!?!!? 떽!
@2010-09-27, 5:29 PM
English: @kkangjii Your Japanese is good, and you're like doing that now?! You!?!!? Ddek!
(@kkangjii types in Japanese)

120. @kkangjii 어허!!! 무엄하도다!!
@2010-09-27, 6:47 PM
English: @kkangjii Ahuh!!! So bold (words) of you ah!!

121. @2kjdream 너자꾸 유식한척해~ !
@2010-09-28, 4:03 PM
English: @2kjdream You keep pretending to be knowledgeable~ !
( could you say that...........................)

122. @2kjdream 너 나와줘 규종아, 나 외로워 혼자 ㅠㅡㅠ
@2010-09-28, 4:11 PM
English: @2kjdream Do come to my side Kyujong ah, I'm feeling lonely by myself ㅠㅡㅠ

123. @2kjdream 미워
@2010-09-28, 4:27 PM
English: @2kjdream Hate you
(owww you still have many others)

124. 오 떡볶이 맨
@2010-09-28, 4:48 PM
English: Oh Ddeok-boki man
(mister you forgot to reply your buddy)

125. 날씨가 생각보다 춥네. 라디오 스튜디오가 얼어붙었어요..후
@2010-09-28, 5:36 PM
English: The weather is colder than I expected ne. Gonna be really frozen in this radio studio..hoo

126. @2kjdream 여보십니까! 왜이러시오!!! 우띠
@2010-09-28, 7:21 PM
English: @2kjdream I beg your pardon! Why are you like this!!! wooddi
(expression to express joking fury & helplessness)

127. 지금은 용하형이 지은 "요나스쿨"의 아프리카 아이들을 위해 학교 교가를 녹음하고 있어요. 아 기분좋다 ^^
@2010-09-29, 10:14 PM
English: Right now, I am recording the school song for the african kids from "Yona School" established by Yongha hyung. Ah feels great ^^
(Park Yongha nim, he meant)

128. @LSOpd 이제 다시 시작이군요! 순옥 sister. 커밍 쑨
@2010-09-29, 10:18 PM
English: @LSOpd You're starting this again now! Soon-ok sister. Coming Soon
(@LSOpd jokes about him in her dreams bla bla)

129. 행복한일들이 많이생기네요, 다 여러분 덕분이에요
@2010-10-01, 1:20 PM
English: Many happy things happened ne, all thanks to everybody

130. 지금은 외계인과 교신중
@2010-10-01, 5:09 PM
English: I'm in midst of communication with aliens
(sure you are)

131. 연습 끝나고 나오니 비가오네요, 다들 우산 챙깁시다.
@2010-10-02, 4:45 PM
English: Finished my practice and came out to see, oh rain has fallen ne, everyone do remember to bring along with you an umbrella.

132. 뮤지컬 "카페인" 기대많이 해주기^^
@2010-10-02, 8:21 PM
English: Musical "Caffeine", please show much anticipation for it^^

133. @3rangka 어머나
@2010-10-02, 9:10 PM
English: @3rangka Omona

134. @faryoung 오늘 잘봤어요
@2010-10-03, 5:08 PM
English: @faryoung (you've) Been seen well for today

135. @mystyle1103 메롱
@2010-10-03, 6:31 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Merong (:p)

136. @zerotic0124 뿡
@2010-10-03, 6:40 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Bboong
(sound expression)

137. @mystyle1103 HnB 샵이라고 있어! ^^
@2010-10-03, 6:59 PM
English: @mystyle1103 There's something called the HnB shop! ^^
(no idea what this shop shop thing is they're talking about)

138. @90KKB 내아우 사랑하는 범, 찝찝하고 답답한일이 있어도 잘할수있어 . 기분상하지말고, 그러려니하자, 우리는 더 큰걸 생각하는거야 . 시끄러 노래좋다 열심히 더 잘해보자 이쁜 내동생 ^^ 범이 화이팅
@2010-10-04, 12:32 AM
English: @90KKB My dear little brother Bum, even if you may have uncalled for and boring matters to do, you will be able to do it well . Don't let it affect your mood, just do it as you have to, we've gotta think ahead of bigger matters . Shut Up is good, do it hard and better, will you my pretty dongsaeng ^^ Bummi hwaiting
(Shut Up song is UKISS new album's song)

139. 바쁘다 바빠^^
@2010-10-04, 5:17 PM
English: Busy, busy^^

140. 사랑해
@2010-10-04, 5:54 PM
English: I love you

141. @Estella816 부끄부끄
@2010-10-04, 6:47 PM
English: @Estella816 Shy shy
(@Estella816 tells him to send the ILU note to her in private)

142. @lovelyn_twt 오잉 왜요? ^^
@2010-10-04, 9:12 AM
English: @lovelyn_twt Oh-ing Why? ^^
(@lovelyn_twt says: Kim Hyung Jun O O O!)

143. @lovelyn_twt 받아 주실꺼죠 ^^
@2010-10-05, 7:45 PM
English: @lovelyn_twt Will have to accept it then right ^^

144. @lovelyn_twt 기다리겠습니다
@2010-10-05, 9:21 PM
English: @lovelyn_twt Will be awaiting then

145. 열심히 할께요, 다들 지켜봐줘요. 애정어린 눈으로 너그럽게. 제가 하나하나 이뤄가는 모습을 함께해주세요.
@2010-10-05, 10:02 PM
English: Will work hard, just keep guarding by me everybody. With those affectionate eyes of yours as you place your generiosity in me. Do be with me as you watch me fulfil each and every of it.

146. 힘내라 힘 !
@2010-10-06, 6:16 PM
English: Keep fighting, put in your power !

147. @my7chan 요마이 브라더~ !
@2010-10-06, 8:02 PM
English: @my7chan Yo My Brother~ !
(Yoyo yo yo! yo yo!)

148. 다들 너무 고마워요 . 정말로, 하나하나 다 기억하고 있어요.
@2010-10-07, 1:02 AM
English: Thank you everyone very much . Truly, each and every one of it, I'm remembering it all in my mind.

149. 뮤지컬 포스터 촬영을 마쳤어요.
@2010-10-07, 6:45 PM
English: I've finished my shooting for the musical poster.

150. @mystyle1103 치
@2010-10-07, 8:01 PM
English: @mystyle1103 Tsk
(yeahhhh baby how come you didn't know????)

151. @2kjdream 되게 성의없는 우와아다?!
@2010-10-07, 8:02 PM
English: @2kjdream Your woah is like so insincere that you're exclaiming there huh?!

152. 기대해주세요 뮤지컬 "카페인"
@2010-10-07, 11:33 PM
English: Keep anticipating ya, my musical "Cafe-in"

153. @zakkykim 11월 24일 첫공연해요
@2010-10-08, 1:58 AM
English: @zakkykim November 24, my first stand

154. 난 멈추지 않는다! 달리는거야 ! 화이팅!
@2010-10-08, 1:57 PM
English: I won't stop! I'll keep on running ! Hwaiting!

155. 내 마음이에요 ^^
@2010-10-09, 8:11 PM
English: It's my heart ^^

156. @zakkykim 허
@2010-10-10, 10:50 AM
English: @zakkykim Heo
(to which @zakkykim replied Sudal -- he's hinting at the Heo Sudal)

157. @wsbs20 꼭 보러오세요 ^^
@2010-10-10, 3:12 PM
English: @wsbs20 Must come to watch ^^
(@wsbs20 mentioned he will go to watch his musical)

158. 운동회 하는데 힘드네요,
@2010-10-11, 12:14 AM
Doing for sports day, kinda tough ne,
(for Obama, I'd guess)

159. @Estella816 ㅠㅡㅠ
@2010-10-11, 12:28 AM
English: @Estella816 ㅠㅡㅠ
(@estella816 says he's nothing feeling compared to her)

160. 뮤지컬 연습중~ 우핫
@2010-10-11, 5:56 PM
English: Rehearsing for musical~ Wooha

161. @yuna_live ☺
@2010-10-11, 6:45 PM
English: @yuna_live ☺
(@yuna_live encourages him)

162. @yuna_live 기대하겠어요
@2010-10-11, 7:04 PM
English: @yuna_live Will be awaiting then

163. @LSOpd 스타크래프트2 연습중~
@2010-10-11, 7:05 PM
English: @LSOpd Practising Starcraft 2 now~

164. - 멋지다 예쁘다.
@2010-10-11, 11:31 PM
English: - Awesome, Pretty.
(always been so)

165. @3rangka 어디에요•
@2010-10-12, 12:11 AM
@3rangka Where
(@3rangka asks him to upload a picture of him rehearsing for his musical. so he asks back the above)
(@3rangka uploads a photo telling him not to be sleepy -

166. @jjjjjin2yo 어서 주머니에 넣어~
@2010-10-12, 12:41 AM
English: @jjjjjjin2yo Come over, and I'll place you in (my) pocket~
(to which @jjjjjin2yo says she will not)

167. 운동은 힘들군요
@2010-10-13, 9:03 PM
English: Exercising is tiring nyo

168. 뮤지컬도 정말 매력있고 즐거운거 같아요
@2010-10-14, 9:51 PM
English: Musicals are really charismatic and really looks enjoyable

169. 열심히해서 인정받을수있게 열심히 해볼께요.
@2010-10-14, 9:52 PM
English: I will work hard to get acknowledgement from all of you, I'll try my best to work hard.

170. 열심히 열심히 해보겠습니다.
@2010-10-14, 9:54 PM
English: I'll work hard and work hard to prove to you all.
(I believe in you. I know you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

171. @zakkykim ^^
@2010-10-14, 10:01 PM
English: @zakkykim ^^

172. @2kjdream 뿡
@2010-10-15, 12:27 AM
English: @2kjdream Bboong
(@2kjdream tells him to fighting)

173. 오랜만에 신문사 인터뷰를 하러갑니다~
@2010-10-15, 10:14 AM
English: Am going to go to do papers interview in such a long while~
(interview with the papers media)

174. 너네 왜이래!!
@2010-10-15, 6:55 PM
English: Why are you people like this!!
(you're talking about your lovely 2 brothers @2kjdream & @jungmin0403 aint you? too touched????)

175. @JungMin0403 내가 더 잘해볼거다!
@2010-10-15, 9:43 PM
English: @JungMin0403 I will do it better than you!
(ambitious fire)

176. 날씨가 뭔가 좋은데요?
@2010-10-16, 3:49 PM
English: The weather looks quite good huh?/What kind of weather looks good though?
(its literal-sense; good weather comes good mood)

177. 오늘도 인터뷰 달리는중입니다!
@2010-10-17, 1:09 PM
English: Am heading for an interview today as well!

178. @sunglasssangmin 삼촌 형준입니다 ^^
@2010-10-17, 9:20 PM
English: @sunglasssangmin Uncle I'm Hyung-jun ^^
(no it's not his paternal uncle; it's Park Sang-min nim, the singer)

179. 날씨가 꽤나 추워요, 감기조심조심 ^^
@2010-10-17, 9:21 PM
English: The weather is really quite cold ne, be careful much of flu ^^

180. 굿모닝 모두들~
@2010-10-18, 9:19 AM
English: Good morning everyone~

181. @sunglasssangmin 삼촌 ~ 항상 제 든든한 기둥이 되어주셔서 감사합니다. 식사 하셨죠 사랑해요^^
@2010-10-18, 8:05 PM
English: @sunglassssangmin Uncle ~ Thanks for always becoming my strong pillar of support standing by me. Taken your dinner right, I love U ^^

182. @sunglasssangmin 제 힘이되주시는 삼촌~ 충성!
@2010-10-18, 9:15 PM
English: @sunglassssangmin The uncle who always give me strength and power~ What allegience!
(B.T.W, it is the singer Park Sangmin, had thought it is his paternal uncle initially without proper noticing)

183. @PHOTOKARMA 형 사진 너무 기대되네요, 보여주세요 어서!^^
@2010-10-19, 6:21 PM
English: @PHOTOKARMA Hyung really anticipating the photograph ne, faster reveal it!^^

184. 힘든하루였네 오늘은
@2010-10-19, 10:06 PM
English: What a hard day it was, today

185. 아이엠 김형준
@2010-10-20, 4:09 PM
(taiwan fanmeeting much?)

186. @JuandosCarlos 형 ! ^^
@2010-10-20, 5:15 PM
English: @JuandosCarlos Hyung ! ^^

187. @JuandosCarlos 운동끝나고 바로 콜하겠습니다.
@2010-10-20, 6:59 PM
English: @JuandosCarlos After I finish exercising I'll go to call you straight away.
(@JuandosCarlos tell him to call him as they arrange for time to go out together)

188. 내일은 패션쇼에서 멋진무대를 보여드리겠습니다.
@2010-10-21, 3:52 PM
English: I'll show a stage of brilliancy to you all tomorrow at the fashion show.

189. 룰루랄라~
@2010-10-21, 8:15 PM
English: Rooroo Rara~

190. 오늘은 멋진 패션쇼 무대에서 또다른 제모습을 보여드릴께요,
@2010-10-22, 1:42 PM
English: I'll present to you guys a different side to me in today's brilliant fashion show stage,

191. @90KKB 감사합니다. 김기범씨!
@2010-10-22, 4:34 PM
English: @90KKB Thank you. Kim Kibum ssi!
(@90KKB promotes for his fashion show)

192. 오늘의 하루도 마감해야겠군요,패션쇼에서 새로운 저의모습 어땠나요^^ 다들 고맙고 내일은 대만으로 출장갑니다. 굿밤
@2010-10-23, 11:48 PM
English: Gotta end off today's day soon, so, how was my new side shown in today's fashion show^^ Thanks everybody, will be making my trip to Taiwan tomorrow. Good night

193. 오늘은 대만가는날, 즐거운 팬미팅하고 돌아오겠습니다.
@2010-10-23, 9:58 AM
English: Today I go to Taiwan, I will return with a happy fanmeeting.

194. 슝슝~ 다녀올께요.
@2010-10-23, 10:07 AM
English: Shung shung~ Will return soon.
(sound of flying &o&)

195. 대만도착~ ^^
@2010-10-23, 1:07 PM
English: Arrived in Taiwan~ ^^

196. 오늘은 대만에서 팬미팅합니다~ 즐거운시간 보내고 올께요^^
@2010-10-24, 12:58 PM
English: Will be having my fanmeeting in Taiwan today~ Will return back happily ^^

197. 대만팬미팅 너무 즐겁게 너무 행복한 시간이었습니다. 항상 감사드리고, 항상 행복했으면 좋겠어요 모두들,, 굿나잇^^
@2010-10-25, 3:12 PM
English: The taiwan fanmeeting was a really very enjoyable and happy time spent. Thank you as always, it'd be really lovely if you all could stay happy all the time,, Good night^^

198. @zakkykim 내일 들어가요!^^
@2010-10-25, 3:31 AM
English: @zakkykim Going back tomorrow!^^

199. @zakkykim 너무 좋은팬미팅 이였어요,!!
@2010-10-25, 3:39 AM
English: @zakkykim It was a very enjoyable fanmeeting,!!

200. @zakkykim 형이 응원해주셔서죠 ^^
@2010-10-25, 4:07 AM
English: @zakkykim Must be because Hyung you cheered me on yeah ^^

201. @Estella816 제가 없으니 허전했지요?!
@2010-10-25, 11:44 AM
English: @Estella816 You're feeling something's left out because I'm not around right?!
(no she isn''s not her)

202. 대만에서 이제 돌아갑니다~ 집으로^^ 즐거운 일정이였어요~
@2010-10-25, 1:48 PM
English: I'm going to go back now from Taiwan~ Back to home^^ It was an enjoyable schedule~

203. 날씨가 정말 춥네요, 감기 조심하기^^
@2010-10-26, 3:14 PM
English: The weather's really cold ne, be careful of flu^^
(you bet! you take care first..)

204. 라디오가 끝나고 오늘은 푹 쉬어야 되겠어요, 감기조심 또 조심합시다^^
@2010-10-26, 6:04 PM
English: Finished my radio already, and will be going straight into rest for today, be careful and careful of flu ya^^

205. 오늘은 날씨가 조금 풀렸네요
@2010-10-27, 1:55 PM
English: The weather's slightly less cold today ne

206. @my7chan 자꾸 글달지마요!!^^ 네!?
@2010-10-27, 3:44 PM
English: @my7chan Don't keep leaving comments!!^^ Ne!?
(music high related)

207.@shp7575 소현누나 2주년 정말 축하해요^^ 최고최고에요~
@2010-10-27, 3:53 PM
English: @shp7575 So-hyun nuna totally congratulations on your 2nd anniversary^^ The best The best~

208. @my7chan 누구세요?
@2010-10-27, 3:59 PM
English: @my7chan Who's this?
(@my7chan pranks him saying he's a listener of Music high)

209. 힘든운동이다 역시!
@2010-10-27, 8:58 PM
English: Tough exercising, indeed!

210. 오늘도 바쁜일정이 끝나고 집으로 퇴근, 힘내야지
@2010-10-28, 10:15 PM
English: Today's busy schedule has had ended too, and is now heading for home, gotta work harder

211. 일본도착! 헤헤헤헤 다녀올께요
@2010-10-29, 3:28 PM
English: Arrived in Japan! heh heh heh heh will return soon

212. @PHOTOKARMA 잘다녀오세요 , 아 그리고 축하해요 형^^
@2010-10-29, 6:00 PM
English: @PHOTOKARMA Return safe and sound , ah by the way also, congrats hyung^^

213. @doc0102 ♥
@2010-10-29, 6:19 PM
English: @doc0102 ♥

214. 일본에서 뮤지컬 "카페인"을 관람했답니다~ 내가 설 무대를위해 더 잘만들어야겠다는 생각을하고 있어요. 그리고 열심히~ 야호
@2010-10-29, 9:12 PM
English: I've watched the musical "Cafein" in Japan already~ I'm really thinking of making my musical stage which I'm going to stand on a much better and awesome one. And of course, studiously~ Yahoo

215. 굿모닝 모두들~ 지금 일본은 비가 내리네요??
@2010-10-30, 10:44 AM
English: Good morning everyone~ It's raining in Japan now ne??

216. 무사히 한국에 돌아왔습니다~ 굿굿
@2010-10-30, 3:06 PM
English: Have arrived back in Korea safely already~Good good

217. 행복한일만 가득가득
@2010-11-01, 3:48 PM
English: Fill only happy matters

218. 오늘 김형준의 뮤직하이 , 보는라디오로 함께합니다~ 새벽두시엔 쭌이와 함께 합시다! Okay?
@2010-11-01, 7:26 PM
English: Today's Kim Hyungjun Music high, we'll be doing together with visible POD~ At 2AM in morning, let's be with Jjunee! Okay?
(you bet!!!!!!!!! USD 10,000)

219. 새벽2시 SBS 107.7 김형준의 뮤직하이 만세!
@2010-11-01, 7:26 PM
English: 2AM in the morning, SBS 107.7, Kim Hyungjun's Music High, Manse!

220. @Estella816 누나오세요~ 환영
@2010-11-02, 2:12 AM
English: @Estella816 Noona please come ahead~ Welcome
(asking her to go to music high)

221. 열심히 연습하자!!
2010-11-02, 6:07 PM
English: Let's practise together studiously!!

222. 오늘도 열심히 함께 해주신 우리 뮤지컬 "카페인"팀 항상 고맙고 감사해요~ 화이팅
@2010-11-02, 9:47 PM
English: Thanks to all our musical "Cafein" team members for working studiously together today, too, thank you~ Hwaiting

223. @musicalcafein 카페인 만세
@2010-11-04, 12:11 PM
English: @musicalcafein Cafein manseh
(yeah yeah manse manse)

224. @musicalcafein 천년묵은 산삼좀,,
@2010-11-04, 1:13 PM
English: @musicalcafein Just some thousand year old ginsu please,,

225. @musicalcafein 도라지 나 싫어해요! 그거말고 곱창 사주세요
@2010-11-04, 4:53 PM
English: @musicalcafein I don't like doraji! Please don't give that, but give some Gopchang instead
(doraji is those traditional chinese ballflowers that is used to treat illness and such)
(gopchang = pig intestines)

226. @musicalcafein 저도 참여할래요
@2010-11-05, 1:01 PM
English: @musicalcafein Shall I join in as well
(some cafein bus promo event - go to

227. @3rangka 화성이에요
@2010-11-05, 2:29 PM
English: @3rangka At Mars
(@3rangka asked him where he was at)

228. 와인과 와인잔 ~ 룰루랄라
@2010-11-05, 5:38 PM
English: Wine and the wine glass ~ Looloolala

229. @my7chan 당신이 찍으세요
@2010-11-05, 6:06 PM
English: @my7chan Please shoot it yourself
(@my7chan told him to shoot the bus)

230. @Hyejin0813 멋지지
@2010-11-05, 6:41 PM
English: @Hyejin0813 Handsome right
(@hyejin0813 tells him she saw his musical poster on the subway station walls)

231. 오랜만이에요 여러분~ 쪼꼬에요~ 얼마전 우리 큰오빠가 땡땡이 비옷을 사줬어요! 입고 한컷 찍어봤는데 , 나 어때요~?^^ 너무 부러워들 마세요. 난! 쪼꼬니까! 멍멍 ♥
@2010-11-06, 6:32 PM
English: It's been quite awhile everybody~ This is Choco~ Not long ago our eldest oppa bought a polka raincoat for me! Took a shot of myself wearing it , how's it~?^^ Don't be too envious of me please. I! Am Choco, which is why! meongmeong ♥
(meongmeong so act cute, huh? dont worry your trick will succeed once more)